

renounce:[英 [rɪˈnaʊns] 美 [rɪˈnaʊns] ]


过去式:renounced;   过去分词:renounced;   现在分词:renouncing;

renounce 基本解释

及物动词放弃,抛弃; 拒绝,否认; 宣布与…决裂,断绝关系; 垫牌

不及物动词放弃; 垫牌


renounce 相关例句


1. renounce什么意思

1. He renounced his claim to the property.


2. He renounced his religion.


3. renounce是什么意思

3. He renounced his claim to the inheritance.


4. It was painful for him to renounce his son.


renounce 网络解释

1. 放弃:合约的第二条声明日本承认朝鲜独立、放弃(renounce)台湾、澎湖、千岛群岛、库页岛、南沙群岛、西沙群岛等岛屿的权利. (中国(Peoples Republic of China)和台湾(Republic of China)都没来).

2. 放弃,否认:renew 再始,恢复,更新 | renounce 放弃,否认 | renovate 修理,更新


3. 宣布放弃,抛弃:Denounce:指责,揭发 | Renounce:宣布放弃,抛弃 | Delude:欺骗

4. renounce

4. 抛弃,摈弃,否认:4. teachings 教义 | 5. renounce 抛弃,摈弃,否认 | 6. papacy 罗马教皇职位/制度,这里指罗马教皇

renounce 双语例句

1. Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood.


2. renounce的翻译

2. Pyre becomes a hero to all Charr, following his command to renounce all gods. In the 250 years, they become more united and eventually pwn Ascalon. They conquer everything but Ascalon City. In King Adelbern's final days, the Charr finally breach Ascalon City.

Pyre成了Charr全族的英雄,在他的领导下,Charr成功的抛弃了众神(他在gwen一直想做的,也成功了),250年后,Charr成了更强更团结的种族,并击败了Ascalon,他们占领了除Ascalon City之后的一切国土。

3. The illusion of three-dimensionality was old-world nonsense, which painters were right to renounce in their struggle for a purer, flatter, more uncompromising aesthetic.


4. He made up his mind to renounce the pen for the sword and join the army.


5. renounce的意思

5. I renounce the pen for the sword to a south city in Anhui to look after prisoners resolutely.


6. But one thing you need to renounce -- that is knowledgeability.


7. Clearly Wilde`s view was that to enjoy life one should renounce the bad habit of answering letters.


8. I insist only that they renounce this one idea that they have in common: They need only to give up the idea of forcing us to acquiesce to their groups and series, their socialized projects, their free-credit banks, their Graeco-Roman concept of morality, and their commercial regulations.


9. He tried to proselyte Han Yu to renounce the world for Talism.

他试验过的对改信仰者汉 Yu 为 Talism 放弃世界。

10. When Cathrine took him at his word, and consented to renounce the attempt to mollify her father, he drew back skillfully enough.


11. When Cathrine took him at his word, and consented to renounce the attempt to mollify her father, he drew back skillfully enough


12. If you want to surpass the obstacles in your life in order to head for the destination of Truth, Virtue and beauty, you should also have the wisdom and courage to renounce your ego.


13. renounce的近义词

13. In particular, they insisted that they would never renounce their right to resist Israel by military means.


14. To renounce one's right or claim to.


15. renounce的意思

15. Law To renounce one's right or claim to.


16. Aldo: You are right, renounce your citizenship and go to Canada or somewhere else — put action behind...


17. The barrister entirely renounce his right to object to a juror.


18. Boaz was attracted to her, but informed her that there was a kinsman nearer than he who had the first right to redeem the estate of Elimelech, and that it would be necessary for this kinsman to renounce his right before he could proceed in the matter.

博阿兹是吸引她,但告诉她,有一位亲人接近比他谁曾首次有权赎回的遗产elimelech ,并认为有必要为这亲人放弃他的权利之前,他可以进行在这件事。

19. Q: China voted for the recent IAEA resolution on the Iranian nuclear issue. But Iran said that it will not renounce its right to peaceful use of nuclear energy.


20. He arrives and commands all the relations to renounce Butterfly.


renounce 词典解释

1. 宣布放弃,抛弃(信仰或行为方式)

If you renounce a belief or a way of behaving, you decide and declare publicly that you no longer have that belief or will no longer behave in that way.

e.g. After a period of imprisonment she renounced terrorism...


2. 正式放弃(要求、官阶或头衔)

If you renounce a claim, rank, or title, you officially give it up.

e.g. He renounced his claim to the French throne.


renounce 单语例句

1. He added that Pyongyang must renounce " illicit activities " that the US has said include currency counterfeiting and drug trafficking.

2. Israel and Western donor nations have demanded that Hamas renounce violence, recognize Israel's right to exist and accept past peace deals conditions Hamas rejects.

3. Stephanie plans to renounce her Belgian citizenship in order to - one day - become Luxembourg's grand duchess.

4. But all sides agree that the IRA's 2005 decision to renounce violence and disarm has permitted British soldiers to beat their own retreat.

5. The group has rejected international demands to recognize Israel, renounce violence and accept existing interim peace deals.

6. While we do have the greatest sincerity to work for a peaceful reunification, we cannot and will not undertake to renounce the use of force.

7. Israel and its US ally have said Hamas must renounce violence, recognize Israel and commit itself to existing peace accords before sanctions can be lifted.

8. The mainland has declined to renounce the use of force to settle the Taiwan issue if the island declares independence or delays reunification talks indefinitely.

9. The international community requires the DPRK to take the first visible step showing its willingness to renounce its nuclear programs.

10. Blair last visited the north African country in March 2004, three months after Tripoli's dramatic decision to renounce ambitions to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

renounce什么意思renounce 英英释义


1. cast off

e.g. She renounced her husband

The parents repudiated their son

Synonym: disownrepudiate

2. turn away from

give up

e.g. I am foreswearing women forever

Synonym: foreswearquitrelinquish

3. leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily

e.g. She vacated the position when she got pregnant

The chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds

Synonym: vacateresigngive up

4. give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations

e.g. The King abdicated when he married a divorcee

Synonym: abdicate