

avert:[英 [əˈvɜ:t] 美 [əˈvɜ:rt] ]


过去式:averted;   过去分词:averted;   现在分词:averting;

avert 基本解释

及物动词转移; 防止,避免

avert 相关例句


1. Many highway accidents can be averted by courtesy.



2. Accidents can be averted by careful driving.


3. There must be immediate action if chaos is to be averted.


4. avert

4. He could only avert his eyes; he had never seen such an ugly sight.


5. Preparedness averts peril.


avert 网络解释

1. 转移:invert倒置 | avert转移 | 183.advertisement n. 广告

2. avert的意思

2. 避开:averie particulaire 担保单独海损 | avert 避开 | Aviation Claim Procedures 空运索赔程序

3. 防止:availablility 可用性 有效性available有空 | avert 防止 6 | awareness 知道 04 05

4. avert的解释

4. 你轉過頭去,避開別人的眼光:arc 你挑了挑眉毛. | avert 你转过头去,避开别人的眼光. | bang 你拍的一声在你的头上打了一记.

5. avert:a very early rehabilitation trial; 尽早复健试验

avert 双语例句

1. OnDecember 192008 President Bush used his executive authority todeclare that TARP funds may be spent on any program he personally deemsnecessary to avert the financial crisis and declared Section 102 to benonbinding.


2. There we will learn to avert what evils we ourselves create, and then restart the project of humanity, with humility and a new light.


3. She was so striking that I had to avert my somewhat startled eyes.


4. avert什么意思

4. Not only is this the established practice in all wars, it is particularly imperative in order to avert civil war.


5. The idea is that improved communications will reduce misunderstandings and avert conflict.



6. There, the West hoped to avert nuclear anarchy or a Communist revanche.


7. Court documents say she doesn't avert it if on the mother of Jackson's two oldest children.


8. Article 29 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the need for preventing meteorological disasters, work out plans for the purpose and, on the basis of the meteorological information provided by the competent meteorological departments, make arrangements for carrying out such plans, in order to avert or mitigate meteorological disasters.


9. They can help to avert aggressive action.


10. avert什么意思

10. A glass of your wine, it been e'er so strong, Who did release you in Turkey land. Down comes, down comes the new bride's mother'What will I do with my daughter dear? ''I know your daughter, she's not been coveredNor has she shown any love for me. I'll avert her home now, with thirty-three. And cut the wedding cake, in pieces threeA slice for me new love and one for me.'And then Lord Baker, ran to his darling

象你吃了粒橄榄,你不能一下子吞,你要慢慢嚼碎了,揉烂了,你初初可能只会喜欢那简单的配器,简单的旋律,然后你去看那琐碎的歌词,然后慢慢回味,越到后来你就越会反复去听,让整颗心先是快乐着,然后有一点点淡淡的孤独和感伤……还有下面那首04年专辑Lycanthropy的Pigeon Song,有点小伤感的说

11. I don't see how to avert it.


12. We've got very little time to avert a very much more serious crisis.


13. This is unnecessary and preventable and each one of us must do our part to avert this disaster.


14. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on.



15. And that could avert a situation where tens of thousands of Americans would lose their jobs.


16. You cannot afford to give up any elbow-room, for the extra idle card is needed to avert the self-squeeze in spades.


17. Where the subject-matter insured is warranted free from particular average, either wholly or under a certain percentage, the insurer is nevertheless liable for salvage charges, and for particular charges and other expenses properly incurred pursuant to the provisions of the suing and labouring clause in order to avert a loss insured against.


18. In some countries, a division of power might be welcome, not least to avert the risk of too much accruing to one man.



19. At root, FX reserves exist to avert currency crises: when devaluation spirals out of control, dollars can be deployed to buy up the local currency.


20. China challenges the rest of the world to combat trade protectionism and to avert new barriers to trade and investment.


avert 词典解释

1. 避免;阻止;防止

If you avert something unpleasant, you prevent it from happening.

e.g. Talks with the teachers' union over the weekend have averted a strike...


e.g. A fresh tragedy was narrowly averted yesterday.


2. 转移(目光等)

If you avert your eyes or gaze from someone or something, you look away from them.

e.g. He avoids any eye contact, quickly averting his gaze when anyone approaches...


e.g. He kept his eyes averted.


avert 单语例句avert

1. But comments by a conservative Iranian cleric hinted Tehran may be counting on divisions to avert sanctions.

2. Dec 2008 - China urges the US to do all it can to tame its financial crisis and avert global recession.

3. Wang tried to avert the aggression of Aisam with some rallies but were cut down by Aisam with his superb volley shots.

4. In an effort to avert a potentially catastrophic collapse of AIG, the US government had already pumped some 150 billion dollars into the ailing company.

5. Louis President William Poole said on Monday that the US will probably avert a recession and that the Fed's interest rate policy is appropriate.

6. The Chinese government on Friday moved to avert a possible overheating economy by tightening controls on fixed asset investments and money supply.

7. The report also emphasized that more support is needed for the grain output, to avert food price increases that would accelerate inflation.

8. The only local bank that managed to avert the subprime quagmire is Hang Seng Bank, which had no CDOs or SIVs in their portfolio.

9. A friend who was in the taxi took control of the vehicle to avert further tragedy.

10. As a growing number of Chinese companies have begun to go abroad, how to avert legal risks in intellectual property is becoming an increasingly important issue.

avert的翻译avert 英英释义


1. turn away or aside

e.g. They averted their eyes when the King entered

Synonym: turn away

2. prevent the occurrence of

prevent from happening

e.g. Let's avoid a confrontation

head off a confrontation

avert a strike

Synonym: debarforefendforfendobviatedeflecthead offstave offfend offavoidward off