
run into是什么意思_run into用法和例句

run into:[英 [rʌn ˈɪntuː] 美 [rʌn ˈɪntu] ]

run into是什么意思

run into 基本解释

快速进入…; (使)碰撞; 驱车造访…; 加起来

run into什么意思

run into 相关例句


1. run into的翻译

1. The bus got out of control and ran into a wall.


2. run into在线翻译

2. I ran into an old friend in a pub.


run into 网络解释

1. 撞上,偶然碰见:run for竞选 | run into撞上,偶然碰见 | run off复印,打印

2. run into

2. 偶然碰见:start off 开始 | run into 偶然碰见 | play against 同......比赛

3. 跑进;偶然遇到;共计:run for 竞选,追查,探究 | run into 跑进;偶然遇到;共计 | run off (使)逃跑;复制

4. run into的解释

4. 偶然碰见;遭遇(困难等共计,达到...之多;撞在...上:run down 撞倒;说...坏话,贬低;停止运转,耗尽;减少,缩减;查找出,搜索到 | run into 偶然碰见;遭遇(困难等共计,达到...之多;撞在...上 | run off 很快写出;复印出,印出;跑掉,逃掉

run into 双语例句

1. run into的反义词

1. I don't want Ichigo and Rukia to confess their love and run off into the sunset, namely because it's out of character and their intense connection, their relationship of mutual understanding and support is what I love so much about them, I don't see the need to throw romance into the mix.


2. run into

2. You run right into it if you can't stop in time.


3. Here is a situation that at least a few people have run into before.


4. run into什么意思

4. Run one spud through your food processor[00:44.51]and stuff the raw mash into a piece of cheesecloth.


5. run into的翻译

5. What a shock to run into you here.



6. Occasionally, you'll run into a downloaded file which needs to be decompressed or un - zip ped before installation.


7. His face wore the look of concentrated and happy determination, which may be seen in a man who in a hot day takes the final run before a header into the water.


8. I know some human beings who don't have that skill and regularly run me into lamp posts.


9. If they run into each other in a foreign country, they will immediately be close friends.

如果 他们在一个陌生的国度相遇,她们将会立刻变成很好的朋友。

10. So only when you run into the embrace of nature all by yourself, like a naked child running to the embrace of his mother, will you know what a happy soul is. You will then realize how happy it is just to be living, to merely breathe, to merely walk, to merely open your eyes to see or prick up your ears to hear.


11. So only when you run into the embrace of nature by yourself, like a naked child running to the embrace of his mother, only then you'll know what a soul's delight is like, how happy it is just to live, what a bliss it is to merely breathe, merely walk, merely opening your eyes to see and prick up your ears to hear.


12. I'm so happy to finally run into you again.


13. run into的翻译

13. Tour guide told us not to run into the forest, because there were bears, snakes and savages.


14. In practice the constructors will run into some problems, but these are usually small.


15. run into

15. Methods Sixteen SD male rats were divided randomly into two groups: control group(8) and exercising group(8). Exercising group took repeating exhausting run on the treadmill for one week.



16. Oleksiy Haran, a political science professor at Kiev's Mohyla University, says: If worsens, if more banks run into trouble, and if more layoffs pile up, then I would expect large crowds to materialise.


17. run into是什么意思

17. The main topic of this paper is to discuss how to decompose the general long-run development strategy of our hospital into detailed and balanced targets by applying the BSC in the management of our hospital.


18. The following factors will lead to the burst of the bubble and result the downturn of the market: House prices stop rising or start falling More economic austerity measures - eg sharp interest rate hikes and introduction of capital gain tax The market becomes concerned about an economic hard landing A sharp rise in the mortgage default rate Some property companies run into financial difficulties The continuous recovery since 2000 has instilled a bullishness among buyers and developers, which in turn is creating a bubble in both demand and supply as house prices move beyond the reach of genuine buyers and future completions continue to rise rapidly.

以下几个因素将导致泡沫之爆破:住宅价格停止上升或开始下降进一步的经济调控措施–例如利率急剧提高和引进资本利得税市场关注经济硬着陆按揭贷款违约率的急剧上升某些房地产公司陷入财务危机 2000年以来的持续复苏已在购房人和开发商心目中形成了持续上涨的观念,当房价上涨超过当地真实买房人的购买力和未来竣工量快速增加时,这反过来会在供需双方形成泡沫。


19. The first race was 2, 428 kilometres split into six stages and was run off at 25.29 kilometres per hour and out of the 60 starters 21 finished and the race was lead from start to finish by Maurice Garin.


20. I was hoping to run into you here.


run into 词典解释

1. 遇到(问题、困难等);陷入(困境)

If you run into problems or difficulties, you unexpectedly begin to experience them.

e.g. They agreed to sell last year after they ran into financial problems...


e.g. But the government's plans have run into strong opposition from civil rights campaigners.


2. 意外碰到

If you run into someone, you meet them unexpectedly.

e.g. He ran into Krettner in the corridor a few minutes later.


3. (车辆意外地)撞上,撞倒

If a vehicle runs into something, it accidentally hits it.

e.g. The driver failed to negotiate a bend and ran into a tree.


4. (费用或数量)高达,达到

You use run into when indicating that the cost or amount of something is very great.

e.g. He said companies should face punitive civil penalties running into millions of pounds.


run into 单语例句

1. Those were the only two regions run by the right going into the vote.

2. After a power cable was run into the facility, experts aim to get power restored to reactors No 1 and 2 on Friday.

3. I just hope I can run into the top three in the Beijing Games.

4. With another 17 months left of her contract to run, will this ad be boring us all to death way into 2013?

5. After passing through pipes and sieves, the liquid is run into a filtering centrifuge.

6. Proper channeling of savings into investment and social spending will enhance real private consumption in the long run.

7. A neighbour said she saw a woman covered in blood run screaming from the church and into the street before emergency crews reached her.

8. With the organizers declaring that 91 percent of revenues came from corporate sources, additional money from taxpayers also helped ensure the Games didn't run into the red.

9. If one tries to comprehend such an arrangement from the viewpoint of common law principles, one would run into big trouble.

10. It's not clear if any of the contaminated water has run into the ground.

run into 英英释义


1. hit against

come into sudden contact with

e.g. The car hit a tree

He struck the table with his elbow

Synonym: hitstrikeimpinge oncollide with

2. collide violently with an obstacle

e.g. I ran into the telephone pole

Synonym: bump intojar againstbutt againstknock against

3. come together

e.g. I'll probably see you at the meeting

How nice to see you again!

Synonym: meetencounterrun acrosscome acrosssee

4. be beset by

e.g. The project ran into numerous financial difficulties

Synonym: encounter