

jejunum:[英 [dʒɪˈdʒu:nəm] 美 [dʒɪ'dʒu:nəm] ]


jejunum 基本解释


jejunum 网络解释

1. 空肠:(2)空肠(jejunum)位于左上腹膜腔,黏膜皱襞明显,数量较多. (3)回肠 (ileum)位于右侧及下腹部,弯曲增多. 黏膜皱襞逐渐变得低平,数量减少. 空、回肠间无明显界线. 3.大肠(large intestine) 大肠分为盲肠、结肠和直肠三部. 盲肠附有蚓突(阑尾).


2. 空肠;小肠中段:jejunediet缺乏营养的食物 | jejunum空肠;小肠中段 | jell胶凝;凝胶;凝固;胶凝了的

jejunum 双语例句

1. The origins of tumor were stomach in 11 patients, duodenum in 3 patients, ileum in 9 patients, jejunum in 8 patients, and transverse colon in 1 patient, respectively.


2. Results The diagnosis of PVCT in 15 pitients were all comfirmed by B ultrasonography or ultrasonic Doppler and by percutaneous splenoportography or selective arteriography of superior mesenteric atrery. Of them, the liver was all normal. Nine patients underwent ligation of both splenic artery and coronary vein as well as mesocaval shunt with atrificial graft. Of 5 cases rebleeding after splenectomy and devascularization, 4 received C type mesocaval shunt and 1 received jejunectomy due to variceal hemorrhage within the jejunum.

结果 所有病人术前均经B超或多普勒超声检查提示肝脏正常及PVCT,并经经皮脾穿刺门静脉造影或选择性肠系膜上动脉造影确诊。9例行脾动脉结扎、冠状静脉结扎、肠系膜上静脉与下腔静脉C型架桥术;1例行脾动脉结扎、脾肾静脉C型架桥术;5例已行脾切除加断流术后再出血者,4例行肠腔C型架桥术,1例因静脉曲张和出血部位在空肠而行空肠节段切除术。

3. jejunum的解释

3. The patients were repaired by pedicle flap of gallbladder (1 case), gastric wall (2 cases) and jejunum (1 case).



4. METHODS: The 144 BALB/c male mice were abdominally irradiated with 1150 cGy 60Coγray in 1-3 h, and then they were injected intestinal RNA from normal rats on jejunum. On day 1, 3 and 5 after irradiation, the mice were sacrified after anesthesia for determining endotoxin in blood and bacterial metathetic rate, and intestinal crypt survival rate.

选用BALB/c雄性小鼠144只,用1150 cGy 60Coγ射线进行腹部一次照射,于照后1~3 h采用局部肠腔扩张注入法给小鼠空肠肠腔内注入正常大鼠小肠RNA,分别于照后1,3,5 d麻醉后解剖,取血,测定内毒素含量;取肠系膜淋巴结,测定细菌移位率;取空肠段,计数肠腺存活率。

5. Accordingly, EEN should be in commonly after operation or scar inside 48 H begin, premise is patient blood kinetic stability, wait for EN no-no card without enteron block, haemorrhage. When the 2 EEN way, EEN after losing the choice abdomen operation that notes means and preparation, buy is in charge of a method to be able to wait for choice nose duodenum and jejunum buy canal, jejunum to build puncture of mouth, jejunum to build T of twin-circuit of mouth, classics to be in charge of buy canal to wait according to means of patient patient's condition, operation.

因此,EEN一般应在手术或创伤后48 h内开始,前提是患者血液动力学稳定、无消化道梗阻、出血等EN禁忌证。2 EEN途径、输注方式和制剂的选择腹部手术后EEN时,置管方法可依据患者病情、手术方式等选择鼻十二指肠及空肠置管、空肠造口、空肠穿刺造口、经双腔T管置管等。

6. The results showed that the average feed intake and average daily gain of broiler was increased by hawthorn entract supplementation (P.05), the FCR was improved in anaphase, and the sum of Escherichia Coli in Ileum and Cecum was decreased (P.05). it showed positive effect on the colonization of Lactic bacteria in Jejunum, Ileum and cecum.


7. The ontogeny of NKA-IR in jejunum and ileum later slightly than seen in the duodenum (about 1 day). On 30 days after birth, they have showed the distribution feature of adult. 4. In rat colon, the NKA-IR initially appeared in the myenteric plexus at the 17th day of embryo. Subsequently, the NKA-IR could be observed in longitudinal muscles, circular muscles, muscularis mucosae, lamina propria, mucosa plexus and suhmucosa in succession with the development of colon. The distribution character similar to mature could be found at 30 days after birth.


8. Results to obtain the location of the content and distribution of Staphylococcus law, when the dynamic equilibrium of its distribution after the crop, jejunum within the district with the largest, at least Proventriculus distribution, which the digestive tract for the turkey provided microecological dynamics scientific data.


9. However, diets supplemented with antibioyics and prebiotics could improve the growth of villus. Although Zinc bacitracin could decrease the Gram-positive bacteria, but it couldn`t suppressed Coli form. Added mannanoligosaccharide and Bacillus subtilis to the feed could increase the growth performance and decrease the number of Coli form in jejunum and ileum, and the results were better than added mannanoligosaccharide and Bacillus subtilis alone. The results show that mannanoligosaccharide posses the potential to replace the antibiotics as growth promoter.


10. Methods Forty cases were randomized into two groups: early enteral nutrition group (n=20) and control group (n=20) Enteral nutrition was started 24 hours after operation via naso-jejunum tube placed during operation, 500 ml was given in the first day and then increase 500 ml each day to remain at 2000-2500 ml.


11. Results: One patient had intestinal angiodysplasia in jejunum and three in ileum, another one had jejunal lymphangiectasia.

在检查过程时如果没有禁忌症则给予病人静脉注射hyoscine-butylbromide 20 mg,midazolam 2-5 mg及meperidine20-50mg以达轻度麻醉的效果。

12. jejunum的意思

12. Results The recovery of enteric motility of patients after Whipple operation with early enternal nutrition through upper jejunum was earlier than that without early enternal nutrition (P.01), but the recovery of gastric motility was later (P.01), and the occurrence of functional delay of gastric empty seemsd increased.



13. The results showed that ABP had an up-trend to pH value of rectum, cecum and colon, and groupⅢand groupⅣsignificantly decreased the pH value of cecum and colon(P<0.05, or P<0.01), but didn't have significant difference on pH value of rectal(P>0.05), pH value between antibioties group and control group didn't have significant differences(P>0.05).Groups added with ABP had the same effect or had better effect on inhibition of intestinal E. coil and promotion of intestinal salutary bacteria in contrast with antibiotics groupP>0.05, P<0.05 or P<0.01With the increasing of the addition of ABP in groupⅡ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, there were more inhibition of intestinal E. coli and promotion of intestinal salutary bacteria, and there were significant difference between groupⅡand groupⅣ(P<0.05 or P<0.01 The duodenal epithelial cell thickness in all experimental groups had no significant difference; With the increasing of the addition of ABP, the epithelial cell thickness of jejunum and ileum increased significantly than that of the control group and experimental groupⅠP<0.05orP<0.01Compared with the control group, groupⅡ, ⅢandⅣimproved intestinal villi height and reduced recess depth significantly(P<0.05 or P<0.01In the duodenum, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳgroup improved intestinal villi height and reduced recess depth significantly than groupⅠP<0.05 or P<0.01There were no significant difference for the depths of recess of jejunum and ileum in all experimental groups, and the intestinal mucous membrane had no significant difference between groupⅢandⅣ.ABP increased significantly villus height and depth of recess ratio(VH/CD value in duodenum, ileum and jejunum(P<0.05 or P<0.01), therefore ABP could improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, and then improve the growth perfonnance for pigs.



14. Catesbeiana, they were 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), somatostatin, gastrin and glucagon cells. 5-HT cells were observed throughout the digestive tract, mainly distributed in the stomachus pyloricus and jejunum, occasionally seen in the esophagus.


15. C Diagram of the surgical findings shows that approximately 230 cm of gangrenous jejunum and ileum, located 120 cm from the ligament of Treitz, was herniated through the retrocecal recess.



16. Operation and pathology proved that 1 cases belonged to ileum mesenteryretia mesentery and submucous membranes of colon respectively.2 cases for colonic mesentery and jejunum mesentery.


17. METHODS:(1)The bile-pancreatic ducts of rats were ligated, the catheters were inserted into right jugular vein and jejunum and the acute pancreatitis model was established. Forty pancreatitic rats were divided into four groups and were given simple parenteral nutrition(PN, n=10), early enteral nutrition(EEN, n=10), median enteral nutrition(MEN, n=10), and late enteral nutrition(LEN, n=10) respectively.


18. jejunum在线翻译

18. Early enteral nutritional supporting could exacerbate histopathological changes of acute pancreatitic rats; excrine function could be stimulated after EN through jejunum when patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy; regarding the pancreato-surgery diseases, simply pursuing early EN will endanger the pancreatic tissue, rather than bring advantage: the cost is more than award.


19. On day 21, dietary supplemented with Thr increased the villus acidic goblet cell size of jejunum, and NaB plus Thr had a synergistic effect on the villus neutral goblet cell numbers and area of jejunum.


20. The results of 28d feed experiments indicated that extrusion of aged unpolished rice diet improved the activities of mucosa disaccharidase of duodenum, but decreased the activities in jejunum.


jejunum 英英释义


1. the part of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum