

decoy:[英 [ˈdi:kɔɪ] 美 [ˈdiˌkɔɪ, dɪˈkɔɪ] ]


过去式:decoyed;   过去分词:decoyed;   现在分词:decoying;   复数形式:decoys;

decoy 基本解释

名词圈套; 诱捕; 诱饵,诱鸟


decoy 相关例句


1. He had been decoyed across the frontier and arrested as a spy.


decoy 网络解释


1. 诱饵:但它对群敌没有MS那么从容和有效;对boss它又几乎k不动. 而且对ar要求很高. 最致命的是,它在使用后有小段时间的移动不能. 内视(Inner Sight),慢速箭(Slow Missiles),诱饵(Decoy)回避(Evade)建议也到14级这个坎;

2. 假目标:实际上,提供一个假目标 (decoy) 来促进消费者做出选择,是商业上经常使用的手段. 大约直到一年多以前,经济学人杂志网站上三种订阅选择:

3. 引诱:Virilio用这个词汇来指称,运用引诱(decoy),分心(distraction),和误导(迷惑)(disinformation)等一堆技术,来构成现代英文意义中经典的「欺蒙」策略. 然而,这个标题更直接地暗示了「可能有意的」失望和幻灭,

decoy 双语例句

1. decoy是什么意思

1. The decoy should be carrying something odd, such as a bucket or a leafy tree branch, just to attract attention.


2. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system.


3. Please note that the boot partition would be shared by both the decoy and the hidden system.


4. decoy

4. If the words containing the target letter are chosen carefully enough, and if the riddle is constructed cleverly enough, the riddle can be completely fair while managing to decoy the victim into unproductive approaches to the answer.


5. decoy的意思

5. The Honeypot is a strictly moni- tored network decoy, it can distract adversaries from valuable machines on a network, can provide early waming about new attack and exploitation trends, and allow in-depth examination of attacker's action and process during exploitation of a Honeypot.


6. decoy的解释

6. At last, the author is probing into the legal basic and theory basic of investigative power, and the concept, character, legal requirements of decoy investigation, and the responsibility of the investigatio...



7. And that is what happened; 64% of them were swayed by the decoy.


8. decoy是什么意思

8. Are you there, or are you just a decoy dream in my head?


9. decoy什么意思

9. But you already knew that, which is why we're well aware that it's a decoy box.


10. decoy的翻译

10. But I've got to say I don't like this decoy op the feds are talking up.


11. Objective To investigate the expression of decoy receptor 3 proteins in hepatocellular carcinoma and its clinical significance.



12. Radiation characteristic of electro-thermal coating has a great effect on decoy efficiency, in order to design the electro-thermal coating for decoy and analyze the radiation--related factors, an effective model of coating radiation is established, the relation between emissivity, reflectance and coating thickness, volume fraction and radius of filling particles is discussed in detail.


13. Bring a Hireling along, use your Valkyrie, and Decoy to distract Duriel.

带一个雇佣军,使用你的 Valkyrie和Decoy以分散Duriel的注意力。

14. Camouflage system; camo bag, gun bag, aluminium gun case, gun safe, aluminium bullet box, camo bullet bag, camo hunting blind, hunting chairs, safe combinet, shooting stake, tree stand, camo clothes, camo hat, decoy bag, decoy stakes and so on.


15. decoy的翻译

15. A decoy used in catching animals, especially an artificial bait used in catching fish.


16. Mouse model of penetrating keratoplasty. Three BALB/C mice animal models of penetrating keratoplasty were established, grafts from C57BL/6 mice. Group A: keratoplasty without any treats. Group B: NF-κB scrambled ODNs. Group C: NF-κB decoy ODNs. Group B and C were injected 1μg/μl scrambledof NF-κB or decoy-ODNs 2μl in anterior chamber respectivly on intraoperative, postoperative three days and five days.

1、小鼠穿透性角膜移植动物模型的建立和观察建立三组BALB/C小鼠穿透性角膜移植动物模型,供体角膜植片来自于C57BL/6小鼠。A组:单纯角膜移植组;B组:NF-κB杂码ODNs组;C组:NF-κB圈套ODNs组。B组与C组分别在术中和术后3天、5天前房注射1μg/μl NF-κB杂码ODNs或NF-κB圈套ODNs 2μl。

17. decoy

17. In order to give the job to prevent the decoy on the ground to do illegal pyramid schemes, or woman to do Abduction buy prostitutes.


18. The physical basis of above difference between target and its decoy is analyzed.


19. According to the shortage of only considering the phase change of emitter and no refer to the amplitude change, based on the patterns of radar and decoy, using equal phase gradient method, while considering the influence about waviness of phase and amplitude of each, the decoying formula of the coherent decoy system is deduced, a damage probability model is drawn out.


20. In our study, Pancl is resistance to TRAIL-induced apoptosis may be due to lack death receptor DR5 and express decoy receptor DcR1.5-FU or MMC in combination with TRAIL can ovecome resistance of Pancl to TRAIL-induced apoptosis, which leads to the activation of caspase. The activation of casase is the vital pathway in Pancl of TRAIL-induced apoptosis. TRAIL that can selectively induce apoptosis on tumor cells may be useful adjuvant therapies for chemoresistant pancreatic cancers.


decoy 词典解释

1. 诱饵;诱惑物;用作诱饵的人

If you refer to something or someone as a decoy, you mean that they are intended to attract people's attention and deceive them, for example by leading them into a trap or away from a particular place.


e.g. Nick acted as a decoy after the dog attacked a group of children swimming in the river.


e.g. He was booked on a flight leaving that day, but that was just a decoy.


2. (用于吸引野鸟的)假鸟

A decoy is a model of a bird that is used to attract wild birds towards it so that people can study them or shoot them.

decoy 单语例句

1. James was little more than a decoy the rest of the way.

2. He said officials believed the bomb being dismantled was a decoy to draw in more police before the second bomb exploded.

3. Witnesses said the decoy car ran a roadblock in front of a square where the Italian barracks was located.

4. The winner will be announced in the televised finale, with the decoy collections edited out.

5. He took the decoy inside the house where an Uzbek woman was present along with the girls.

6. The same evening, the team set up a trap using a buffalo as decoy.

7. Their paths cross when Li's son is tapped to play Sun's decoy.

decoy 英英释义


1. something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed

Synonym: baitlure

2. a beguiler who leads someone into danger (usually as part of a plot)

Synonym: steerer


1. lure or entrap with or as if with a decoy