

airing:[英 [ˈeərɪŋ] 美 [ˈerɪŋ] ]


过去式:aired;   过去分词:aired;   复数形式:airs;

airing 基本解释

名词晾; (电视台或无线电台)广播; (开车、骑车或骑马)兜风; (意见等的)公开发表

动词晾晒( air的现在分词 ); 烘干; 播送; 广播

airing 网络解释

1. airing的反义词

1. 换气,曝气:air heating 空气加温法 | airing 换气,曝气 | air injection 空气注射法


2. 气爆:airfoam 空气泡沫 | airing 气爆 | airless 井下通风不良地区

3. 通气:airflow measurement 通风测量 | airing 通气 | airleg 气腿

4. airing什么意思

4. 空气干燥;通风:airbond 自硬粘结剂 | airing 空气干燥;通风 | airtight joint 气密接头

airing 双语例句

1. Without this tradition it would have been impossible to accept such free airing of views, great debates and big-character posters


2. airing的意思

2. Family planning requires open education, which simply means airing views freely and holding great debates.


3. Media violence and xenophobic distortion should be restrained by framing a code of conduct because evil genius media personnel having bee in their bonnet can twist views of millions by printing and airing various events in unsavory light that can endanger peace in the world.


4. Ancient people would harvest grain, melon and fruit, vegetables and Cash crop, through kinds of work such as selecting field, opening up wasteland, renovating field, selecting seeds, planting, protecting young seedling, weeding, irrigation, fertilization, reaping, solarizing and airing, storing and so on.


5. Also pray for the production and airing of special programs that will feature testimonies from international sports celebrities.


6. airing在线翻译

6. Some sceptics feel so strongly they have started airing advertisements of their own to lambast CCS.

一些持有怀疑态度的人们感触很深,他们自己开始进行广告宣传,严厉批评 CCS 技术。

7. airing

7. Transparent hole series shall be set on tank roof for airing and lighting.


8. airing在线翻译

8. But the bathrooms are all ready the towels put out, and the clean clothes in the airing cupboard…It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us; it is the very sign of His presence.


9. If the sheets aren't aired properly, they won't be dry; put them in the airing cupboard.


10. After washing is completed, dry the shirt either on a line or in an airing cupboard. This will prolong the life of the shirt.


11. If you have a spare single wardrobe, fit two or three shelves in to hide away towels, tools etc. Don`t forget you won`t have an airing cupboard or a cupboard under the stairs – all those hidey holes that you took for granted!


12. airing的翻译

12. So we won't be able to get you caps/video of new Unfabulous episode this week, but when I return I will get it up along with the other new episode airing that week.

所以这星期我们没法给你上传UNFABULOUS 的新情节了。但是我回来时会连同下一星期所创作出来的新的情节一起传上去的。

13. Change has been much slower in China; until recently, unlicensed copies of popular television shows would appear on Youku and other Chinese video Web sites like Tudou. com with Chinese subtitles within a day of airing in the U. S.


14. airing什么意思

14. A simplified kinetic model has been established, according to the actual situation of the paste extrusion process in the De-airing Pug Mill.


15. Based on the part of the variable pitch, variable groove depth continuous screw of the model TCMD125A de-airing pug mill, establish the extrusive geometric model of paste in screw, and make numerical simulation of it.


16. De-airing pugmill, vacuum pug, vacuum pug mill, vacuum deairing machine


17. I caught Mr. Gesell at last, when he was airing the dog.



18. Smoked dry process without turning leaves Airing by 8~12 hours, tea, powder, or hand-Jiao Cheng F sieve.


19. The straw mattress es are airing there.


20. airing是什么意思

20. A daily international TV/radio news hour airing on more than 700 stations in North America.


airing 单语例句airing

1. They later found the cigarette butt in a quilt airing on the balcony.

2. The directive also requires video sites to arrange censorship before airing programs.

3. The series started airing on the Travel Channel's The Walker program on Monday and will run till next Wednesday.

4. A recent scandal involving a famous brand airing a controversial advertisement has put the spotlight on the issue of vulgarity in advertising.

5. The couple's lives are revealed in the documentary serial The Journey of Danube airing on Guangdong TV.

6. A documentary based on gathered materials is airing on CCTV's Road to Discovery channel.

7. The station has apologized to the public for airing his false report.

8. Airing of the program has been suspended because of Fiore's death.

9. It also urged broadcasting authorities to tighten their rein on TV shopping programs, and to verify enterprises'qualifications before airing their TV shopping commercials.

10. After their project premiered before an international audience in Washington, the filmmakers say they hope the documentary gets its airing in China as well.

airing 英英释义


1. the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air

Synonym: ventilation

2. a short excursion (a walk or ride) in the open air

e.g. he took the dogs for an airing

3. the opening of a subject to widespread discussion and debate

Synonym: disseminationpublic exposurespreading