

faithfully:[英 [ˈfeɪθfəli] 美 [ˈfeɪθfəli ] ]


faithfully 基本解释


副词忠实地; 如实地; 诚心诚意地

faithfully 相关例句


1. I promised you faithfully.


2. Their activities were faithfully described in the newspaper.


3. I copied the letter faithfully.


4. faithfully的反义词

4. I copied the map faithfully.


faithfully 网络解释

1. 忠诚地;如实地:freshman n.1新手,生手;2.大学一年级学生 | faithfully 忠诚地;如实地 | flight n.1.飞行,飞翔;2.航班,班机;3.逃跑,溃退

2. 就是 他每周日都去教堂吗? - 虔诚的:Grandpa can get carried away with that Bible and shi... | -Hell, yeah, he be in Church every Sunday? -Faithfully.|- 就是 他每周日都去教堂吗? - 虔诚的 | I mean, sitting there praying to a white Jesus.|我...

faithfully 双语例句

1. faithfully什么意思

1. The previous government under the leadership of Premier Zhu faithfully performed their duties and did a huge amount of remarkable work.


2. The previous government, under the leadership of Premier Zhu, faithfully performed their duties and did a huge amount of remarkable work.


3. Theprevious government, under the leadership of PremierZhu, faithfully performed their duties and did a huge amountofremarkable work.


4. faithfully的翻译

4. The previous government, under the leadership of Premier Zhu, faithfully performed their duties and did a huge amount of remarkable work. The public was satisfied with what they have done.


5. faithfully的反义词

5. He performed his duty faithfully.


6. faithfully的近义词

6. The First Guard. The first of the six Dark-Burrow-Dweller's guard-brothers. Faithfully fulfils his duties.



7. It was the day after Thanksgiving, the day known as Black Friday and the day I have faithfully avoided participating in as I have kenophobia (fear of being crowded/crowds) and, well, just have no interest in competing for a hotdog with the other angry, anxious, screaming, bumping customers on line.


8. In our weakness and because of our depraved nature we have proved to be the true sons of Adam and have followed faithfully in his steps.


9. Marriage is a contract signed between a man and a woman, which must be faithfully fulfilled.


10. faithfully的解释

10. About the opening of a sample room there.

Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生/小姐我们的总经理约翰格林将于六月 2 日到 7 日在巴黎,有关在那开样品房的事宜,他会于六月 3 日下午 2:00 点拜访您。

11. Business card printing and membership card when printing plate does not faithfully reflect the original halftoning for gum road.



12. I have been faithfully fund of Internazionale since 7 years ago and I`m 18 years old now.


13. There are several reasons for me to go there and I want to tell you faithfully.


14. If you do this faithfully, diabetes will notshorten your cat's life.


15. Do you promise faithfully to pay me back?


16. faithfully的翻译

16. A: Do you promise faithfully to pay me back?



17. His wife stuck faithfully to him through thick and thin.


18. Dear Mr/Ms, On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your NationalDay, please accept our heartiest congratulations.

Yours faithfully 尊敬的先生/小姐,值此国庆三十五周年之际,请接受我们最真诚的祝贺。


19. They say Jove laughs at lovers'lies. Oh, gentle Romeo, if you love me, tell me faithfully. Or if you think I am too easily won, I'`ll frown and be perverse and say "no" to you.


20. O gentle Romeo, if thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully: Or if thou think'st I am too quickly won, I'll frown and be perverse an say thee nay, so thou wilt woo; but else, not for the world.


faithfully 词典解释

1. (用作正式信函或商业信函末尾署名前的套语)您的忠实的

When you start a formal or business letter with 'Dear Sir' or 'Dear Madam', you write Yours faithfully before your signature at the end.


in AM, use 美国英语用 Sincerely yoursfaithfully 单语例句faithfully

1. Wu urged prisoners'and detainees'rights be " faithfully " upheld in civil law enforcement.

2. But the current refined oil pricing mechanism fails to faithfully reflect the impact international oil price fluctuations have on our domestic oil market.

3. China's urban planners of the recent past faithfully presented the ethos of this era in their work with scarce exception.

4. " I faithfully believe that Peking Opera has a huge market, " Wang said.

5. The drug lowered the chances of infection by 44 percent, and by 73 percent or more among men who took their pills most faithfully.

6. It has faithfully fulfilled the obligations set out by those conventions and submitted timely reports to the relevant bodies on how it implements the conventions.

7. Zhong criticized some local industry and commerce authorities for resisting big cases and for not faithfully enforcing laws.

8. China has taken concrete measures to faithfully fulfill its relevant obligations designated in such international treaties as NPT and CTBT.

9. Businesses and factories should faithfully inform employees about possible occupational hazards and their consequences, and provide occupational hazards prevention knowledge training.

10. We have faithfully followed the Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse divorce saga and are now pleased to report a happy ending of sorts.

faithfully的近义词faithfully 英英释义


1. in a faithful manner

e.g. it always came on, faithfully, like the radio

Synonym: dependablyreliably