

criticism:[英 [ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm] 美 [ˈkrɪtɪˌsɪzəm] ]



criticism 基本解释


名词批评,批判; 鉴定,审定,考证,校勘; 苛求,[哲]批判主义; 评论,评论文章

criticism 相关词组

1. be beneath criticism : 无批评价值;

2. be above criticism : 无可批评;


criticism 相关例句


1. criticism

1. I accepted his criticism of my behavior.


2. These two criticisms provide a good starting point.



3. Her conduct was beyond criticism.


criticism 情景对话


B:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?


A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership./I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.


B:How do you normally handle criticism?


A:Silence is golden. Just dont say anything; otherwise the situation could become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism. /When we cool off, we will discuss it later.


criticism 网络解释

1. 评论:在外国(西方)只有尊重你的朋友才会有讨论(discussion)和评论(criticism),越是关系好的越是激烈,大家也很享受这种氛围,因为归根到底,是价值,只有好朋友才会对你付出时间,说些不同的意见,然后大家在讨论中认识到自己的不足,得到了进步,

2. 批判主义:建构主义的起源甚早,呵追溯到十八世纪康德(Immanuel Kant)的批判主义(Criticism但在教育学界或心理学界,常将建构主义之起源归结於皮亚杰(J. Piaget)及布鲁纳(J. Bruner)等人,他们都认为传统行为主义者(behaviorist)的教学建立在直接观察和外在控制的方式上,


3. 评鉴:对圣经的态度也应该是双重的,不只是尊敬(Reverent),也应该精研(Critical),就像评鉴(Criticism)不一定都是批判性的. 对圣经作精研评鉴的学习,不一定都是非基督徒. 各种的精研评鉴都会帮助我们更加了解圣经. 每本书都有其文体、历史及神学特别之处.

criticism 双语例句


1. But the tendency that at present economics also puts in a move in chess or a movement in wushu to learn formalism, caused the criticism of a few economist.



2. It holds that the poetics of the revolutionists is the result at the turning stage in modern times of China. It has a clear-cut object for criticism——the feudal Qing Dynasty and the retrograde schools in the poetics. moreover, the poetics is aweapon for criticism of the critics with political colou...


3. Till this is done, indifference, doubt, and, in the final issue, severe criticism, are them-selves proofs of a profound habit of thought. Our age is, in especial degree, the age of criticism, and to criticism everything must submit. Religion through its sanctity, and law-giving through its majesty, may seek to exempt themselves from it. But they then awaken just suspicion, and cannot claim the sincere respect which reason accords only to that which has been able to sustain the test of free and open examination.


4. As a higher level of movie acceptance, movie criticism has opened a new demesne in the Internet, which takes on the following features: popularity, freedom and plainness.


5. criticism的意思

5. The BofA boss deserves much of the excoriating criticism that has come his way in the past year.


6. In spite of some criticism, I think doing both singing and acting is not bad.


7. criticism

7. Trent, it is sometimes said, put an end once and for all to the indefiniteness and confusion of thought among Catholics--to their comparative freedom to believe pretty much what they liked, in one version of the criticism.


8. In the process of creation, reading and criticism of novels, all its historical consciousness is expressed through the admiration and respect to the history and cultural traditions, the respect of history and the truth of essence, striding proudly ahead when retrospecting, the exploration of reality and planning for future, the open awareness of spanning time and space, pessimistic narration of life and history, being the first to become concerned with the world`s troubles and the last to rejoice in its happiness.


9. And thus its profound ideological content, a clear criticism of tendencies and great artistic power to become Russia's critical realism lay literature masterpiece, a Russian literature, satirical works of world literature a model.


10. criticism的意思

10. In the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), Wang Chong the thinker, in his Essays of Criticism or Lun'Heng in Chinese, recorded his observations of the tidal bore of Qiantang River like this


11. criticism

11. When responding to criticism, both males and females prefer negative politeness strategy as head act, and mitigator as supporting move.


12. And the Yantie Conference later in the Eastern Han embodied the influence of Sima Qian's criticism.


13. Steve Kerr is a bright guy and he's so self-effacing that he tends to beat you to any criticism.


14. Despite sharp criticism by the African Union, the United Nations and France, the former colonial power, the captain sounds unrepentant.


15. I believe we feed our ducks when we take words of criticism home and brood.



16. The expand ing of criticism on relation between word and meaning in Qing Dynasty s literary theory visual field mainly embodies in two aspects:one is to talk an idea that meaning is the master and word is the guest; the other is an idea that word and meaning depend, rise and fall, and produce each other.


17. This chapter not only analyses its moral criticism of the Zen daily deposing and dropping, but also a theoretical reason that leads to the corruption such as considering decay as moratliy.


18. More scientific research and severer criticism have deprived this theory of its former wide influence.


19. Last weekend the Timespublished a massive self-criticism detailing Blair's lies and the paper's failure over the years to follow up on numerous indications that something was amiss.


20. The unique criticism pattern and inherit-innovation in criticism method of his comment on Water Margin and West Chamber were due to Chinese tradional learning.


criticism 词典解释

1. 批评;批判;指责

Criticism is the action of expressing disapproval of something or someone. A criticism is a statement that expresses disapproval.

e.g. This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill...


e.g. The criticism that the English do not truly care about their children was often voiced.


2. (对书、戏剧等的)评论

Criticism is a serious examination and judgment of something such as a book or play.


e.g. She has published more than 20 books including novels, poetry and literary criticism.


criticism 单语例句

1. He was responding to criticism from netizens who said China's busing system for students should meet Western standards.

2. I have been bombarded by criticism about my choice of a Chinese school for my English boy.

3. European football's rulers have been stung into action by criticism that fines now mean little to wealthy clubs and national associations.

4. Shilton was by no means alone in his criticism of a seamless, unusually smooth ball hailed by manufacturers adidas as " perfectly round ".

5. Iran is often accused of abuses by rights groups and western governments, but Tehran dismisses the criticism and accuses the west of double standards and hypocrisy.

6. He denied criticism by human rights groups that the military often investigated abuses only after they had come under media scrutiny.

7. A recent remark by Mahathir that " Jews rule the world by proxy " brought widespread criticism, which Mahathir said only proved he was right.

8. The absence of any criticism of the US dollar appeared to be a compromise by Russia.

9. It has skirted significant criticism about racial and religious insensitivity by virtue of its humor.

10. The SOA's rare harsh criticism of COPC in early August probably heralds a legal action for much heavier indemnity.

criticism 英英释义


1. a serious examination and judgment of something

e.g. constructive criticism is always appreciated

Synonym: critique

2. a written evaluation of a work of literature

Synonym: literary criticism

3. disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings

e.g. the senator received severe criticism from his opponent

Synonym: unfavorable judgment