

pear:[英 [peə(r)] 美 [per] ]



pear 基本解释

名词梨树; 梨(树)

pear 网络解释

1. 梨:4月20日 梨(Pear) 花语:舒情 花占卜:你的性格乐观开朗,口齿伶俐,擅于安慰别人,也擅于将欢乐带给别人,是众人的开心果. 你热衷于恋爱,但看人不太准,你无需过于心急,只要花多少心机,真爱就在面前.


2. 梨木:木(ash)、山核桃木(hickory)、多胶紫树(gum )、苹果木(apple)、梨木(pear)、樱桃木(cherry)、槭木(maple)、及黑胡桃木(black walnut). 椅座以芦苇(reed )和蔺茎(rush )制成,但后来则使用包垫. 17世纪殖民系统家具明显地显出地方性差异.

pear 双语例句

1. I was their pear, my hair is not long, I love playing softball.


2. pear的反义词

2. Laohekou has a lot of charming sights and unique landscape. The provincial level scenery scenic spot pear flower lake, the Zhanyang eight scenery, the great wall ruins of Song Dynasty, the Anti-Japanese War Museum and other sites lets the human forget to return.



3. It contains condensed梨膏autumn, Victoria C, moderate honey, Poria, licorice, dried tangerine peel, such as the Ministry of Health specifically approved for infants and young children of Chinese medicine ingredients, designed specifically for the baby, the sweet taste is like eating a big pear, is 3 months — 12-year-old baby`s relieve inflammation Jiapin, effective in improving constipation, clear the lungs of fire.



4. It contains condensed梨膏autumn, Victoria C, moderate honey, Poria, licorice, dried tangerine peel, such as the Ministry of Health specifically approved for infants and young children of Chinese medicine ingredients, designed specifically for the baby, the sweet taste is like eating a big pear, is 3 months — 12-year-old baby`s relieve inflammation Jiapin, effective in improving constipation, Qingfei fire.


5. But a silver pine seed and a gold pear.



6. And she seemed to see on her eyelids the lovely pear tree in the garden with its wide open blossoms as a symbol of her own life.


7. Were like a rain in spring on the blossom of the pear.


8. pear

8. Common veneer color from shallow to deep, with cherry, maple, white elm, red elm, ash, white oak, red oak, teak, pear, safflower pear, walnut, white shadow wood, red shadow of the wood, red sandalwood, ebony, etc.; two synthetic veneer.


9. By using factor analysis method, the effects of Pb(superscript 2+), Cd(superscript 2+) on physiology of seedling trees of Yunhe Snow Pear were studied.

方法]采用因子分析法,研究Pb(上标 2+)、Cd(上标 2+)及其复合污染对云和雪梨苗生理机能的影响。

10. After seedling trees of Yunhe Snow Pear were polluted by Pb(superscript 2+), Cd(superscript 2+), synthesis of chlorophyll was restrained, toxic effect of Pb(superscript 2+), Cd(superscript 2+) on seedling trees was intensified, membrane lipid peroxidation damage was increased. And the protective enzymes system start-up of polluted seedling trees enhanced antioxidative enzymes activities of seedling trees.

结论]Pb(上标 2+)、Cd(上标 2+)污染云和雪梨苗,抑制叶绿素的合成,增强超养阴离子自由基O2(上标-对植株的毒害性,使膜脂过氧化损伤程度高,受重金属污染植株启动保护酶系统,以增强植株的抗氧化性。

11. pear是什么意思

11. Nutritional value: pear flesh sweet and delicious, fat and tender and juicy, with Qingrejiedu, lungs Sheng Jin, relieving cough and phlegm and other effects.


12. Suspectible and resistant allele of pear scab located in different linkage groups, and resistant gene of pear scab was homologous to apple scab.


13. pear

13. The pear is now the city of big dogs and a more formal, where the dog is too beautiful, but too expensive for most people is that they can not afford, but can not afford to buy us can afford it!


14. B: No, it all went pear-shaped.


15. pear的反义词

15. Everything was going so well, but then it all went pear-shaped.


16. One of those days when everything went pear-shaped.


17. B: No, it all went pear-shaped. My partner was late and forgot to bring all the important papers.


18. At least this way if something went pear-shaped there would be no question of who was to blame.


19. Fire blight, cause by the Gram-negative bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is a destructive bacterial disease of pear and apple and other fruit trees and ornamental plants.

由格兰氏阴性菌 Erwinia amylovora引起的梨火疫病对梨树、苹果树以及一些观赏性植物具有极大的破坏性。

20. pear什么意思

20. Results show that treating the pear juice with FPC-21 resin can reduced pH value, formol index and browning index. Reduction of pH value enhence the decolor ability of XAD-16 resin on pear juice. Reduction of pH value and formol index can control the browning rate of PJC during storage.

结果显示,阳离子树脂处理可降低酥梨汁的pH值、氨基态氮和褐变指数;降低pH值可提高吸附树脂对酥梨汁的脱色能力;降低pH值、氨基态氮可控制70 °Brix浓缩酥梨汁贮存中褐变速度。

pear 词典解释


A pear is a sweet, juicy fruit which is narrow near its stalk, and wider and rounded at the bottom. Pears have white flesh and thin green or yellow skin.

pear 单语例句

1. And unlike that bygone partridge in a pear tree, available at several price points.

2. He introduced such staple trees as apple, chestnut and pear to the area.

3. The Chinese yam juice and pear and guava juice were both not bad.

4. In late March and early April the vast lands covered with blossoming rapeseed, peach and pear will certainly enthrall you.

5. Some of the farmyard restaurants even use pear flowers as a major ingredient in their dishes.

6. Large swathes of blossoming peach and pear trees have attracted increasing numbers of visitors to the city's fertile suburbs in recent years.

7. Start with a bottle of German Riesling followed by German wheat ale, and then see yourself off into the night with a piquant shot of pear schnapps.

8. But the situation started to change in 2000 when the forestry station started provided support to farmers about how to improve pear quality.

9. The use of fruit woods such as peach, pear and apple give the pizzas a fruity fragrance.

10. This allusion " pear orchard " is taken from the New History of the Tang Dynasty.

pear 英英释义


1. sweet juicy gritty-textured fruit available in many varieties

2. Old World tree having sweet gritty-textured juicy fruit

widely cultivated in many varieties

Synonym: pear treePyrus communis