

boom:[英 [bu:m] 美 [bum] ]


过去式:boomed;   过去分词:boomed;   现在分词:booming;   复数形式:booms;

boom 基本解释

不及物动词发出隆隆声; 快速发展; 暴涨

及物动词以低沉而有回响的声音发出; 使繁荣; 使迅速发展

名词繁荣; 激增; 隆隆声


boom 相关例句


1. boom

1. Foreign investments boomed the city.



1. Our teacher boomed out his answer.


2. Business is booming.



1. The booms kept the logs from flowing away.


2. boom的翻译

2. The long boom of the crane functions like our arms.


boom 网络解释

1. 摄影机托架:摄影机托架 (BOOM) 一种类似起重机的活动装置,可让摄影机移入或越过场景,由不同的高度或角度连续拍摄单一动作或整段影片,使画面显得流畅而富于变化.

2. boom的反义词

2. 臂:▲垂直轴(COLUMM)旋转配全重负荷轴承以手动方式或电动方式(OPTION)调整. ▲垂直轴(COLUMM) 采AC MOTOR传动,配合滚珠紧迫滑轨,重型链条带动升降,并有安全装置防止链条断裂. ▲水平臂(BOOM) 采DC MOTOR传动,配合精密轴、承移动平稳.

3. 横杆:小心解开主帆帆底,将帆底由帆尾角至帆前缘角方向依次小心导入横杆(Boom)的固定槽内,并随时检查主帆是否与其他帆索具缠绕在一起. 前侧行使(Close reach)帆放出1∕4(22.5度)正侧行使(Beam reach)帆放出1∕2(45度)后侧行使(Broad reach)帆放出3∕4(67.5度)

4. boom:build operate own maintain; 建造

boom 双语例句

1. New Jersey's position at the center of the BosWash megalopolis, between Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, DC, fueled its rapid growth through the suburban boom of the 1950s and beyond.


2. Part of that lopsidedness was the huge pile of international reserves emerging countries built up during the boom on the back of strong exports.


3. You see im doing a similar secuence, but in fact i did not draw the tings on the toom boom studio, i do it on pencil an skcaned it, then clin it an import them onto Toon Boom in diferents layes an vectorise them, but the problem is that i ca not see the drawing below, i men if i habe the thorse hands an legs, i can just see the torso the legs an arms on separete, how i can do to get them to show together?

你看到图像做了类似的secuence ,但事实上我并没有提请tings对南通繁荣工作室,我做的铅笔一个skcaned ,然后蛋白是一种进口到香椿的繁荣diferents layes一个vectorise他们,但问题是,钙没有看到下面的绘图,我男人如果我波部的thorse手中的腿,我只能看到腿部躯干的武器separete ,我怎么才能让他们显示在一起?

4. Back in the carefree days of the Noughties boom, Britain's youngsters were swept along by the buy-now-pay-later culture embraced by consumers up and down the country.


5. Is this the end of the emerging-market boom?


6. We haven't had a Twitter-like success come out of China year (it's still early in 2008, though), but China is definitely experiencing a web boom.



7. Adopting HyperWorks software, finite element model of telescopic boom is established and the boundary conditions are set. Taking weighed strain energy of the boom as target function and volume fraction as restrain condition, free dimension optimization is carried out on the boom thickness. The b...


8. But as to the Sail, that was my particular Care; I knew I had old Sails, or rather Pieces of old Sails enough; but as I had had them now six and twenty Years by me, and had not been very careful to preserve them, not imagining that I should ever have this kind of Use for them, I did not doubt but they were all rotten, and indeed most of them were so; however, I found two Pieces which appear'd pretty good, and with these I went to Work, and with a great deal of Pains, and awkward tedious stitching for Want of Needles, I at length made a three Corner'd ugly Thing, like what we call in England, a Shoulder of Mutton Sail, to go with a Boom at bottom, and a little short Sprit at the Top, such as usually our Ships Long Boats sail with, and such as I best knew how to manage; because it was such a one as I had to the Boat, in which I made my Escape from Barbary, as related in the first Part of my Story.


9. After many years of pioneering and development, are leading products of our factory have: Events folding tents, canopies assembled tube, car tent, camping tent, travel tent, advertising tents, rental tents, car show tent, poncho, telescopic boom, wood umbrella, aluminum umbrella, advertising umbrella, advertising arch, advertising flags and the Atrium shade tents and other outdoor supplies.


10. Tube's徙居drugs since I heard人丁boom may be the collapse of the public temple has long been the lead no one to repair, I do not know even Mody reason.


11. The boom in continuing education is a necessity.



12. This is the hard-won economic boom ushered in a wave of the African continent is no different from a head-on blow.


13. Boom the main Xianguan, using the Japanese production of high-intensity production of seamless steel tubes, so that the strength-steel structure more reliable.


14. boom的翻译

14. Bridge Everybody's trippin'on me Oh lord come help me please I did some bad things in my life Why can't you rescue me'cause you've got all I need I know I got to pay the price Lonely (2x) Cheepin'thru the streets at night after a fuss and fight Tears in my eyes I'm a man lookin'for the light Dark is the path I know he will rescue me The lord is my shephard I'm cool despite emergency Whom shall I fear exept the god Thank you for the blessin'and the skils on the mic Five years we know there's no diggity Free at last see the light in me What goes up must come down I'll be around while you heading towards deathtown Always look forward hardly never look back So many tears and the snakes on my jock Now I'm riding in my big fat ride Your ass is late so look for the line Nana in the house to let you know What I see is how I feel so leave me alone Lonely (3x) Knock on my door whom you lookin'for A dream or reality enemies at my door Eyes I realize it's fantasize I must be high So let me live before I die Once again grab the bottle twist the cap To survive your life is yours my life is mine No emotions in this world full of lies Step my step and be versatile Love peace and crash that's what it's all about Alone by yourself than you lack there's no doubt about I'm always into something making moves to improve What would you do if you where in my shoes Boom a letter oops another suicide Meet me for a ride at the boulevard Nana's in the house to let you know What I see is how I feel and damn I'm alone

大桥 每个人都trippin '我噢上帝来帮助我,请我没有一些不好的东西在我的生活为什么你不能救我的事业你有我需要的所有我知道我必须付出代价孤独( 2 ) Cheepin '的街道后,在晚上和大惊小怪斗争泪在我的眼睛我一个人来查找'的轻黑暗的道路是我知道他会救我上帝是我的谢泼德我很冷静,尽管紧急状态谁应我担心exept神谢谢你的blessin '和技能的麦克风五年来,我们知道,没有diggity 免费上看到光明,我什么上升必须下降我会在你走向deathtown 总是期待着几乎从未回头如此多的眼泪和蛇在我的运动员现在我骑在我的大脂肪骑你的屁股已晚,以便寻找路线娜娜在家里,让您知道我看到的是如何使我觉得我独自离开寂寞( 3 )敲我的门人你来查找'的梦或现实的敌人在我的门看我意识到这是幻想,我必须高让我活在我死再次抓住瓶子瓶盖扭为了生存你的生活是你我的生活是我的没有感情在这个世界上充满谎言一步一步,我是多面手热爱和平和系统崩溃这就是所有有关独自一人比你自己缺乏毫无疑问我总是把一些决策措施,改善请问您这样做,如果你在哪儿我在鞋繁荣的信哎呀另一个自杀满足我的车在林荫大道娜娜的家中,让您知道我看到的是我的感觉和该死的我在孤军奋战

15. Amanda: You know, you go through life thinking you're one person, and then boom


16. Boom-type bucket wheel stacker reclaimer from the bucket wheel, rotary, belt conveyor, tail cars, pitch and run institutions.


17. The SCZ50-2D Telescopic Crane Loader works with front-wheel drive, rear-wheel steering, rigid suspension; adopt total four hydromechanical drive gear-boxes in the back and front as the transmission, hydraulic power steering, caliper disc brake; the working device is composed of two quadrilateral portable telescopic arms and a rotary boom.

SCZ50-2D 型伸缩臂吊装机,底盘采用前轮驱动,后轮转向,刚性悬挂;传动采用前后各两档液力机械传动变速箱,全液压动力转向,制动为气推油钳盘式制动;工作装置为两节四边形伸缩臂和一个可旋转吊臂组成。

18. However, the automotive sector's boom now appears to be running out of gas.



19. Based on the analysis of the actuality and the problem in the application of real estate market boom index, by means of the diffusion index and composite index as well as their precision, the process of constitution of integration index is pondered over in order to reflect the situation of real estate market integrally, and its formulation is deduced.

在分析了房地产市场景气指数采用的现状及问题的基础上,设计了利用 DI值与 CI值及其精度构筑一个完整反映市场景气状况的综合指数的思路,并推导了相应的计算模式,最后对房地产综合景气指数的应用提出了几点想法

20. Without us, the chicas got no boom.


boom 词典解释

1. (经济的)繁荣,景气

If there is a boom in the economy, there is an increase in economic activity, for example in the amount of things that are being bought and sold.

e.g. An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction...


e.g. The 1980s were indeed boom years.


2. (数量的)增长;(频率的)加快;成功

A boom in something is an increase in its amount, frequency, or success.

e.g. The boom in the sport's popularity has meant more calls for stricter safety regulations...


e.g. Public transport has not been able to cope adequately with the travel boom.


3. (经济或生意)景气,繁荣

If the economy or a business is booming, the amount of things being bought or sold is increasing.

e.g. By 1988 the economy was booming...


e.g. Sales are booming...


4. (船帆的)下桁;帆桁

On a boat, the boom is the long pole which is attached to the bottom of the sail and to the mast and which you move when you want to alter the direction in which you are sailing.


5. 浮木挡栅,水栅(用来阻挡溢出的油扩散)

A boom is a large floating barrier that is used for stopping oil that has spilled from spreading.

6. (人)吼叫;(大炮或大鼓)发隆隆声

When something such as someone's voice, a cannon, or a big drum booms, it makes a loud, deep sound that lasts for several seconds.


e.g. 'Ladies,' boomed Helena, without a microphone, 'we all know why we're here tonight.'...


e.g. Thunder boomed like battlefield cannons over Crooked Mountain.


7. -> see baby boom

相关词组:boom out

boom 单语例句boom的近义词

1. " The free boom shows the diversified business models in the Chinese online game market, " IDC said in a Tuesday report.

2. The government has been trying to slow the economy to prevent its boom from becoming a speculative bubble that turns to a bust.

3. Even if China's economy does gain steady momentum later this year, it will by no means signal an immediate return to a new boom.

4. That c ould spell another tough year for equipment vendors, which have been counting on an investment boom to take up some slack.

5. Beijing has also long complained to Canberra about the escalating prices Chinese manufacturers are being charged for Australian raw materials during the mining boom.

6. These areas have since been leading China's export boom and were the first firms to receive foreign capital and technology.

7. Gao urged local governments to diversify fundraising channels and encourage private capital to invest in water conservation projects to support the country's water conservation boom.

8. The central bank has increased interest rates and banks'reserve deposits to control the capital economy boom.

9. On the other hand, more Koreans came to capitalize on China's boom.

10. Besides the Internet boom, car sales in China also boosted the Website's revenue.

boom在线翻译boom 英英释义



1. any of various more-or-less horizontal spars or poles used to extend the foot of a sail or for handling cargo or in mooring

2. a pole carrying an overhead microphone projected over a film or tv set

Synonym: microphone boom

3. a deep prolonged loud noise

Synonym: roarroaringthunder

4. a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money)

e.g. the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line

Synonym: bonanzagold rushgravygodsendmanna from heavenwindfallbunce

5. a state of economic prosperity


1. grow vigorously

e.g. The deer population in this town is thriving

business is booming

Synonym: thriveflourishexpand

2. hit hard

e.g. He smashed a 3-run homer

Synonym: smashnailblast

3. make a deep hollow sound

e.g. Her voice booms out the words of the song

Synonym: boom out

4. make a resonant sound, like artillery

e.g. His deep voice boomed through the hall

Synonym: din

5. be the case that thunder is being heard

e.g. Whenever it thunders, my dog crawls under the bed

Synonym: thunder