

proponent:[英 [prəˈpəʊnənt] 美 [prəˈpoʊnənt] ]



proponent 基本解释

名词提倡者; 支持者,拥护者; 提出认证遗嘱者

proponent 网络解释

1. 支持者:pessimist悲观主义者 | proponent支持者 | quisling卖国贼,内奸

2. 提出证据者:propman 道具管理员 | proponent 提出证据者 | proportion 比例

3. proponent的反义词

3. 支持者,拥护者:419. prophet: 先知,预言家. | 420. proponent: 支持者,拥护者. | 421. proselyte: 皈依者,改变宗教信仰者.

4. 鼓吹者、支持者:试图化解政治危机try to defuse the crisis | 鼓吹者、支持者proponent | 鼓动民族主义情绪provoking nationalist sentiment

proponent 双语例句

1. He became a global proponent for an expanded NATO, more open international trade, and a worldwide campaign against drug trafficking.


2. Do not think Cisco is the proponent of Internet foundation technology merely, we are Internet development innovation more most fundamental fountainhead and brain truster.


3. If utilitarianism is wron9, a proponent of economic analysis has a choice: He or she can either abandon the normative use of the Pareto criteria in favor of a nonutility — based efficiency criterion or try to construct nonuti1itarian normative arguments for the Pareto criteria...



4. What answer can be made to a proponent of this view?


5. Write To Be Read I am a big proponent of writing in a journal to capture ideas and thoughts.


6. proponent

6. The Center's purpose is to promote the gay movement and multi-cultural development, improve the LGBT community's self-esteem, fight against discrimination as a result of sexual identity, and be a proponent of tolerance and equality in society.

中心的宗旨在促进同志运动和多元文化的发展,提高 LGBT 群体的自我认同水平,反对基于性别认同和性倾向的歧视,并倡导社会的包容与平等。

7. proponent

7. Following the German tradition, a more moderate proponent of this type of criticism is Wolfgang Iser.



8. Ai Ao covers with tiles the triumph of the city makes the proponent with new more land MyBo.


9. One proponent of this view, Professor Zhuo Zeyuan, of the Central Party School, last year gave a two-hour talk on his ideas to all 24 members of the Politburo.


10. Therefore, vigorous publicity pasteurized milk, a strong proponent of consumer pasteurized milk, but also can ensure that those engaged in pasture plant breeding and dairy farmers increase their income, in order to attract and accommodate more farmers turn to upper primary economic pasture plant breeding industry and the dairy industry to be more effective to play effectively adjust the agricultural structure and the role of building a new countryside.


11. Alcott was herself a proponent of women's rights.


12. proponent是什么意思

12. Although he was at one time a major proponent of the transpersonal school of psychology, he has since disassociated himself from it.


13. proponent

13. If the evidence adduced by him or otherwise arising in the case is of a sufficient cogency to raise such an issue, the court, when assessing the evidence as a whole at the end of the case, decides whether the proponent of the will has discharged the persuasive burden in relation to the relevant fact in issue on the balance of probabilities.


14. I am a big proponent of writing in a journal to capture ideas and thoughts.


15. During entering into an election contest last year, aobama accumulated natural resources of many proponent information, go up according to calling this group of hair mailing list have 13 million person.


16. He has been an ardent supporter of natural remedies and a proponent of arginine use for more than a decade.


17. Describe the market of the proponent and the cooperation with relevant market parties or consultants.


18. A proponent of decorative painting, Puvis de Chavannes had repudiated the shadows, reliefs and brilliancy of his compositions to return to the simplicity of medieval frescoes.


19. McCain is a strong supporter of the war in Iraq and a leading proponent of President Bush's troop surge strategy in an effort to quell sectarian violence.


20. CCain is a strong supporter of the war in Iraq and a leading proponent of President Bush's troop surge strategy in an effort to quell sectarian violence.


proponent 词典解释

1. 支持者;拥护者;辩护者

If you are a proponent of a particular idea or course of action, you actively support it.

e.g. Halsey was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education.


proponent 单语例句proponent什么意思

1. It gained license and exemption from duty for three years from Li Hongzhang, a leading statesman of the late Qing Dynasty and a proponent of the movement.

2. Bolton has been a key proponent of tough Security Council action unless Iran renounces enrichment, including a militarily enforceable resolution packing the threat of sanctions.

3. The vocal proponent for increasing holiday entitlement has failed in his latest motion to change the law.

4. Through the process, he has become a proponent of his ancestor's values.

5. We hope that America will be a strong proponent for world peace, not a trigger for disputes or even conflicts.

6. Trinkaus is a leading proponent of the controversial theory that early modern humans and Neanderthals interbred to some extent.

7. France operates 58 reactors and has been a leading international proponent of nuclear energy.

8. And we are a persistent proponent of cooperative security aimed at building security for all.

9. Industry watchers say retailers have never been a big proponent of countervailing duties.

10. " I generally am not a proponent of working with mercenaries, " he said.

proponent在线翻译proponent 英英释义


1. a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea

Synonym: advocateadvocatorexponent