

decorum:[英 [dɪˈkɔ:rəm] 美 [dɪˈkɔrəm, -ˈkor-] ]


decorum 基本解释

名词端庄得体; 体统

decorum 网络解释

1. 礼貌:decorticate 剥皮 | decorum 礼貌 | decoupage 剪纸装饰

2. 礼貌合宜:decorticatieexuviation 脱壳 | decorum 礼貌合宜 | decount 缺除

decorum 双语例句


1. Hoping to leave behind Tzu Chi's legacy of humanity and decorum, volunteers like Chu Guocai are sad to say goodbye to Myanmar, which has been their home since cyclone Nargis ravaged the country more than four months ago.



2. A sense of decorum is the beginning of propriety; a sense of righting a wrong is the beginning of justice; a sense of compassion is the beginning of humanity.


3. decorum什么意思

3. For reason's of decorum, but also because I want to see the range of what you do, can we see something else?


4. He deals with questions relating to (1) marriage, (2) virginity, (3) the use of things offered to idols, (4) proper decorum in church and the celebration of the Eucharist, (5) spiritual gifts, or Charismata, (6) the Resurrection, (7) the collections for the poor of Jerusalem.

他处理有关的问题( 1 )婚姻,( 2 )处女,( 3 )使用的东西,提供给偶像,( 4 )适当的礼仪,在教会和庆祝圣体圣事,( 5 )的精神礼物,或charismata ,( 6 )复活,( 7 )集合为穷人服务的耶路撒冷。

5. To flaunt that with such a lack of sensitivity to professional decorum is


6. To flaunt that with such a lack of sensitivity to professional decorum is very disquieting.


7. One who is accustomed to depravity, on the contrary, always softens things, acts more disgustingly, but with a show of decorum and seemliness by which she claims to be superior to you.



8. While carries out duty, yellow SIR statement odd job branch first warns with an air of decorum to Li the SIR: This world does not have the ghost!


9. In the last yearses, in the teachers and friends teach strictly under benefit and personal effort, I had firm professional foundation knowledge, probably controling PHOTSHOP, CAD, 3 Ds and the technical ability of form creation, more important, careful atmosphere of a school and the study attitude of decorum molded me a simple and creative personality characteristics.


10. decorum在线翻译

10. Even though they were the Turtles, it clearly did not mean they were all behaving with the decorum of choirboys.


11. Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling, By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore.


12. decorum的意思

12. We have lost, it seems, all sense of decency and decorum in the football arena.


13. Now, allow me to show my decorum with a cu of tea.


14. True, the planks were not so closely adjusted but that a hasty peep might be obtained through their interstices; but the strict decorum and rigid propriety of the inhabitants of the house left no grounds for apprehending that advantage would be taken of that circumstance.


15. Decorum are rich and they are different from other reports in other regions.


16. If he can't, on one will care to be his opponent because he lacks basic decorum and the spirit of a good sportsman.


17. I`ve tried it, and recommend throwing decorum out the port hole and lying on the floor.


18. decorum的翻译

18. Let us study together, provoke the mission of passing the etiquette on, pay attention to decorum hand in hand, and use the etiquette, the Olympic Games in Beijing that it is Welcome 2008, the good students who do civilization etiquette!


19. Now, Pan Liang's bravado is melding into decorum; the food station bustles him back and forth, keeping him so busy he does nothing else, but even so he refrains from his past irritability, the quick temper and wicked language.



20. Students are required to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the dignity and decorum expected in a Buddhist academic institution.


decorum 词典解释

1. 有礼;得体;庄重

Decorum is behaviour that people consider to be correct, polite, and respectable.

e.g. I was treated with decorum and respect throughout the investigation.


decorum 单语例句

1. Forget the quintessential image of the British butler as the epitome of discreet decorum.

2. In addition, we are living in a time of flux regarding social decorum.

3. Tuesday's rebuke was a rare resolution of disapproval pushed through by Democrats who insisted that Wilson had violated basic rules of decorum and civility.

4. All this was done with great decorum, with key people maintaining their dignity and poise even after the alcohol took hold.

5. As the country tightens its connections with the outside world, people have gradually become more aware of what foreigners regard as decorum.

6. But surely ordering people around with the epithet " little monkey " exceeded any community's sense of decorum.

7. Charlotte's imagination was the one place where she was not bound by decorum.

decorum 英英释义


1. propriety in manners and conduct

Synonym: decorousness