

dyslexia:[英 [dɪsˈleksiə] 美 [dɪsˈlɛksiə] ]


dyslexia 基本解释


dyslexia 网络解释

1. 诵读困难:SNP 芯片找到的 AMD 相关基因 CFH 就在 1q31 区域 .卡洛琳斯卡研究所:将在未来五年利用表达谱芯片和 SNP 芯片技术研究动脉硬化 (atherosclerosis), 乳腺癌 (breast cancer), 风湿性关节炎 (rheumatoid arthritis), 哮喘 (asthma) 和诵读困难 ( dyslexia) 以求得疾病的诊断

2. 难语症:聚焦--借着效果强大的双脑同步讯号,以及为学习之聚焦、高峰表现与创造性而设计之音乐,是任何需要聚焦与集中精神之脑力工作的完美辅助工具,亦可用于帮助ADD/ADHD(注意力缺失及失调)、难语症(dyslexia)及其它学习上的挑战.

3. 阅读障碍:有充足的证据提示脂肪酸的缺乏或失平衡某种程度上能也可能导致成人精神障碍或神经系统功能障碍,也可导致几种常见和重叠的儿童期神经发育障碍,包括注意力-缺陷/活动过度障碍(ADHD),阅读障碍(dyslexia),动用障碍(dyspraxia)等等发育协调性障碍疾病(DCD),

dyslexia 双语例句

1. There is no cure but people with dyslexia can still be successful learners.


2. dyslexia

2. If you think that you have dyslexia, then it is recommended that you take a test.



3. Dyslexia is one of problems in your education.


4. This is another one of the most common symptoms that dyslexia can present.


5. There is no cure, but people with dyslexia can still be successful learners.



6. In the course of reading a foreign language in most of dyslexia is caused by the language.


7. For example, a person who has difficulty reading may have dyslexia.


8. Training, sensory integration training, whole-person 4Q training, dyslexia training


9. There were more than 800 hrs` professional training, according to regulation from Hong Kong Social Worker Registration Broad(including service for single elderly, marginal youth, suicide case, low-income/ outlier, domestic violence, dyslexia, and volunteer training), and offered over 400 hrs`direct service with clients, when receiving 100 hrs`one-to-one professional supervising, and become registed social worker in Hong Kong

严格依据香港社会工作者注册局(Hong Kong Social Worker Registration Broad)制定条例,进行超过800小时专业实习(服务领域包括独居老人、边缘青少年、自杀个案、低收入/露宿者、家庭暴力、学习障碍、义工发展),提供400小时与服务对象接触的直接服务,接受100小时1对1专业督导,并成为香港合法持照社会工作者;同时按照中文大学社工系课程安排以实务工作和理论为主题撰写硕

10. Studies of developmental dyslexia structure image found that development dyslexia showed brain structure abnormal in the parietotemporal region, occipitotemporal cortex, inferior frontal gyrus, and cerebellum et al, manifesting either in one specific area or by the asymmetry of one area; the functional image studies revealed that development dyslexia showed activity abnormal in most regions that proved to display structure abnormality; studies of brain functional connectivity demonstrates that the abnormality of development dyslexia happened not only in the connection between front-back part in one cerebral hemisphere, but also in the connection between the two hemispheres.


11. Previous studies have found several chromosome areas that influence dyslexia. These chromosome areas are located on chromosome 1, 2, 3, 6, 15, 18 and chromosome X. A recent study reported a gene located in l5q21 and this is the first candidate gene for dyslexia.



12. Especially specially trained educators can teach people with dyslexia different ways to learn.


13. The list of myelin-related pathologies is long and, Bartzokis believes, includes multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's as well as a wider range of conditions, like schizophrenia, dyslexia, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism, all of which can be understood as disorders of impulse timing.


14. Others include prosopagnosia (the inability to recognise faces; until recently it was thought this condition only arose through injury), dyscalculia, dyslexia, amusia and specific language impairment.


15. If you are cross-eyed and have dyslexia, can you read all right?


16. If you are cross-eyed and have dyslexia, can you read allright?


17. Dyslexia can manifest itself in a lot of different ways.


18. Those organisations we studied with female chief executives-Dyslexia Action, London Stock Exchange, Sara Lee and Pearson, ownerof the Financial Times - all have more women at senior levels, anda greater uptake of flexible working, job-share and networksthanthose led by men.


19. Adult Dyslexia Late Diagnosis: Is There Still Hope?


20. While learning to read, children with dyslexia may not recognize letters or connect them with their sounds.


dyslexia 词典解释

1. 诵读困难;阅读困难

If someone suffers from dyslexia, they have difficulty with reading because of a slight disorder of their brain.


dyslexia 单语例句

1. Orlando Bloom has spoken about his " ongoing struggle " with dyslexia.

2. Chances are, those few words are enough to recognize who's speaking - perhaps unless you have dyslexia.

3. The volunteers correctly identified the Chinese speakers only about half the time, regardless of whether they had dyslexia.

4. Looking back on his own experience, he encourages those with dyslexia to rise to the challenge.

5. Proceeds will benefit the writers'association English PEN and a dyslexia charity.

6. Orlando is not the only celebrity to have spoken about suffering from dyslexia.

7. Dyslexia is thought to affect thousands of people who can have great difficulty reading and writing.

8. That provides further evidence of dyslexia's strong link to phonological impairment.

dyslexia 英英释义



1. impaired ability to learn to read