

doctorate:[英 [ˈdɒktərət] 美 [ˈdɑ:ktərət] ]



doctorate 基本解释


名词博士学位; 博士头衔

doctorate 相关例句


1. He earned his doctorate in philosophy.


doctorate 网络解释

1. 博士学位:博士学位(doctorate)的概念后来被引入中世纪的欧洲,作为在大学教书的执业许可. 在此意义上,博士培养是作为一种行会的学徒培养形式存在的. 传统上,一个新教师被允许进入人文教授(Masters of Arts)的同会中需要七年的学习,

2. doctorate在线翻译

2. 博士:博士(Doctorate) 原则上说,德国大学的任何一个专业都可以招收博士生. 博士生的资格取决於优异的大学学习成绩. 在德国之外获得学位的学生是否有资格攻读博士学位,通常决定於大学的学院或系. 此外,你必须要找到一位愿意指导你学业的教授(德国人称博士之父,

3. 博士头衔:masters degree 硕士学位 | doctorate 博士头衔 | B.A. / Bachelor of Arts degree 文学学士学位

4. doctorate的翻译

4. 博士头衔,博士学位:7. patronize 资助,光顾,惠顾 | 8. doctorate 博士头衔,博士学位 | 9. better off 景况较佳;更有余裕

doctorate 双语例句

1. There will be two separate awards, one for a master's degree and one for a doctorate degree graduate.


2. At the bookish assembly hosted by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying on October 16, Miss Yu Hui-fen presented the first report on the Tips for Taking Notes Successfully written by Kimihiro Yoneyama, a doctorate in neurology. In the book, Yoneyama introduced the correlations among writing, taking notes and the brain, and pointed out that we could train our brain and promote brain activity by recording ideas with notes.


3. doctorate的近义词

3. Gil received a Doctorate of Optometry from Centro Escolar University.

Gil 从 Centro Escolar 大学荣获验光博士学位。

4. It was granted the master's degree authorization in the first batch of the whole country by the degree committee of the State Council in 1981, and it obtained the doctorate arthorization


5. The authors received an attractive glass trophy and 500 pounds that were given to Aurelio Gonzalez-Villasenor who carried out most of the research for the paper for his doctorate thesis.


6. He later went on to earn a degree from Harvard University and a doctorate from the University of Leipzig.


7. He holds a doctorate of law from McGill University and a MBA from University of Sherbrooke.


8. The technology is well-known by the United States led a biology doctorate program Johnpeter Dr. years experience of successful high-tech research results.


9. doctorate的意思

9. The company has by and deputy senior technical titles and a doctorate master's degree in composition of the staff.


10. She has a doctorate in Political Science from the University of Illinois.


11. There are 10 professors, 23 assistant professors, 22 directors of the Doctorate and the Master Degree.



12. At the request of the archdiocese, he completed his liscense and doctorate in theology at the Gregorian University.


13. Doctorate in Business Administration, Fudan, China



14. Qiu Jing☆, Studying for doctorate, Department of Pathology, Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou 221002, Jiangsu Province, China

邱 静☆,女,1979年生,江苏省建湖县人,汉族,徐州医学院在读博士,主要从事肿瘤病理学的研究。

15. Do you wish your application to be assessed against the criteria for grant of subclass 574 Masters and Doctorate visa?


16. So do I, though my midlife quest for a doctorate leaves me little time for eithe r playing or watching.


17. Right now I am gearing towards my doctorate degree in the Faculty of Education at Kasetsart University.


18. doctorate的近义词

18. Chulabhorn are three of King of Thailand princess, in 1979 graduated from the Department of Chemistry, Kasetsart University, Thailand in 1985 obtained a doctorate in Organic Chemistry玛希敦University.


19. Even more amazing is this: the population of hundreds of villages have been out of the Reform Movement of the Restoration to Reform, tree-wu of the late Qing Dynasty, China's first doctorate in mechanical, anti-Japanese public will and national educators.


20. Visit abroad to visit school projects, the Provincial Department of Education to support you went to school visits, as a visiting scholar at and visit the school for one year within the approved funding 120, 000 yuan (doctorate in special funds expenses).


doctorate 词典解释

1. 博士学位

A doctorate is the highest degree awarded by a university.

e.g. He obtained his doctorate in Social Psychology.


doctorate 单语例句

1. Li was awarded his doctorate last month by the Renmin University of China.

2. Zhang himself returned to China in 1996, after earning a doctorate in ecology from the University of Cambridge.

3. Now she is pursuing a doctorate in economics and serves as a member of the International Olympic Committee's Athletes Commission.

4. Some agencies that help Chinese study overseas are seeing leading US universities make a record number of admission offers for doctorate programs this year.

5. Researchers with doctorate in China's enterprise researchand development bodies count less than 10 percent, compared with the usual ratio of 60 percent in western countries.

6. The assistance will let her avoid draining her parents'money while she works for five years on a doctorate degree.

7. After obtaining his law degree in 1971 he went on to receive his doctorate degree in the field from the Universidad del Salvador.

8. He received a doctorate degree from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2008.

9. Researchers with doctorate in China's enterprise research and development bodies count less than 10 percent, compared with the usual ratio of 60 percent in western countries.

10. Some have obtained doctorate or master's degrees and have returned to take up teaching posts at seminaries and convents in China.

doctorate 英英释义


1. one of the highest earned academic degrees conferred by a university

Synonym: doctor's degree