

married:[英 [ˈmærid] 美 [ˈmærid] ]



married 基本解释

形容词已婚的; 与…结为夫妻的; 婚姻的


动词嫁; 娶; (使)结婚( marry的过去式); 紧密结合的


married 同义词




married 反义词


married 相关例句


1. Her married life was exceptionally happy.


2. Is she married?


3. married

3. He's married to his work.


married 网络解释

1. 已婚:在澳大利亚填写履历表时婚姻状况一栏常设五个选项:单身(SINGLE),已婚(MARRIED),离婚(DIVORCED),分居(SEPARATED),同居(DEFACTO),最后一项为同居或译为事实婚姻.

2. married在线翻译

2. 结婚了:- Handsome.|当然 | - Married?|结婚了 | - Single.|没有

married 双语例句

1. Rufus: Look, Bex, I was married for almost 20 years

听我说 Bex ,我的婚姻维持了20年。

2. This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.



3. He was married to a friend of mine.


4. married

4. Gunshy:迟疑 All his freinds kept telling my borther bill that he ought to get married again, but he is gunshy about having another wife after his first marriage turned out so badly


5. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, who bore him three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith.


6. married什么意思

6. Shen Huan, female, Jiangsu, foreign trade and economic elite universities, Gao Xiaosong's ex-wife, married in 1999 and Gao Xiaosong, Gao Xiaosong three-year-old was about, it is career peak.


7. married是什么意思

7. How I should like to be married before any of you; and then I would chaperon you about to all the balls.

她 说,丽萃要是嫁给柯林斯先生就好了,我可不觉得那会有多大的趣味。

8. Since the sixth grade, we had spent hours and days cutting out horse pictures for our walls, fantasizing of being grow, married and owning horse ranches side by side and doing nothing but riding to our hearts'content.


9. married的翻译

9. It should be noted that Princess Alexandra of Fife later married Prince Arthur of Connaught, a first cousin of Princess Louise.


10. Remediation after a good sleep Jiang, Yu-shun jiangdong also under the Jiangzhou area'smarry married, gave birth to a son named Kai.


11. Besides announcing that he was a married man, he also hoped to receive the best wishes from his fans.


12. The couple were married on June 19, 1942, just sfter her 16th birthday.


13. married在线翻译

13. My husband is 54 years old, and we have been together 14 years and married for eight.


14. After couples have been married for a while and especially when the baby is born, spouses often get the notion that the hunt is over. They stop trying to make themselves attractive and stimulating.


15. Gift Details: Have one kind of love, shout make an appointment a lifetime; Have a kind of is romantic, shout a married couple love and respect each other for life.


16. If I hadn't married Martin I never w ould have bought the house with the dead tree.


17. married的意思

17. Next to being married, a girl likes to be crossed in love a little now and then.


18. married什么意思

18. Well, one of my best friends is getting married this Sunday. I am going to be her bridesmaid.


19. Q: Some say you are married to Enrique Iglesias, some say you aren't. What's the truth about that relationship?


20. I'm engaged to be married, and so far all I know about you is...


married 词典解释

1. 结婚的;已婚的

If you are married, you have a husband or wife.

e.g. We have been married for 14 years...


e.g. She is married to an Englishman.


2. 婚姻的;夫妇的

Married means relating to marriage or to people who are married.


e.g. For the first ten years of our married life we lived in a farm-house.


3. 献身(于…)的;致力(于…)的

If you say that someone is married to their work or another activity, you mean that they are very involved with it and have little interest in anything else.

e.g. She was a very strict Christian who was married to her job...


e.g. I have little time for women because I'm married to my cricket, so I'm leaving the arrangements to my sister.


married 单语例句

1. She married a Japanese man and left show business and left Taiwan.

2. Hailed by critic Bai Ye as " probably the best Chinese novel on extramarital affairs ", the book tells of a single businesswoman and a married university professor.

3. She was a single party girl when she wrote Sex and the City, but is now a powerful businesswoman who married in 2002.

4. Even getting married while studying at university is no longer blocked by the new regulation released by the Ministry of Education.

5. Then they would be free to choose a happy and easy way to get married instead of being bound by tradition.

6. They are also under tremendous pressure from relatives and families as getting married and having children are practically required by tradition.

7. Some married couples are overwhelmed by the crowds of " robbers " at their offices and are concerned that the lucky money tradition is turning sour.

8. And while Beijingers may take their time getting married, many quickly call it quits.

9. A married couple in Cambodia who had " finally had enough " of each other have gone their separate ways by literally cutting their home in half.

10. " I'm very excited but I'm married so I can look but not touch, " she smiled.

married 英英释义


1. a person who is married

e.g. we invited several young marrieds



1. joined in matrimony

e.g. a married man

a married couple

2. of or relating to the state of marriage

e.g. marital status

marital fidelity

married bliss

Synonym: maritalmatrimonial