

destiny:[英 [ˈdestəni] 美 [ˈdɛstəni] ]



destiny 基本解释


名词命运; 天命,天数; 命运的三女神; 主宰事物的力量

destiny 相关例句


1. Destiny is sometimes cruel.


2. destiny的意思

2. It was his destiny never to see her again.


destiny 网络解释

1. 命中注定:当爱可以感受到犹如魔力一样,你可以称之为命中注定(destiny当命运具有某种幽默感时,你可以叫它飞来好运(Serendipity). 他们擦肩而过,他们都犹豫了,是不是要放弃?是不是他们命中注定有缘无分呢?!这个时候已经由不得他们了,

destiny 双语例句

1. destiny

1. We've seen old hatreds pass, illusions of differences between people lift and fade away; we've seen the human destiny in the hands of more and more human beings who can shape their own destinies.


2. destiny的翻译

2. Who could have known when I opened my eyes I would see The dark angel of my destiny This must be some...gone What can I say, what can I do The rift between us stands We've lost our way Stop holding on Brother's...



3. It is one of our war aims, as expressed in the Atlantic charter, that the conquered populations of today be again the masters of their destiny


4. It desides his selection in literary style that his live engenders emotional experience for destiny and reflection on living.


5. Done well? I am awesome!One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.



6. This is the second time, during his studies on the penal question and damnation by law, that the author of this book has come across the theft of a loaf of bread as the point of departure for the disaster of a destiny.


7. And it recognizes recognize the disire of the Iraqi Iraqy people to take control of their own destiny.


8. To change one's miserable destiny and establish a happy state of life takes continual courageous faith.


9. The Society of Friends are optimistic about the purposes of God and the destiny of mankind.


10. Fortunately now everybody exert all over skill, changing oneself destiny hard.


11. destiny什么意思

11. Depending on the time when one begins spiritual practice, one can either avoid a destined illness like cancer altogether or substantially reduce its intensity, which is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of spiritual practice done in relation to the severity of destiny.


12. On St Andrews Day, 30 November 1996, the Stone of Destiny returned north of the border and amid much pomp and ceremony, was installed in Edinburgh Castle, taking its place alongside those other symbols of national identity, the Honours of Scotland.


13. This is your kingdome, this is your destiny.


14. destiny是什么意思

14. The man whose destiny it has been to preside for a quarter of a century.


15. The drama introduction during world war ii, the two FenChu opposing faction Germany scientific furniture, furniture polish science, the Heisenberg MiHui Boer war, the direct impact Copenhagen process and the destiny of mankind conversation contents is what?


16. destiny是什么意思

16. Help me, break destiny, get happiness, realize a fond dream.


17. destiny的解释

17. Is there something like fate, kismet①, destiny, God who makes a limitation beyond which you cannot be free?


18. Is there something like fate, kismet, destiny, God who makes a limitation beyond which you cannot be free?


19. destiny是什么意思

19. Our destiny offers not the cup of dispear, but the chalice of opportu.


20. He see at that time of society the productivity don't be to is prosperous, the material wealth isn't very abundant, promote to reduce expenses stanza to bury, the whole moderation in order to like, need not excessiveness waste, in managing home he lay claim to don't offend, still wise, break high and low and high or low grade boundary to appoint an able men, still together make public have unify of thought, unify not same, not durance human nature of of freedom development, but lay claim to one country inside have basic of unify of race believe in, at personal development top he lay claim to non- life, the person's destiny oneself should control, go to development oneself, perfect oneself, his non- life be the day life of opposite Confucianism to put forward of, day life's thinking the person's destiny be a God arrangement of okay, personal how effort all useless, this kind thought with profoundly durance human nature of freedom, bar person of development, rather than put forward of life then lay claim to people effort development oneself, pursue self-interest, control oneself of destiny.


destiny 词典解释

1. 命运

A person's destiny is everything that happens to them during their life, including what will happen in the future, especially when it is considered to be controlled by someone or something else.

e.g. We are masters of our own destiny...


e.g. It is my destiny one day to be king.


2. 天命;神意;命运之神

Destiny is the force which some people believe controls the things that happen to you in your life.

e.g. Is it destiny that brings people together, or is it accident?


destiny 单语例句

1. But then, he didn't know what destiny had in store.

2. She says it when they meet again by chance after they have been separated by destiny for 10 years.

3. Now a veteran, she's won a caseload of Grammys for her solo work and also with Destiny's Child.

4. As an important and basic tool to promote social equality and change individual destiny, the CEE system is generally regarded as a relatively fair system.

5. My mission is to change people's perspective so they can face their destiny.

6. Two days later the node and attached docking adapter will be moved to their permanent location on Destiny.

7. Eroding it is a dour powerlessness that is chipping away at the country's sturdy conviction that destiny can be commanded with sheer courage and perseverance.

8. In the Western tale of Cinderella, the appearance of the Prince was the turning point of the poor girl's destiny.

9. Symbolizing an iron made of crystal magnified 165 billion times over, the masterpiece sought to confront the destiny of man with scientific discovery.

10. We have established a state power of people's democratic dictatorship, with the Chinese people being the masters of their own destiny.

destiny 英英释义


1. an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future

Synonym: fate

2. the ultimate agency regarded as predetermining the course of events (often personified as a woman)

e.g. we are helpless in the face of destiny

Synonym: fate

3. your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)

e.g. whatever my fortune may be

deserved a better fate

has a happy lot

the luck of the Irish

a victim of circumstances

success that was her portion

Synonym: fortunefatelucklotcircumstancesportion