

terrain:[英 [təˈreɪn] 美 [təˈren] ]



terrain 基本解释

名词地形,地势; 地面,地带; [地理]岩层; (知识的)领域范围

terrain 相关例句


1. It's a difficult terrain for tanks.


terrain 网络解释

1. 地面:第二大类的插件我称之为广义的地景(Scenery)插件,这类插件用于增强和修改游戏的地面(Terrain)系统,使得游戏中的世界更贴近于真实世界. 同样,我们也将地景插件分为若干个小类来加以说明. 第二类是地形(Mesh)插件,用于提高游戏的地形分辨率.

2. 范围;地形:Tension张力;张量 | Terrain范围;地形 | Terrain Compound Object地形合成物体

terrain 双语例句

1. More discouraging still, the terrain in front of the enemy positions consisted of irrigated sugar cane fields, criss-crossed with irrigation ditches.



2. Demonstration of the procedure Shuo-3D engine terrain, the sky, the result...


3. Diving depth changes with the terrain, the deep South, the North light, to the central corridor, such as the water level near the city of Jiuquan 5-20 meters in depth.


4. The construction of Roller Compacted Concrete Dam is a complicated systems engineering problem, which not only has gigantic engineering quantity, long work time, a large number of working faces, numerous construction machines and types, complicated structures of dam, difficult construction and high work intensity, but also influenced by many factors, such as terrain and geology, climate condition, methods of leading current, parting of dam, start concreting time of Roller Compacted Concrete, construction measures and so on.


5. The realization of the scene, dynamic terrain, camera and a simple artificial intelligence.


6. Because these tanks did not have armaments or engines, it was intended that they be given the simplest gadgets for installation of a DP light machine-gun and by 23-24 June placed on the terrain as immobile firing points to cover dead space, defiles, ravines, and so on.


7. ChaoAn official site is located in Industrial Zone, open terrain and beautiful environment.


8. The Block 50/52 also includes a ring laser gyro inertial navigation system, a global positioning system receiver, a larger capacity data transfer cartridge, an improved data modem, the ALR-56M advanced radar warning receiver, the ALE-47 threat adaptive countermeasure system, a digital terrain system data transfer cartridge, a cockpit compatible with night vision systems, and an advanced interrogator for identifying friendly aircraft.


9. These F-16s also have an improved data modem, a ring laser inertial navigation system, a miniaturized global positioning system, a digital terrain system, an advanced interrogator for identifying friendly aircraft, wide-angle head-up display, color multifunction cockpit displays, up-front controls (a set of programmable pushbuttons placed just below the head-up display), and Block 50-style. sidestick and throttle controllers.


10. Long-term since, be in no matter terrain of economics is academic controversy, academic still development all without exception and capital concept are having very close connection.


11. We construct two ecological conditions of the plains and slopes and contrast artificial single species community cultivated plant. After construction, testing and analyzing the content of objective active substance, the result shows:At flat and sloping field artificial compound community, the average content of camptothecin are 0.6%0 and 0.88%0, and the average content of taxol are 0.15‰and 0.18‰. The content of objective active substance at sloping field is higher than at flat. That is because the terrain of flat artificial compound community slopes gently, less runoff, 0.43 canopy density, and less resistance of light and soil. However, at sloping field, on the base of sloping field, it has good drainage, canopy density is 0.37, and there is more resistance by light and soil than at flat.


12. We compare the regular grid terrain LOD methods and triangulated irregular network LOD methods, discuss the use of view frustum cull and occlusion cull, analysis the efficiency of different data layou, and take environment influences into account.


13. At the same time, the spatial distribution of runoff of optimal scenario had no change, but the spatial distribution of sediment modulus had a great change that high-value areas was from concentration to scatter which illustrated that the sensitivity of the factors affected sediment had changed, the sensitivity of vegetation was decreased and the sensitivity of precipitation and runoff was increased, while the terrain factor is still the most sensitive factor.


14. Once on land the vehicle was limited to flat level terrain.


15. Triangle Hill because of its strategically located and difficult terrain, easily defensible, it is vital importance military history, the Tang is not the military leader of peasant uprising Wang Chao, frustrated王仙芝war thousands of miles, came to this mountain分兵finishing a sweep Jiangnan, a North Changan check; Yuan Yijun no era generals, led by徐寿辉Jianghuai justice in this poly-Si-tsang; Qing Xian Hui-year period (1851-1861 AD), the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom King Yu-Cheng Chen, Heat昭寿Li, Chen Hong has been in this率兵built base Walled City and to re-Qing Xiang Huai strong, has well-preserved gate寨墙, nestled in the pine forests, and intermittent, has become historical monuments and witnessed the mountain and the stone base寨墙like to see people shouting and马嘶, continued to battle each other, vibration-day杀声ancient battlefields, Dayton is the exquisite feelings, however思古Health.


16. MOBILITY:Mobility, as defined by the 1988 Mobility Analysis for the TRADOC Wheeled-Versus-Track Study, is the ability to move freely and rapidly over the terrain of interest to accomplish varied combat objectives.1 Mobility is thus measured by a system`s freedom of movement (percent of the terrain over which the vehicle is mobile) and its average speed or travel time over that terrain.

机动性:机动性的情况来源于1988年训练与条令司令部(全称Training and Doctrine Command)进行的轮式和履带式车辆运动分析比较的研究。其研究的主要能容是测试作战平台面在完成不同的作战目标时可能会遇到的各种地貌上的运动速度和能力。所以首先机动性就有了一个测试标准就是该武器平台的机动性能(该车辆能在百分之多少的地形上行驶)和它在该地形上行驶时的平均速度或者是耗时多少。

17. The 1. opening and encircles gathers spatial the intermiscibility -- to act according to the building shape and the terrain change, forms the public domain and partly encircles the suitable region the landscape space, in the order, under the complete landscape design concept, by in ecology technology's solution building the courtyard space, designed to construction personalization processing has reflected building's cultural special characteristic and the wetland protectorate culture characteristic.


18. A new method was proposed based on the traversability of obstacle classification aiming at the lunar rover's autonomous navigation in three-dimensional terrain.


19. terrain

19. Through the analysis to the terrain and obstacle's geometry characteristic, the obstacle classification map and mean slope map were obtained. The traversability index was calculated as the rover's 3D path planning cost function.


20. Path planning is a main task of lunar rover navigation. However, this problem has been mostly neglected within published work. Therefore, this dissertation proposed an intelligent path planning algorithm of lunar rover based on genetic algorithm. This algorithm improved simple genetic algorithm, and present an adaptive genetic algorithm based on knowledge. It used the specialized genetic operators and adjusted adaptively the parameter. In addition, it incorporated the domain knowledge into its initial population. This method increases greatly the efficiency of the algorithm and overcomes the problem of premature convergence of the simple genetic algorithm. This algorithm uses triangulated irregular network to model the virtual environment leading to lower in-core memory consumption. At the same time, there are many factors such as traversability of lunar terrain, systematical uncertainty, assistance of man and smooth of path, which are comprehensively considered. A path cost function is designed in order to safety of the planning path.


terrain 词典解释

1. 地形;地势;地带

Terrain is used to refer to an area of land or a type of land when you are considering its physical features.

e.g. The terrain changed quickly from arable land to desert.


e.g. ...a tortuous eight-hour coach ride around 1,200 bends of rough terrain.

在崎岖不平的地势上拐了 1,200 个弯、长达 8 小时的冗长的长途汽车旅行

terrain 单语例句

1. She usually drives between the three cities across two countries'vastly different terrain, her baby calmly sleeping and her smart phone within easy reach.

2. The lead chanter had to know the terrain, especially the shoals - and there were 70 of them that could capsize boats.

3. He has photographed terrain in order to study in his leisure time the best means of channeling water for irrigation.

4. These common interests will grow to an even higher level if both countries continue to steer their overall relationship onto stable terrain.

5. Orienteering is a sport that requires navigational skills using a map and compass to go quickly from point to point in diverse terrain.

6. The 176 islands ranging from high volcanic to low coral terrain create scenic variety seldom matched elsewhere in the world.

7. Guizhou province in southwest China is pure karst country - 73 percent of its terrain is covered with that type of sedimentary rock.

8. The images have shown an area around the Shackleton Crater, with some terrain in perpetual darkness and other areas almost always sunlit.

9. Linklater first used rotoscoping in 2001's Waking Life although A Scanner Darkly traverses far darker terrain than its stylistic twin.

10. The problem is that often the fun would last only a day - the footballs would quickly rip or deflate on rough terrain.

terrain 英英释义



1. a piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential

e.g. they decided to attack across the rocky terrain