

lure:[英 [lʊə(r)] 美 [lʊr] ]


过去式:lured;   过去分词:lured;   现在分词:luring;   复数形式:lures;

lure 基本解释

名词诱饵; 吸引力,魅力; 诱惑物

及物动词吸引,引诱; 用引诱物召回(猎鹰)

lure 相关例句


1. Many young Japanese engineers have been lured to the Middle East by the promise of high wages.


2. lure的解释

2. The price also lures students.



1. He couldn't resist the lure of money.


2. Life in big cities is a lure for many country boys.


lure 网络解释

1. 引诱:在自然界里香花能招引昆虫(insect)传粉(pollination),但象大花草那样的臭花也同样能引诱(lure)某些逐臭的蝇类和甲虫为它传粉(pollination). 3因为大王花(Rafflesia)开花直径一米以上,所以把它和一些很大的花归为一个目(order),

2. 诱惑:取名为诱惑(Lure)、鬼吧(Ghostbar)威士忌滩(Whiskey Beach)、禁忌(Tabu)或光(Light)的雅座酒吧各个摩登光鲜,又性感无比. 呼朋唤友到54号摄影棚(Studio 54)、纯洁(Pure)樱桃(Cherry)、Tryst(出轨)或威士忌吧(WhiskeyBar)尽情热舞准没错.

3. 饵:在这趟钓游中也发现另外一个有趣的现象,卧龙谷猴王除了爱咬铁牌(SPINNER)与拟饵(LURE)外,似乎对胡须佬也来者不拒,这事件发生在秦皇无意上了一尾漂亮的生鱼后,最后一天钓友阿凡也想分一杯羹,在这看似藏有大生鱼的标点,

lure 双语例句

1. According to the Daily Mail, Jose Mourinho will make Steven Gerrard his number one transfer target, hoping to lure the Liverpool skipper to Inter Milan over the summer.


2. lure的解释

2. This means that you will have to toss a lure with a bit of meat a few feet away from you.


3. According to the Bible and many codex, women are responsible for men's fall, who, are the evil that lure men to the hell. Sexual abusement, body torturement and defamation are the primary punishments for women.


4. Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being`s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what`s next and the joy of the game of living.



5. Meanwhile, the lonely pulchritude shows too much emotional impulses that lure our feelings.


6. Back then it was the lure of gold; now it`s dead wood.


7. Scientists are taking a break in their efforts to lure a pair of injured whales back to the Pacific.



8. This is the seductive lure of socialism.


9. Then there are olfactory mimics, such as that mad parfumier the bolas spider, which can lure male moths by secreting perfect knockoffs of the counterpart females` eaux de toilette.


10. lure在线翻译

10. Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living.


11. As part of his research, Wooden studied the tactics that predators use to lure children.

作为 Wooden 研究的一部分,他发现掠夺者的策略是**儿童。

12. lure

12. This is why when one is present, it will offer an enticing array of subjects to lure one away.


13. lure的翻译

13. So you can use lights to lure baby`s eyes to the left.


14. The leaders feared the enemy as if he were a tiger, set up defences everywhere, fought defensive actions at every step and did not dare to advance to the enemy's rear and attack him there, which would have been to our advantage, or boldly to lure the enemy troops in deep so as to herd them together and annihilate them.


15. Causes of these problems vary. Generally, anxiety arises when they find difficulties in interpersonal relationship or motive collisions, or out of their sheer concern over their physical changes. Sequelae resulting from experiences of terror, inaccurate interpretation of the society, and excessive self-awareness give rise to hostility. Lack of confidence or job experience and uneasiness of past failures lead to narrow-mindedness. Absence of resistance against mammonism/the lure of money contributes to vanity.


16. I want to know what you told my daughter to lure her to America.


17. That's the lure of investing.


18. If you dress nicely, he says you are trying to lure him


19. Don't lure me, it's useless.




lure 词典解释

1. 引诱;诱惑;哄骗

To lure someone means to trick them into a particular place or to trick them into doing something that they should not do.

e.g. He lured her to his home and shot her with his father's gun...


e.g. They did not realise that they were being lured into a trap...


2. 诱饵

A lure is an object which is used to attract animals so that they can be caught.

3. 诱惑力;魅力

A lure is an attractive quality that something has, or something that you find attractive.

e.g. The excitement of hunting big game in Africa has been a lure to Europeans for 200 years...


e.g. The lure of rural life is proving as strong as ever.


lure 单语例句

1. He electrified some specially designed cages coated with a paint that gave off a fragrant smell to lure rats into the cage.

2. Some economists believe the nation's economic recovery has helped to lure back speculative capital.

3. By seeking to use rewards to lure common citizens to catch crime suspects, the police only consider its own convenience and shirk its due responsibilities.

4. Japan's policy has long centered on extending untied overseas development aid loans to first build infrastructure in developing countries and then lure private investment.

5. Making and selling pirate disks is still a hidden practice driven by easy money and the lure of cheap entertainment.

6. Shanghai has a large number of watering holes to lure fans away from their television sets at home and join the cheering crowds.

7. Police say Travis attacked Nash when she arrived at the house to help lure the chimp back into Herold's house.

8. High prices lure inexperienced or unscrupulous breeders to churn out litters as quickly as possible.

9. If cigarette producers are trying to lure teenagers into becoming future smokers, it is incumbent of governments at different levels to prevent them from doing so.

10. It is an open secret that some publications in China inflate their circulation figures to raise their profiles and lure more advertisers.

lure 英英释义


1. something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed

Synonym: baitdecoy

2. qualities that attract by seeming to promise some kind of reward

Synonym: enticementcome-on

3. anything that serves as an enticement

Synonym: baitcome-onhooksweetener



1. provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion

e.g. He lured me into temptation

Synonym: enticetempt