

flabby:[英 [ˈflæbi] 美 [ˈflæbi] ]


flabby 基本解释






flabby 相关例句


1. flabby的反义词

1. I became rather flabby after I stopped doing exercises regularly.


flabby 网络解释

1. 松弛的:Blade 刀刃 | Flabby 松弛的 | Precaution 警告

2. flabby是什么意思

2. 软弱的:flabbiness 软弱 | flabby 软弱的 | flabellate 扇状的

3. 未成熟黄麻:固著甕染料 fixing vat dye | 未成熟黃麻 flabby | 旗布,飾布 flag cloth

4. flabby的近义词

4. 皮肉松弛的:Brawny 结实的 | Flabby 皮肉松弛的 | Muscular 肌肉发达的

flabby 双语例句

1. Of well-known search engine collecting is to rely on a spider to undertake crawl, if your station space is flabby, often open very slow, the spider can cross your station, such spiders won't eat on your station fed, and the visit that still can bring about an user and experience, should not say to collect more, what I want to tell everybody is the visit that you want to maintain your website rate is rapid, such spiders can stand to yours generation is depended on, increase thereby collect and user experience.


2. flabby的反义词

2. We had dinner out in that broad open passage betwixt the house and the kitchen; and there was things enough on that table for seven families -- and all hot, too; none of your flabby, tough meat that's laid in a cupboard in a damp cellar all night and tastes like a hunk of old cold cannibal in the morning.


3. He was short and flabby and an obnoxious jerk, as far as I was concerned.


4. More insulting are flabby, which suggests loose flesh, and podgy, used especially of fingers and hands.


5. Se flesh, and podgy, used especially of fingers and hands.


6. flabby的解释

6. It has advantages of excellent analgesia flabby musculus pectoralis major, little pain, rapid recovery, few side effects and no mental harm to patients.


7. The patient takes hydrochloric acid 2 armour double guanidine piece 2 D appears namely nerve spirit is unusual symptom, systemic muscle quiver, hands or feet is spent gently shake large rope, walk shake, stand obstacle of flabby, thinking, absentminded, fretful angst, tinnitus, flustered, have a headache, dizziness.

患者服用盐酸二甲双胍片第2 d即出现神经精神异常症状,全身肌肉震颤、手脚轻度抖索、行走摇摆、站立不稳、思维障碍、精神恍惚、烦燥焦虑、耳鸣、心慌、头痛、头晕等。

8. flabby的反义词

8. Flabby: Promotion skin reachs pouch to amount to flabbily 95%.


9. That flabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our problem.


10. flabby的翻译

10. Senile patient skin is flabby, hypodermic and adipose little, vein is pettier the table is simple, because blood-vessel is stretch poor, end circulation is poor, vein is strong and fragile submit strong demand form.


11. So there is a vast difference between the quality of old people who have lived flabby, self-indulgent, useless lives.


12. So there is a vast difference between the quality of old people who have lived flabby, self-indulgent, useless lives, and the fiber of those who have sailed all seas and carried all cargoes as the servants of God and the helpers of their fellow men.


13. Can dirty mark within the clearance skin quickly and thoroughly, accept the tight flabby skin..


14. The coach of a famous Chinese olive team of American is handsome because of having serious the colour bar flabby, he decides the means that uses his will solve this problem.


15. flabby在线翻译

15. As the rapid development of contemporary biochemistry technology, new-style beautiful breast cosmetic is increasing also, apparent to beautiful breast effect biochemistry additive appears ceaselessly, if placenta extracts albumen of content, royal jelly, collagen, serum to wait, curative effect of product of these biology beautiful breast is apparent and safety does not have side-effect; Product of the natural plant that is a delegate with Chinese herbal medicine beautiful breast its characteristic is safety, effect good, cost is low; Have already in product of a few series can make make the same score pectoral ridgy abundant breast element, have again in the light of Female The bounce elite element with flabby, flagging breast, still have gel of be good at bosom, agent of sparge of be good at bosom.



16. As legend has it, Zen's founder, an Indian missionary to China named Bodhidharma, worried that too much seated meditation would make monks flabby. So he taught the monks in Shaolin a set of 18 exercises codified as'Yi Jin Jing, 'or'Muscle Change Instruction, 'many of them based on animal movements.


17. Additional value: to canthus, lip Angle, decrees grain flabby prolapse of skin also has good tightening effect.



18. All his corpulency had fled. His face was thin and pale, his hands white, his body flabby.


19. This responsiveness had nothing to do with that flabby impressionability which is dignified under the name of the `creative temperament`-it was an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person and which it is not likely I shall ever find again.


20. When Ramirez first began training him, the L. A. native was nothing more than a flabby club fighter who couldn't get signed by a major promoter.


flabby 词典解释

1. (人)肌肉松弛的,肥胖的

Flabby people are rather fat, with loose flesh over their bodies.

e.g. This exercise is brilliant for getting rid of flabby tums.


e.g. My bulging thighs and flabby stomach made me depressed.


2. 冗余的;杂乱的

If you describe something as flabby, you are criticizing it for being disorganized or wasteful.

e.g. You hear talk about American business being flabby.


flabby 单语例句

1. Johnson looked flabby but came into Saturday's fight with only one loss to John Ruiz and was widely considered a top 10 heavyweight contender.

2. Germany is also flexing its economic muscle, even though it has grown flabby of late.

3. A physical examination last weekend during a national team training camp in Guangzhou revealed that nine of the 22 outfield players were too flabby.

4. A foreigner hoping to learn Chinese is like a person with a flabby physique hoping to get in shape.

5. An enlarged human heart usually is caused by chronic high blood pressure or other ailments that leave it flabby and unable to pump well.

flabby 英英释义



1. out of condition

not strong or robust

incapable of exertion or endurance

e.g. he was too soft for the army

flabby around the middle

flaccid cheeks

Synonym: softflaccid