

vaccinate:[英 [ˈvæksɪneɪt] 美 [ˈvæksəˌnet] ]


过去式:vaccinated;   过去分词:vaccinated;   现在分词:vaccinating;

vaccinate 基本解释




vaccinate 相关例句


1. People are vaccinated against measles.


2. vaccinate的近义词

2. Has your child been vaccinated against smallpox?


vaccinate 网络解释


1. 打疫苗:quarantine 检疫 | vaccinate 打疫苗 | endemic 水土不服

2. 注射疫苗:现有的疫苗 currently available vaccines, existing vaccines | 注射疫苗 vaccinate | (病毒)分离 isolate

3. 接种疫苗:infectious (通过呼吸)具有传染性的,感染的 | vaccinate 接种疫苗 | allergy 过敏

4. 预防接种:vaccinal 疫苗的 | vaccinate 预防接种 | vaccination 接种

vaccinate 双语例句

1. This is the paper that started off an entire debate and got people like Jenny McCarthy and others to say wait a minute we don`t want to vaccinate our children.


2. Then, the purified AHc was used to vaccinate Balb/c mice, which developed a strong and specific immune response as expected following administration of AHc protein via the subcutaneous route.


3. Take out the daughter cyst under asepsis condition from the liver of the sheep which infects the echinococcosis under natural condition, cut to pieces, remove the cyst skin, flush with 0.9% asepsis physiological saline and precipitate three times, make the HE dyeing counting, make the suspension which is 1200 scolex/0.1ml, then vaccinate directly nearby spinal column, under the hind leg periosteum and in the medullary cavity of the leg bone of the health grown-up meriones meridianus to prepare the animal infection model, then carry on the medicine and the surgery treatment to the model.


4. vaccinate

4. Vivian Tan, the spokeswoman for the WHO in China, says the main benefit of a one-dose vaccine is that it is possible to vaccinate twice as many people.


5. Onlythe Yale University medical school, the nursing institute and assistant doctor the project requested the student to vaccinate specially parotitis vaccine, smallpox vaccine, the second grade hepatitis vaccine, tetanus vaccine, the infantile paralysis vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine (or hepatitisA and hepatitis B combination vaccine), typhus vaccine, yellow fever vaccine and the Japanese second grade encephalitis vaccine, as well as provides the hepatitis B blood to examine list and the tuberculin check list (tuberculin exceed the allowed figure also needs to provide chest X light check list).


6. We vaccinate 40 per cent of the world's children.


7. We always hear how important it is to vaccinate children.


8. If you choose to vaccinate your own dog or cat, there are a few things you should consider first.


9. They refused to vaccinate their own children.


10. How to evaluate the effect of vaccinate.


11. I managed to vaccinate more than 30 children in five minutes during the launching ceremony.


12. vaccinate

12. If you are travelling to a tropical country, you should be vaccinate d against yellow fever.


13. vaccinate的翻译

13. That is to vaccinate a pullet flock at least twice for IBD.



14. Of pregnant women were willing to vaccinate their neonatal with HepB in time.


15. Jacob Halsey, in charge of the Fort Union depot, thought the best thing to do was to vaccinate everybody and he is said to have been surprised when a number of his subjects began vomiting, bleeding, and dying.


16. One third of students have no HBV protective antibody. They should vaccinate HBV bacterin in time.


17. Fewer than half of some 1100 surveyed primary care physicians in Texas said they follow current vaccination recommendations to vaccinate adolescent girls with the approved quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine.



18. The main mission of GAVI is to vaccinate as many children as possible against vaccine-preventable diseases.



19. If sow herd is vaccinated, especially pre-farrowing, then it is even more important to vaccinate pigs later.


20. vaccinate是什么意思

20. This research has carried on some discussions on the alfalfa root nodule bacteria in the differentmatrix with the alfalfa variety paragenesis match, selected 3 alfalfa variety to vaccinate separately11 different root nodule bacterias, under greenhouse condition, through decency coal, vermiculiteand pearlite double-decked earthen bowl cultivation experiment and soil pot experiment, By theaerial parts dry weight, the total nodule number, the aerial parts adult plant highly, targets and so onchlorophyll content as well as entire nitrogen studies 3 alfalfa variety to vaccinate separately thedifferent root nodule bacteria growth effect, screens has the best paragenesis effect root nodulebacteria strain to each alfalfa variety, then will screen after the highly effective strain to carry on thefield examination.


vaccinate 词典解释

1. 给…接种疫苗

If a person or animal is vaccinated, they are given a vaccine, usually by injection, to prevent them from getting a disease.

e.g. Dogs must be vaccinated against distemper...


e.g. Have you had your child vaccinated against whooping cough?...



Parents were too frightened to bring their children for vaccination...


Anyone who wants to avoid the flu should consider getting a vaccination.

如果不想得流感,就该考虑接种疫苗。vaccinate 单语例句

1. Animal health workers visited Hien's farm to vaccinate his 700 ducks, raised in ponds alongside rice fields lined with banana trees.

2. The farms were also required to vaccinate live poultry twice, and the second vaccination must be within two months of importation dates.

3. The government also made it obligatory to lock up or vaccinate all birds in zoos within the 25 high risky zones.

4. But critics say dangers lurk in any strategy to vaccinate without robust testing.

5. Beijing's health departments yesterday started to vaccinate local residents to guard against the outbreaks of meningitis that are spreading in parts of the country.

6. Wang added that the police can vaccinate the selected stray dogs, which will save the association time and cost.

7. The vaccines were supplied at cost price and mothers were obliged to vaccinate their newborns.

8. The ministry plans to vaccinate 5 percent of the population by the end of the year.

9. China has reported new outbreaks almost daily despite a nationwide effort to vaccinate billions of poultry.

10. China had also undertaken the world's biggest vaccination campaign, pledging to vaccinate all of its 14 billion poultry.

vaccinate 英英释义


1. perform vaccinations or produce immunity in by inoculation

e.g. We vaccinate against scarlet fever

The nurse vaccinated the children in the school

Synonym: immunizeimmuniseinoculate