

join:[英 [dʒɔɪn] 美 [dʒɔɪn] ]


过去式:joined;   过去分词:joined;   现在分词:joining;

join 基本解释

及物/不及物动词加入; 参加; 连接; 联结

及物动词参与; 结合; 上(火车、飞机等); 上(路)

名词连接; 结合; 接合处; 接合点

join 同义词

动词put togetherclaspattachconnectunitelinkannexcombinefastencouple


join 反义词


join 相关词组

1. join in : 参加, 加入;

2. join up : 联合起来;


join 相关例句


1. join

1. Will you join me in a walk?


2. join的近义词

2. Tie a knot to join those two pieces of rope.


3. join的意思

3. I'll persuade him to join our club.



1. join的意思

1. The two estates join at the foot of the hill.



1. There's a join in this piece of material.


join 情景对话


A:Why don’t you join us?


B:I think it’s a lovely idea.




B:Sounds (nice/ exciting/ thrilling).



A:You’re welcome to join me if you want.



A:Why don’t you join us?


B:No, really. I’m not in the mood for it.


join 网络解释

1. 连接:连接 Visual FoxPro 支持 ANSI SQL 92 连接 (Join) 语法,通过比较两个或多个表中的字段,将它们的记录连接到一起,生成查询. 例如,内部连接 (inner join) 是将两个表中连接字段 (joined field) 值相同的记录选取到查询中.


2. 联接::是关系的横向结合 联接(Join) 是关系的横向结合,关系模式改变了,是多个关系的关系模式的组合. : 联接的结果是多个关系中满足条件的元组. 联接的结果是多个关系中满足条件的元组.

3. 参加:4、点多人游戏后,发起者要选择建立()游戏,其他人选择参加(Join)游戏. 2、自动准确判定新病毒:分布在操作系统的众多探针,动态监视所运行程序调用各种应用编程接口(api)的动作,自动分析程序动作之间的逻辑关系,自动判定程序行为的合法性,

join 双语例句

1. In a few moments he would join her and at that time would express his undying love and devotion.


2. We are expecting more talents to join us.


3. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different Join hands with one another and come to me.


4. The rent is too high. I have to join in with another one to rent the room.



5. It made felicity to join in the history transition of a country—by


6. Hemingway once recounted receiving an offer from a woman who would happily bankroll his return to Africa provided she could join him on safari.


7. If the organization has not approved my request to join the party, I would like to move closer to party organizations, to actively report on the organization's thinking of the individual activities, work, study and become an exemplary life, do our own work, so that the organization had told me in a deeper, more Scrutiny.


8. On assuming office, Lu asked me to join his government.


9. Smooth exquisite, the moisturizer is good, the quality of menbrane is soft, toughness is greatly strengthened, the proportion of join padding is especially big.


10. My wife would be glad to join your wife for tea.


11. All YASMIN subscribers invited to join in the discussion.


12. Ling Chá about to join hands with the more thorough question-Galaxy.


13. join的翻译

13. Based on monoid comprehension, we presented an extendable object query translation algorithm which can deal with nested subquery, query with existential and universal quantifier, query with aggregate function, query with sort/group. This algorithm converted the query into joins to the utmost to expect different physical implementations of join to raise execution efficiency.


14. There would be a great rejoicing, because they all had insight into the heavenly realm, and the spirit would join with the angels that came down to meet it.


15. join的意思

15. I can`t join you because I have to help my mom on weekdays.


16. join的近义词

16. Join the poly acrylic resin or chloridizing polypropyrene, and so on can improve the business card printing HDpE and membership card making sex is based on their miscibility with HDpE is poor for the HDPE as blends of dispersed and home ownership scheme flats open film surface, obviously beneficial to bond with ink.


17. I want to join the Students'Union, she was the directer of me.


18. Can I join the Students'Union?


19. The fundamental choice about an antiballistic missile or supersonic transport is whether or not the thing is going to join society as a piece of its operating equipment.



20. Go and join the back of the queue.


join 词典解释

1. (人或交通工具)加入…之中,与…一道去,与…会合

If one person or vehicle joins another, they move or go to the same place, for example so that both of them can do something together.


e.g. His wife and children moved to join him in their new home...


e.g. The two policemen were joined by another policeman also carrying a pistol.


2. 加入(组织或机构);成为…的一员;参加

If you join an organization, you become a member of it or start work as an employee of it.

e.g. He joined the Army five years ago...


e.g. She joined a dance company which took her around the world.


3. 参与(活动)

If you join an activity that other people are doing, you take part in it or become involved with it.

e.g. Telephone operators joined the strike and four million engineering workers are also planning action...


e.g. The pastor requested the women present to join him in prayer...


4. 加入(队伍);排(队)

If you join a queue, you stand at the end of it so that you are part of it.

e.g. Make sure you join the queue inside the bank.


5. 连接;接合

To join two things means to fix or fasten them together.

e.g. The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain.


e.g. ...the conjunctiva, the skin which joins the eye to the lid.


6. (线、小路等)连接,贯通

If something such as a line or path joins two things, it connects them.

e.g. It has a dormer roof joining both gable ends...


e.g. The car parks are joined by a footpath.


7. (道路或河流)会合,汇合,交汇

If two roads or rivers join, they meet or come together at a particular point.

e.g. Do you know the highway to Tulsa? The airport road joins it.


e.g. ...Allahabad, where the Ganges and the Yamuna rivers join.


8. 连接处;接合点;接头;接缝

A join is a place where two things are fastened or fixed together.

9. join forces -> see force

to join the ranks -> see rank

相关词组:join injoin up

join 单语例句

1. " About 1 million new subscribers join our website every month, " Reardon says in a statement to China Business Weekly.

2. Mandelson earlier told the Xinhua News Agency that the EU would not join the US in its WTO action against China over piracy.

3. Canada's proposals offered vague, noncommittal language by which Washington would join only in a " dialogue " to " explore " cooperative action.

4. Bush ordered his Cabinet secretaries to join in a comprehensive review of the government's faulty response.

5. He ordered all cabinet secretaries to join in a comprehensive review of the government's faulty response.

6. " We call on other bilateral creditors to join our decision, " the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

7. He also called on the youths to establish a political party and to join the dialogue.

8. He called for compatriots across the Taiwan Straits to join hands and eliminate disturbances to the process.

9. Being a young environmental protection campaigner, he would encourage more people to join him.

10. Tourists can join the local people to dance around a campfire on the first day they arrive in Lijiang.

join 英英释义


1. a set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets

e.g. let C be the union of the sets A and B

Synonym: unionsum

2. the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made

Synonym: articulationjointjuncturejunction


1. make contact or come together

e.g. The two roads join here

Synonym: conjoin

2. cause to become joined or linked

e.g. join these two parts so that they fit together

Synonym: bring together

3. become part of

become a member of a group or organization

e.g. He joined the Communist Party as a young man

Synonym: fall inget together

4. come into the company of

e.g. She joined him for a drink

5. be or become joined or united or linked

e.g. The two streets connect to become a highway

Our paths joined

The travelers linked up again at the airport

Synonym: connectlinklink upunite