

gosling:[英 [ˈgɒzlɪŋ] 美 [ˈgɑ:zlɪŋ] ]



gosling 基本解释


名词小鹅; 愚蠢而无经验的人

gosling 网络解释

1. gosling的解释

1. 幼鹅:goose 雌鹅 | gosling 幼鹅 | gaggle 鹅的统称

2. 小鹅:goshpeck 戈什佩克羊绒织物 | gosling 小鹅 | Gossamer 戈塞默聚酯缝纫线

3. 年轻无知的人:219. gorgon: 丑陋的女人. | 220. gosling: 年轻无知的人. | 221. gourmand: 嗜食者.

4. gosling是什么意思

4. 雌鹅;小鹅:Gorse荊豆(属)Ulex | gosling雌鹅;小鹅 | gospeloftemperance禁酒主义

gosling 双语例句


1. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams star in this 4tear-jerker about first love.


2. gosling

2. This film is so incredibly romantic that it even caused the two lead actors — Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams — to fall madly in love for real.


3. He's also neck and neck with another Ryan Gosling in our poll about the festival's men, and we'll be there on Saturday night tweeting live from the Buried premiere!

周六晚上我们会在《活埋》的首映式上现场直播状态!她的意思是她会在现场用手机 Twitter发送状态更新现场状况,有Twitter的同学若有兴趣可以加她,她名字是BuzzSugar,Google一下就可以找到了吧

4. In a perfect world, each moment of a relationship would be like that weak-kneed romantic scene in The Notebook when Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams finally get together, kissing in the rain.


5. An experiment was conducted with gosling to compare yolk sac absorption and utilization with fasting and feeding, and the effect of different levels of diet nutrition (CP: 21%; ME:12.18, 11.34, 10.50MJ/kg) on yolk utilization. In order to further determine the requirement of energy and protein for 0~3 week-old goslings, the goslings were fed with 9 diets in a 3 X 3 factorial arrangement of treatments involving three ME levels (ME:12.18, 11.34, 10.50MJ/kg) and three CP levels (CP:21, 19, 17%). The results indicated that:l.


6. Gosling new type viral enteritis is a new disease, whose epizootiology, the clinical symptoms and lesions are quite similar with those of gosling plague, and causes a serious economy lose for geese industry. Therefore, it is important and necessary to study the etiology, to develope a rapidly diagnosis technique, and to search the prevention and control measure of the disease.

雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎(gosling new type viral enteritis,GNTVE)是新近出现的一种在流行病学、临床症状和病理变化方面与小鹅瘟(gosling plague,GP)极其相似的传染病,它的出现给养鹅业造成了严重的经济损失。


7. Love of the material, seems to have been traced back to childhood gosling a beautiful pencil sharpener, a floral skirt from afar, and even a little of human love, and Dad, There are mothers, there are childhood friends, a lover now...... there are many love me or the people I love.


8. When the first gosling poked its grey-green head through the goose's feathers and looked around, Charlotte spied it and made the announcement.



9. Market analysis and benefit forecast: Increasing equipments and the relevant infrastructure, when the project completes, it is estimated that we will supply 2, 0000 high quality white goose, 100, 000 gosling, 100, 000 Huang-huai white goat and 350 tons of fish.


10. gosling是什么意思

10. The experimental and field applications results proved that both means of the passive immunity can provided very good prevention for gosling against GNTVE.


11. Now the foreign goose - egg was set under the broody hen and in due time a wonderful gosling hatched out.


12. Fluorescence quantitative PCR assay was developed for rapid detection of Goose parvovirus. The distribution and duration regularity of GPV SD2005 in artificially-infected gosling body was studied by FQ-PCR. The results were as follows: At hour 8 post-infection, the GPV DNA can be detected from lingua、all enteric organs、feces、all digestive organs、blood、heart and liver.


13. So the mother goose took the carving knife and set forth with the little gosling close behind her.


14. Also available for newborn gosling penicillin eye or nose, geese per 10, 000 IU (by 100a Antongding 10mL of diluted penicillin).


15. gosling的解释

15. After introducing Java to common people formally 1995 from James Gosling, the love and hate to Java among the supporter of Java and opposition person, it is sharply divided to be nearly can be regarded as.

自从James Gosling于1995年将Java正式介绍给世人后,Java的支持者与反对者间对Java的爱憎,几乎可说是壁垒分明。

16. Oriented paracrystalline deoxypentose nucleic acid (`structure B` in the following communication by franklin and gosling) gives a fibre diagram as shown in fig.1 (of. ref.4). Astbury suggested that the strong 3.4-4.reflexion corresponded to the internucleotide repeat along the fibre axis.

定向类晶体脱氧核糖核酸(在下面的交流被franklin 和gosling 称为结构B给出了纤维的图像(显示于图像1中)ASTBURY认为3.4-4中的反折与与沿纤维轴方向排列的核糖与沿纤维轴方向排列的核糖相一致。

17. With a long bamboo pole in hand, he would look after a large flock of gosling-yellow ducklings moing about on the limpid water of a shallow brook flanked on both sides by green grass.


18. With a long bamboo pole in hand, he would look after a large flock of gosling-yellow ducklings moving about on the limpid water of a shallow brook flanked on both sides by green grass.


19. gosling什么意思

19. When the agar diffusion titer of1:32, the occipital sinus blood separates and prepares the goose anti-gosling plague plasma.



20. This antigen can react with positive serum of gosling plague, form precipitation lines in agar gel precipitation and counter immuno electrophoresis. The precipitation lines are coincided with standard antigen of gosling plague.


gosling 词典解释

1. 小鹅;幼鹅

A gosling is a baby goose.

gosling 单语例句

1. While delusions of wedding Ryan Gosling aren't necessarily uncommon to moviegoers, for Williams they exemplify the intensely introspective approach she takes to her work.

2. Ryan Gosling is not ready to move in with Eva Mendes according to reports.

3. Louis Saha and Dan Gosling scored Everton's goals to leave West Ham in the relegation zone.

4. Edgar, and the Ryan Gosling thriller Drive also made the top 10.

5. Ryan Gosling plays the prosecutor tasked with proving Crawford's guilt and former Bond girl Rosamund Pyke plays Gosling's love interest.

goslinggosling 英英释义


1. young goose