

dwindle:[英 [ˈdwɪndl] 美 [ˈdwɪndl] ]


过去式:dwindled;   过去分词:dwindled;   现在分词:dwindling;

dwindle 基本解释

不及物动词减少,变小,缩小; 衰落,变坏,退化


dwindle 相关例句


1. Failing health dwindles ambition.


2. Failing health dwindled ambition.



1. dwindle在线翻译

1. Hopes for their safety dwindled.


2. dwindle

2. His wealth dwindled into nothing.


3. His fortune dwindled to a few hundred pounds.


dwindle 网络解释

1. 缩小:Dwight Eisenhower 艾森豪威尔 | dwindle 缩小 | Dy 镝

2. (随风而逝) 减少:consummate 成就 完成 sum 和 (共同完成一个事情的和) | dwindle (随风而逝) 减少 | haphazard 偶然的 随便的


3. 减少:scorch#烘焦;烧焦 | dwindle#减少 | relinquish#放弃

4. dwindle在线翻译

4. 缩小,萎缩:budge v. 编预算 | dwindle 缩小,萎缩 | unsustainable 不能维持下去

dwindle 双语例句

1. The result shows that Ce~(3+)has little effect on electric current efficiency, howerver, the dispersion and the cathodic polarizing ability are improved. The crystal grain of the nikel electroplate dwindle in sice are dense, the nike...


2. But it seems scrutiny of the CIA's activities in Europe is unlikely to dwindle.


3. Its streams shall become foul, and the canals of Egypt shall dwindle and dry up.


4. dwindle

4. In that day there will be no light; the luminaries will dwindle.


5. dwindle

5. The very idle rumour of fellow-creatures so wonderfully gifted makes me dwindle in my own estimation to the size of a gnat.


6. dwindle在线翻译

6. The very idle rumour of fellow creatures so wonder fully gifted makes me dwindle in my own estimation to the size of a gnat.


7. dwindle

7. 6Mm, width is about 0.15mm; When the sludge begin to acclimate to the nitrous nitrifying conditions, bacillar flocculation gradually dwindle and decomposition, still disperse into little flocculation.


8. A wind from the west furls the curtain; I dwindle, thin as a golden flower.


9. dwindle

9. But with more job hunts lasting longer than half a year, backup funds can dwindle, and you will have to make more and more toughfinancial choices.



10. But behold, when the time cometh that they shall dwindle in unbelief, after they have received so great blessings from the hand of the Lord—having a knowledge of the creation of the earth, and all men, knowing the great and marvelous works of the Lord from the creation of the world; having power given them to do all things by faith; having all the commandments from the beginning, and having been brought by his infinite goodness into this precious land of promise—behold, I say, if the day shall come that they will reject the Holy One of Israel, the true Messiah, their Redeemer and their God, behold, the judgments of him that is just shall rest upon them.


11. This pattern process procedure realizes the basic operation to the grey level picture, such as the opening of the picture, Close, Save; Basic treatment of the picture, picture Move for instance, Mirror, Enlarge, Dwindle, Displacement, Rotate, Inverse, Smoothing, Increment/Reduce bright degree, Edge couter, Gray handles, etc.


12. dwindle的反义词

12. This pattern process procedure realizes the basicoperation to the grey level picture, such as the opening of thepicture, Close, Save; Basic treatment of the picture, pictureMove for instance, Mirror, Enlarge, Dwindle, Displacement, Rotate, Inverse, Smoothing, Increment/Reduce bright degree, Edge couter, Gray handles, etc.


13. As the developing instrument. This pattern process procedure realizes the basic operation to the grey level picture, such as the opening of the picture, Close, Save; Basic treatment of the picture, picture Move for instance, Mirror, Enlarge, Dwindle, Displacement, Rotate, Inverse, Smoothing, Increment/Reduce bright degree, Edge couter, Gray handles, etc.


14. Savings will begin to dwindle as retirees run them down.


15. The final choice was then made by the members who dwindle it down to the final five.


16. dwindle的翻译

16. You see, I don't really share Barrie's gloomy take on life: That we are born happy and dwindle down to unhappiness as we get older, and that life is perfect at three, but sadder with each passing year.


17. dwindle

17. But as you have experienced time and time again, your willpower will dwindle a few weeks down the road and drag your commitment down with it, leaving you with your old ways… if not worse!



18. Mila and Oa have watched their bank account dwindle down to almost nothing as they plan ahead each year and book their conference space.

在前方每年计划并预订会议场地时,Mila 和 Oa 看着自己的银行帐户渐减到几乎空空如也。

19. dwindle是什么意思

19. I took my darling to Italy, and we lived there in splendid style as long as my two thousand pounds lasted; but when that began to dwindle down to a couple of hundred or so, we came back to England, and as my darling had a fancy for being near that tiresome old father of hers, we settled at the watering-place where he lived.


20. Decision and implementation of development of western regions, indicate point to and regional great adjustment of economic policy, economic layout of China, , Regional coordinated development, dwindle regional gap of development progressively, as important guilding principle of economic development, Bring regional structural adjustment into economic structure strategical reajustment one, make and quicken the development of eastern area and accelerate Midwest development conbining together kind of regional economy.


dwindle 词典解释

1. (数量上)减少,缩小

If something dwindles, it becomes smaller, weaker, or less in number.


e.g. The factory's workforce has dwindled from over 4,000 to a few hundred...

工厂雇员总数已经从 4,000 多人减少到几百人。

e.g. Exports are dwindling and the trade deficit is swelling...


dwindle 单语例句dwindle的反义词

1. But as the election nears, both Obama and rival John McCain saw their cash on hand dwindle.

2. But it is a late comer among major exchanges'race to Beijing to lure Chinese offerings as IPOs elsewhere dwindle.

3. The Swiss bank saw its commodities trading revenues dwindle sharply in the third quarter and said that it will scale back its investment banking businesses.

4. But in early 2010, benefits from the stimulus began to dwindle.

5. The surplus that India will export will dwindle even as the US works harder to retain the talent that eventually comes its way.

6. Audiences typically dwindle for the later encounters and the vice presidential debate, which will be next Tuesday.

7. After they are shuttered, the number of Sony's global plants will dwindle from 57 last year to 49.

8. The comparatively small reserves of oil and gas would dwindle even faster, in 15 years and 30 years respectively.

9. " Conditions facing small exporters will be even worse next year if orders continue to dwindle, " he said.

10. As the years pass Rose watches her looks dwindle and her addiction to alcohol intensify.

dwindle 英英释义



1. become smaller or lose substance

e.g. Her savings dwindled down

Synonym: dwindle awaydwindle down