

hibernate:[英 [ˈhaɪbəneɪt] 美 [ˈhaɪbərneɪt] ]


过去式:hibernated;   过去分词:hibernated;   现在分词:hibernating;

hibernate 基本解释


hibernate 相关例句


1. Squirrels and hedgehogs hibernate.


hibernate 网络解释

1. 冬眠:请注意备用(Standby)和冬眠(Hibernate)的分别. 在备用状态下,电脑处於最低耗电量的情形,应用软件和程序都还在开著,所以立刻就可以开机工作. 在你去吃午餐或离开电脑一段时间,最方便设成备用. 而冬眠则介於完全关机和备用之间,

2. 睡眠:且把手机关了,只能上门暴力唤醒(按电源键) 睡眠只是内存不断电,其他的大多数部件都断电的.很安静. 休眠是所有部件都断电了. 想要关闭windows vista或windows 7的睡眠(Hibernate)功能 用管理员模式打开cmd(命令提示符) 输入 po

3. 休眠:休眠(Hibernate) 将系统切换到该模式后,系统会自动将内存中的数据全部转存到硬盘上一个休眠文件中,然后切断对所有设备的供电. 这样当恢复的时候,系统会从硬盘上将休眠文件的内容直接读入内存,并恢复到休眠之前的状态. 这种模...

4. 清理内存:2、调出工具栏后,右软键退出SmartToolKit,左软键显示机器运行中的所有程序. 当显示运行中的程序时候,可以选择调出后台程序(口图标)或者关闭选择的程序(x图标). 也可以退回到桌面(Show Desktop)、关闭所有运行中的程序(Close All)或者清理内存(Hibernate)

hibernate 双语例句

1. Entities in an ORM tool, such as JPA or Hibernate, are the join point between the


2. hibernate在线翻译

2. DAO layer provided using Hibernate Spring Hibernate API to access templates and persistence to achieve further decoupling.

DAO层使用Spring提供的Hibernate模板和Hibernate API访问持久层,达到进一步解耦。


3. In SpringOne, Struts on presentation layer uses a new operation mode, it obtains required data directly from Action, avoids the traditional tedious usage of Struts and simplifies the development process; On persistence layer SpringOne further integrates DAO layer of Spring and Business layer of Hibernate, omits the DAO interface, applies generics technique to encapsulate related class. It makes the general DAO class generated by SpringOne own complete adding, deleting and modifying operations as long as it declares the entity class managed.


4. Taking the New Generation Rural riched Web Launched by ZhenJiang municipal government for example, Struts for building a total of framework, Hibernate framework technology for persistence layer and descript the construction of the new rural Zhi-fu System base on Struts and Hibernate Framework detailly are used.



5. With respect to at present character, strategy aimed at Yang Yuanqing's hibernate to be encountered inaccessibly apparently


6. Had better see PetShop, it is official thing after all, be worth to be drawn lessons from very much Database visit layer wants general, that is very difficult, subentry is OK still, the method with the most commonly used project that one each majority that big project is no good absolutely supports according to the library is a kind of database matchs layer of a DAL, perhaps use Hibernate, use Microsoft business library additionally also is much database support, look Linq has MySQL and Oracle, him Google have With Ibatistnet, this has been held out

最好看一下PetShop,毕竟是官方的东西,很值得借鉴一下数据库访问层要通用,那很难,小项目还可以,大项目绝对不行的一各多数据库支持的项目最常用的方法就是一种数据库配一个DAL层,或者用hibernate,另外用微软企业库也是多数据库支持的,看看吧 Linq 有MySQL和Oracle,自己google一下就有用ibatistnet,这个挺好的

7. When the winter winds blow, some of us would rather hibernate than work out.


8. hibernate的反义词

8. You can check the Hibernate Dialects to find out if your database supports this feature.

你 可以去查看hibernate的dialect的文档,确认你的数据库是否支持此特性。

9. I`ve found there is no Hibernate (`Turn-off` plus `shift`) access on this computer -I try to install it- previously I both Hibernated and cut the power off: was that right or wrong?

我发现是没有休眠( `把小康'加'转向')访问这台电脑上-我尝试把它安装-以前我都hibernated和削减切断电源:是对还是错?

10. The disadvantage of Hibernate is that after a period of time, there may have fragmentation of file.


11. I am just curious, if there is an implementation of this new feature into laptop or PDA that able to alert users with audible tones (even when the laptop is in hibernate mode) when they are approaching WiFi hotspots area, then the Wiffinder could be redundant andpotentially losingits selling value.


12. With abatch-sizeof 3, Hibernate will load 3, 3, 3, 1 collections in fourSELECTs.


13. They don't hibernate but will stay in their nests, called dreys, for several days when it gets cold.

他们不冬眠,但会留在自己的巢,所谓dreys ,连续几天的时候,它得到避寒。

14. Mr Fu Dekun indicates net of business affairs of Ji Xili electron, his enterprise is not at present in hibernate, and the feeling is in estivate.


15. Responsibilities -Code kernel automation test/tools -help to resolve hard coded problems and help dev to avoid potential bugs-Code review, suggests dev where is the reason, how to fix that and even if how to code better-Analyze bugs and investigate them and then give optional ways or suggestions to fix it to dev -Proactively work with dev to avoid potential bugs-Deliver great quality project independently Skill set-Strong coding skills in C#/Javascript/XML/SQL -Not only learn new knowledge very quickly, but share it with others and then could put it into projects-Knowledgeable on different automation test frameworks-Independently technique investigation capability-At least 2 year's experience on white box testing -Nice if have flash testing experience, and know about code review in flash applications

岗位职责:1、建立团队2、负责微软相关项目职位要求:1、计算机及相关专业本科以上学历,具备学士学位;2、4年以上相关工作经验,其中2年以上开发和测试的工作经验; 3、熟悉J2EE、BI、ETL之一应用技术或架构体系,并精通涉及到的开发语言工具 4、熟悉当前流行软件架构技术及工具的特点,JAVA/JSP、Struts、Hibernate、Web Service、XML、HTML; 5、有强烈的责任心,刻苦钻研的精神,熟悉项目管理工作以及项目管理工具的使用、6、逻辑思维能力强,有事业心,有良好的团队合作精神及沟通能力;7、能承受高强度的工作压力 8、英语六级以上,要求口语流利,表达能力强

16. After Ma Yun casts a hibernate to talk, present medium and small businesses person how do paying close attention to Shi Yuzhu especially come from trough regain one's feet.


17. The excellent capability of transaction management and the persistence layer encapsulation of Spring reduce the codes capacity of Hibernate application, and thereby increasing productivity.


18. Unicall system is base on the J2EE platform, The Spring、Hibernate、Struts frame is one comparative frame in J2EE lightweight frame, it applies a clear hierarchical thinking, simPlified the system design and development process, made the system flexible, seeurity, scalable. it divide the system into platform interfaee layer, core application layer, business interface layer, business laer four part to ensure the stability high efficiency and scalability of the system.

本文的主要分析并采用了轻量级 J2EE 框架 Struts+Spring+Hibemate ,运用清晰的分层思想,简化了系统的设计与开发过程,实现系统在灵活、安全、扩展性方面的要求。分析并提出了将系统分为平台接口层、核心处理层、业务接口层、业务层四部分设计方案,以保证系统具有良好的稳定性、高效性和扩展性。

19. Why do some animals hibernate in the winter?


20. Trees are leafless and many animals hibernate.

树是 不生叶和许多动物冬眠。

hibernate 词典解释

1. 蛰伏;冬眠

Animals that hibernate spend the winter in a state like a deep sleep.


e.g. Dormice hibernate from October to May...


e.g. Hibernating insects begin to move.


hibernate 单语例句hibernate

1. Bears are unable to hibernate, emerging from their winter burrows to catch some sun.

2. When marmots hibernate from November to April, the workers return to their office.

3. Does that mean we have to hibernate until then to hear new Chinese musical works?

4. Earlier springs will bring forward plant growth and the length of time animals hibernate.

hibernate 英英释义


1. sleep during winter

e.g. Bears must eat a lot of food before they hibernate in their caves

Synonym: hole up

2. be in an inactive or dormant state