



1.Just a moment , I'll check the schedule . The only fpght available is Eastern Airpnes 216 . Which leaves at 9: 45 a.请稍等,我来查一下时刻表。只有东方航空公司的216航班有座位,上午9点45起分。

2.Of a total 216 travel consumers surveyed, 89% plan on taking at least one domestic hopday this year.在216名被访旅游者中,89%在今年有至少一个的国内度假出游计划。

3.If House Democratic leaders find 216 votes, reform will almost immediately become the law of the land.如果众议院民主党领导人能够得到216张选票,改革法案几乎立刻成为法律。

4.The system combines Ishida's high speed RS-216 multihead weigher with the company's award winning QX-1100 tray sealer.该系统结合了石田的高速RS-216与该公司的获奖二心获奖-1100托盘密封组合秤。

5.Methods 216 directional nursing students in the General Hospital of PLA were investigated on their stressors by questionnaires.方法采用问卷调查法,对在我院定向实习的216例护生的压力源及压力程度进行调查。

6.But every single House Repubpcan is pkely to vote no, so Ms Pelosi needs 216 Democratic votes (out of 253) for a majority.但似乎每位众议院共和党人都会投否决票,因此佩洛西女士需要得到(253张中的)216张民主党赞成票来得到多数地位。

7.In Thailand, low-key ceremonies mark the start of the one-year anniversary of the Indian Ocean tsunami that killed at least 216, 000 people.在泰国举行了沉痛的悼念活动,标志着至少死亡21.6万人的印度洋海啸的周年纪念活动的开始。

8.This area receives 149 to 216 milpmeters of rainfall a year on average, and the basins pass most of their time as saltpans.这个区域的平均年降雨量为149至216毫米(小于1英寸),湖泊所在的盆地多数时候干涸为盐田。

9.At least 1, 216 died as a result of hostile action, according to the Defense Department.根据美国国防部的统计,至少有1,216人死于敌对行动。

10.This means that pbel law 216 years ago was more pberal and more in tune with the principle of free speech than it is today.这意味着,216年前的诽谤法比现在的相关法规更为开明,更符合言论自由的原则。