

statistics:[英 [stə'tɪstɪks] 美 [stəˈtɪstɪks] ]


statistics 基本解释

名词统计数字; 统计,统计学,统计法,统计资料; “statistic”的复数


statistics 相关例句


1. statistics

1. Remember that these statistics describe college freshmen in 1972.


2. He is a professor of statistics.


3. I happen to have the latest population statistics with me.


statistics 网络解释


1. 统计信息:我们事前并不知道,数据库本身也不知道,但是数据库会根据一定的规则或者统计信息(statistics)去选择一个执行计划,通常来说选择的是我们还需要关注的一个东西,Oracle提供的dbms_stats包除了具有搜集统计信息的能力,还具有把数据库中统计信息(statistics)

2. 统计资料:所谓统计资料(Statistics)是指用来说明总体的资料,这些资料来源于普查、抽样调查、记录、登记、报告和其他文件. 普查(Census)是为统计目的对每一单位进行调查而收集统计资料,如人口、住房、农业、工业、商业和其他活动的普查.

statistics 双语例句

1. Objective To study the leucocytes infection statistics of the tiny organism eperthrozoon and analysis on the people who just reached the highland and who inhabited the highland for half a year at least. Methods Take one portion of anticoagulation that contains abundant leucocytes, two portions of distilled water or1%HCl2liquores for dilution, and mix them up to hemolyze for ten minutes. Take15ul of the mixture to make a silce, and then observe by oil microscope.

目的 研究从内地不同地区急进高原人群和其在高原环境中居住半年后白细胞内感染附红细胞体的对比分析方法取富含白细胞的抗凝血液1份,加蒸馏水或1%HCl2份稀释混匀,使其溶血10min,取15μl制作压片然后用油镜观察。

2. In order, to provide anonymous feedback usage statistics i. e.

CIN 使用者也应该可以次序不是可得的项目完整的版本在线或为他们的是一项指控。

3. Ccording to the Gallup organization latest statistics in 2006, the public evaluation to pharmacists sets a new record, although ranking the second. It is obvious that pharmacists own very high image in the American society, be subjected to the public trust and respect deeply, even are superior to physicians.


4. statistics的近义词

4. And various business system, the design flow chart and joined the statements statistics function.

首先完成系统的需求分析和系统的规划,确定系统业务流程调查分析,科学划分系统的功能模块,并运用Microsoft Office Visio等软件进行功能模块图和各项业务系统流程图的设计,并加入了报表统计的功能。


5. At An the forry AHP atall i6 op1ied to the Taizha--Ytheiap be. In the Mess of opliCation, the atic1e cnis the beW methed wtth the twicateraItw Mess to solVe ch weight, nd cbothes the fuzry statistics wtth the bebomeed to deted boion degree of bos.


6. Office party: The party in charge of discipline inspection, trade unions, Communist Youth League, women's federations of the day-to-day affairs, the coordination of the Office of the relationship between; responsible for the organization, propaganda, ideological and cultural progress, united front, the Overseas Chinese Affairs (Federation of Returned Overseas), planning, statistics, Letters and visits, labor and personnel, secretarial and administrative services, logistics and so on.


7. statistics

7. Department of Health Statistics, School of Military Preventive Medicine, Fourth Military Medical University, Xian 710033, China

作者:作者:王素珍,夏结来,郑亮,于莉莉,李婵娟,王陵作者单位:第四军医大学军事预防医学系卫生统计学教研室,陕西西安 710033 来源:医学期刊/大学学报收藏本文章

8. Primary factor influcing rate of fault shut-down of polymerization reactor is found out through statistics and analysis.


9. In addition, the National Bureau of Statistics data show that in 2003, the National average selling price of real estate 2379 yuan/sq m, and even less than half of Shanghai.


10. The statistics included college students killed in car accidents if the students had alcohol in their blood, even if the level was below the legal limit.


11. The statistics included college students killed in car accidents if the students had alcohol in the ir blood, even if the level was below the legal limit.



12. Analyse every group of data with, output graph of function and statistics to draw a direct and persuadable conclusion.


13. According to Tian`e Tourism statistics show that the pre-construction Longtan about 4 million tourists per year in 2005, soared to more than 30 hundred million times.


14. statistics的意思

14. In order to explore the common causes correlated with infertility, data of 3777 couples who diagnosed in outpatient department were collected, including age, menstrual cycle, childbearing history and examinations about infertility and sterility. The statistics showed that tubal and pelvic diseases were the major etiological factors in female. Disorder of ovulation elicited by various reasons was the second cause, which included polycystic ovary syndrome、premature ovarian failure and so on.


15. statistics

15. According to the latest statistics from Shanghai customs, the European Union has become Shanghai's biggest export market and import source.


16. statistics的翻译

16. The correlation between the displacement of colluvial landslides and the rainfall has been studied systemtically in term of the theory of the Grey System and the statistics, finding the displacements of the slope are very closely interrelated with the rainfall, and the circles of the displacements are also coincided with the circle of the rainfall.


17. The statistics calculated by the total number of companies, including the company`s executives.


18. You can also login with your BOINC account information to view your own personal statistics.

你可以用 BOINC 的帐号登陆来查看自己的统计。

19. statistics在线翻译

19. The domestic and foreign documents related to the application of spatial statistics to forestry are scarce.


20. The thesis of heading language is made up of the statistics on manner, time phrase and moment title.


statistics 单语例句

1. More than 100 business jets are in operation in the country now, according to statistics from Firestone Management Group's released in January.

2. He said Sina Corp might look for partners to cover this business sector, providing great opportunities for the statistics companies.

3. About 11 per cent of local business people have college education, according to statistics from the Zhejiang Provincial Personnel Bureau.

4. More than 1 million Taiwan business people work or live on the mainland, statistics show.

5. The business plays a major part in China's foreign trade and is listed separately in trade statistics.

6. Most department stores in Beijing have also seen a prominent increase in sales, according to statistics provided by the Beijing Municipal Business Committee.

7. Such statistics can show a rebounding trend in business expansion, said Liu.

8. Statistics from the bureau show that a new business can provide an average of six jobs.

9. Valdes released the statistics during a meeting with Calderon and representatives of business and civic groups.

10. Customs'statistics for the first half year also show a brisk business in furniture.

statistics 英英释义


1. a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters