

meaningless:[英 [ˈmi:nɪŋləs] 美 [ˈminɪŋlɪs] ]


meaningless 基本解释


形容词无谓; 无意义的,无价值的; “meaning”的派生

meaningless 相关例句


1. Life seemed all of a sudden empty and meaningless.


meaningless 网络解释

1. 无意义的:3、 亚里士多德(Aristotle)曾想当然地认为女人的牙齿数目比男人的少. 4、 他曾认为罗伯特(Robert)肯定是一个身材高大的小伙子,却没有想到他是一个又瘦又瘪的小老头儿. 5、 我警告他们不要再把宝贵的时间浪费在毫无意义的(meaningless)事情上.

2. meaningless的近义词

2. 意义:讲科学知识或某一问题,你可以不管理性与力等,但不能马上站在一个立场或根据一个原则,就把这些观念视为无意义(meaningless),或将其视为形上学的臆断(metaphysical assumption),并加以去掉,这种态度是不对的.

3. meaningless的近义词

3. 没有意义的:20.live and let live 活着就是与万物共存 | 21.meaningless 没有意义的 | 22.dominant species 优势物种

meaningless 双语例句

1. I am often trapped in situations where I have to do meaningless things.


2. meaningless的翻译

2. The UPC, FPRI, FNI—these are three of the scores of militias that have risen and fallen in Orientale since the war began in 1996 and, more poignantly, they are meaningless acronyms used to scramble the brains of western spectator-news-consumers.

刚果爱国者联盟,FPRI ,民族阵线,这些都是三个分数民兵,上升和下降,因为在东方的战争於1996年开始,更尖锐地,他们是毫无意义的缩写用来争夺的大脑中西方观众,新闻消费者。

3. To me that painting is completely meaningless.


4. meaningless的反义词

4. I have to say this kind of question is a really really meaningless and nasty idea.


5. meaningless的解释

5. He, who bustles for or even exhausts his energy for the meaningless and vain shell, is the secular gentleman.


6. meaningless

6. Any one who bustles for or even exhausts his energy for the meaningless and vain shell, is the secular gentleman.


7. meaningless在线翻译

7. Xiao chuhua no long exists in the world, the reason for his death may be mysterious, but, we can emphasize on one point, it is the basis reason for him lack of care and love. now, it is meaningless to inquire the reason of his death, the dead has passed away, what we should do is to let the same tragedy does not reoccur.


8. The question is meaningless, and that's fungibility.


9. He has been appealed to the National People`s Congress, State Bureau for Letters and Calls, Liaoning Senior People`s Court and Dalian Junior People`s Court. Yu also sent 78 letters during the period from April 6, 2004 to May 27, 2006. But everything seems meaningless now.


10. meaningless

10. After the event Hillary told me that Newt Gingrich, who had been seated at her table with Tony Blair, had said the charges against me were ludicrous, and meaningless even if true, and weren`t going anywhere.


11. I tried to find something from my former composition to answer, but realize these are too meaningless, not true. Find those are too funny once I think about those compositions that I have written.


12. Because I want to build a career and not just have a string of meaningless jobs.


13. It`s meaningless for a company to have a CIO then.


14. Is this love, this meaningless jealousy and selfish desire to possess?


15. Previously migrants had been transferred from Lampedusa to Sicily, where those not given refugee status eventually received an essentially meaningless expulsion order.


16. meaningless的近义词

16. Power can be applied to meaningless pursuits, or it can be channeled toward significant achievements.


17. Some combinations of input values produce meaningless results: for instance, what meaning can be assigned to the arithmetic sum of the ASCII representation of the character A and a TRUE flag?

有些输入值的合并产生了无意义的结果;例如,什麼意义可以被指定给字元 A 的 ASCII 表示法和一个 TRUE 旗标的算术总和?

18. meaningless的解释

18. So I think it is meaningless to write any hype about the price here.


19. I mean, it was meaningless, right?


20. meaningless是什么意思

20. It is said that life is miserable or not depends on how you see it; it may be wonderful if you look at it from another point of view. I just see it as a meaningless comfort.


meaningless 词典解释

1. (指话语、所写内容)意思不明确的,无法理解的,没有意义的

If something that someone says or writes is meaningless, it has no meaning, or appears to have no meaning.


e.g. The sentence 'kicked the ball the man' is meaningless...

kicked the ball the man 这句话毫无意义。

e.g. She is fascinated by algebra while he considers it meaningless nonsense.


2. 不重要的;不相关的

Something that is meaningless in a particular situation is not important or relevant.


e.g. Widespread political and economic disarray threatens to make the constitution meaningless...


e.g. Fines are meaningless to guys earning millions.


3. 无目的的;无价值的

If something that you do is meaningless, it has no purpose and is not at all worthwhile.

e.g. They seek strong sensations to dull their sense of a meaningless existence.


meaningless 单语例句

1. Now that schools are free of direct involvement by government, any further act of " withdrawal " would be meaningless.

2. She said it is meaningless for the opposition lawmakers to pursue democratic progress by way of resignation.

3. But Zhang said it now seems " meaningless ", even if they did find a workable system to calculate the green GDP.

4. He said the roll call was meaningless, a " bump in the road " required to settle a procedural problem.

5. To be candid, the government's argument is correct but meaningless.

6. This is a fact, and it cannot be changed by vows and meaningless words.

7. Viewers first delighted in his craftsmanship, but then slowly realized the carefully wrought characters were meaningless.

8. As hutong and other historical streets are dismantled, the buildings on the cultural heritage list that are spared stand isolated and meaningless.

9. Yet, we should not dismiss Chu's book as meaningless in the current context.

10. It will be a meaningless exercise if only ordinary government workers follow the directive, because many of them are not entitled to use official vehicles.

meaningless 英英释义


1. having no meaning or direction or purpose

e.g. a meaningless endeavor

a meaningless life

a verbose but meaningless explanation

Synonym: nonmeaningful