

peasant:[英 [ˈpeznt] 美 [ˈpɛzənt] ]



peasant 基本解释

名词农民; 农夫; 佃农; 粗俗的人


peasant 相关例句


1. Just before sunset the peasants quit laboring in the fields.


2. He is a real peasant.


peasant 网络解释

1. 农夫:他们把我当成一个落难而不得不和农夫们一起生活的愚蠢王子. 啊是的,我当然知道农夫(peasant)这个词是什么意思. 要命的是他们根本没意识到我根本就不是普通的男孩,从任何角度来说都不是.

peasant 双语例句

1. Peasant households sideline occupation economy always plays an important part in China which takes small farmers as main, in the period of Republic Of China, it plays an even greater function in the queasy country society.


2. Peasant household's sideline occupation economy always plays an important part in China which takes small farmers as main, in the period of Republic Of China, it plays an even greater function in the queasy country society.


3. The paper takes the social economy change of the district village as a research subject, drawing lessons from and making use of sociological methods, historical methods, economical methods and various ways and means, also gives attention on both sides of scientific views of development and modernization theories. It makes an investigation on all the general situation, types, characteristics, reasons of the peasant household's sideline occupation economy of Longyan country in republic of China, probes into it's influence to the country's society and economy development at that time and the apocalypse to today's country's economy development in west of Fujian.


4. peasant的解释

4. Instead of looking at the process in exclusive political-economic terms and from the urban standpoint, this course seeks to study interactively the rural and the global/modern interface, and inclusively in the terms of cultural development, focusing on the areas of concepts, histories, and theoretical perspectives concerning the emergence of peasantry and village, modernization and capitalization of agriculture, representations of trans-national or peasant workers (as inter-cultural intermediaries), residue of rural and communal culture from within the urban and global settings and its cleavage.


5. Incontestably, the history of peasant, including the well-to-do peasant, is an important part in process of English agricultural modernization and the whole social modernization.


6. But anyone in the Chinese countryside who can read and write is generally the son or daughter of, if not a landlord, at least a rich peasant or a middle farmer.


7. When making a rural land institutional decision, a peasant will principally take his economic benefit, fair-mindedness and insurance into account, which is course of the profound motivation that they have been aware of the inequalities in social status and power and future developing opportunity.


8. Under current laws, peasant farmers have mostly been given 30-year land use contracts that allow them to farm plots allocated by local party officials but make it very difficult to sell those contracts or use their land as collateral for loans.


9. I am indebted to you for my life, peasant."


10. At present, mainly there are agricultural law, land management lawed, law of land contract and so on. In addition, it is needed to revise and ensure the enactment of law for peasant's rights and interests such as the law of compulsory education.


11. In recent years, the accelerated pace of construction enterprises, the increase in the number of workers laid off, a large number of rural surplus labor into the construction field, peasant workers account for 60%, resulting in an increasingly complex labor relations, labor relations have become increasingly prominent, especially in arrears, the deduction for 134, 143 farmers particularly serious problem, which triggered the labor dispute cases and mass incidents has risen.


12. A sooty, sweating peasant lad was turning a joint of beef on a spit; he winced as the dripping fat made the flames sizzle.



13. In April 1928, Zhu De, Chen Yi led the preservation of the Nanchang Uprising Army led by Mao Zedong and the Autumn Harvest Uprising troops in Jinggangshan rendezvous, The formal establishment of the worker-peasant revolution of the Chinese Army 4th Army. On June 30, 1933, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission decided: Every year on August 1 for the Red Army Day.



14. Funnily, many writers like take themself as peasant, such as Faulkner in America and Moyan in china.


15. Outlaws of the Marsh is the famous saga novel in our country with the theme of peasant uprising.


16. In most parts of China`s rural areas, a homestead is a living of the peasant land courtyard.


17. peasant在线翻译

17. It is performed concretely as follows: the literature and art category concerned about movie and music; the disease category concerned about SARS and AIDS; the sports category concerned about the world champion and coach; the peasant category concerned about the ruling power and anti-corruption; the education category concerned about poor students and poor areas; the construction category concerned about the major issue on exploring the outer space; the war category concerned about the Sino-Japanese War; the public welfare category concerned about the philanthropy; the law category concerned about the how to stand up your own rights; the public security concerned about forbidding drug abuse; the disaster category concerned about earthquake; the economy category concerned about the super rich; the moral category concerned about upholding the moral models and the army category concerned about some special assignment.


18. Triangle Hill because of its strategically located and difficult terrain, easily defensible, it is vital importance military history, the Tang is not the military leader of peasant uprising Wang Chao, frustrated王仙芝war thousands of miles, came to this mountain分兵finishing a sweep Jiangnan, a North Changan check; Yuan Yijun no era generals, led by徐寿辉Jianghuai justice in this poly-Si-tsang; Qing Xian Hui-year period (1851-1861 AD), the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom King Yu-Cheng Chen, Heat昭寿Li, Chen Hong has been in this率兵built base Walled City and to re-Qing Xiang Huai strong, has well-preserved gate寨墙, nestled in the pine forests, and intermittent, has become historical monuments and witnessed the mountain and the stone base寨墙like to see people shouting and马嘶, continued to battle each other, vibration-day杀声ancient battlefields, Dayton is the exquisite feelings, however思古Health.


19. peasant

19. Leader of the peasant uprising of the late Tang Huang Chao-Jun, Wang Xianzhi fought Trinidad setbacks, Hill came to this dressing troops and horses, a sweep south of the Yangtze, one from North Changan; end of the Yuan Dynasty, led by the volunteer army generals Xushouhui Jianghuai meaning of this division has Poly; - Xianfeng years, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Wang Yu-Cheng Chen, Li Zhao Shou 24.38, in this Shuaibing Chenhongxu has built Walled City baseman, hit Qingbing Xiang Zhonghuai force has Qianqiang Shing Mun intact.


20. The one in Hsianghsiang told me, When there were no peasant associations, an average of sixty civil or criminal suits were brought to the county government each day


peasant 词典解释

1. 农民

A peasant is a poor person of low social status who works on the land; used of people who live in countries where farming is still a common way of life.

e.g. ...the peasants in the Peruvian highlands...


e.g. Chinese peasants farm their own plots.


peasant 单语例句

1. Peasant Niu Er's job is to protect the village dairy cow, which supplies milk for wounded Chinese soldiers.

2. He had a peasant quality that made up for his performing an art usually associated with a cultured elite.

3. The system divided the country into rural and urban areas and set strict limits on migration of peasant farmers to cities and towns.

4. Meanwhile, peasant farmers are encouraged to earn money with sideline production or working in the cities.

5. The major discovery was triggered by a peasant who stumbled upon a big earthenware near the later found ruins in Qianyang County.

6. But the surgery for advanced esophageal cancer on the father last year almost exhausted the meager savings of the peasant family.

7. Hui also underlined the respect fro and protection of migrant peasant workers'rights and interest, calling for canceling of urban discriminatory restrictions upon them.

8. On the morning of May 10, the Longmen Tourism Group received a telephone call from a peasant laborer.

9. Liu's peasant friends said the action was both heroic and effective, since the bosses were forced to pay the wages after the media and government intervened.

10. The trips to the hinterland to live with poor peasant farmers constitute part of the course study aimed at " gaining rural experiences ".

peasant 英英释义



1. a country person

Synonym: provincialbucolic

2. a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement

Synonym: barbarianboorchurlGothtyketike

3. one of a (chiefly European) class of agricultural laborers