

evict:[英 [ɪˈvɪkt] 美 [ɪˈvɪkt] ]


过去式:evicted;   过去分词:evicted;   现在分词:evicting;

evict 基本解释


及物动词依法驱逐(房客等); 依法收回(房屋等)

evict 相关例句


1. If you don't pay your rent you'll be evicted.


evict 网络解释


1. 逐出:eventual 最后的 | evict 逐出 | evident 明显的

2. 驱逐:everyday vocabulary 常用词汇 | evict 驱逐 | evidence 证据

3. 罚出场:红牌red card | 罚出场evict;eject;banish;send/order off the field;show the red card | 停赛一场suspend for a game

4. 逐出(租户):evaluate 评价 | evict 逐出(租户) | evidence 证据

evict 双语例句

1. Give him 7 days to move out if not will start charging rent on per diem basis and at the same time apply to lands tribunal to evict him.


2. evict的解释

2. Riot police have been given orders to use force to evict them, but have so far declined.


3. A media report, all of a sudden we are out of the country, the job is to look at a text to the floor, terrified and immediately evict people.


4. I evict therefrom any person who may under subsection (2) be treated as a trespasser; and

i 从该处驱逐任何根据第(2)款可被视为侵权者的人;及

5. Last August, Kurdish fighters, known as peshmerga, withdrew from Jalawla after the Iraqi army moved to evict them



6. If they object, we have the powers to evict them.


7. His grasping old landlord threatened to evict him, his wife, and his daughter.



8. I hate them but I could complain becuase they would be angry and evict me out.


9. evict

9. Instead, he'll evict you.


10. They can't evict you for having sex.



11. He says that people who are trying to evict Bush`s forces from Iraq are using these two countries as bases of operations.


12. A cache eviction algorithm is a way of deciding which Element to evict when the cache is full.


13. A loan officer ordered to evict an old woman from her home finds herself the recipient of a supernatural curse, who turns her life into a living hell.


14. They is evict from their flat for not pay the rent.


15. evict

15. They were evict ed from their flat for not paying the rent.


16. Because, while you may find yourself caught in the crossfire of an embattled economy, no one can evict you from your experiences or repossess your memories.


17. evict的意思

17. For years he tried to evict the pro ectors from his property so that his family might enjoy the wealth of his land, but his busine was ruined.


18. Banks would also be unable to evict defaulters from their homes without rehousing them.


19. The teacher evict that student out of the classroom for his foolish funny.


20. Let us evict the incipiencies out of the Earth's sphere, and make the earth reborn in our hands, in the Titans` hands!


evict 词典解释

1. (通常因为违法或毁约而)驱逐,赶出

If someone is evicted from the place where they are living, they are forced to leave it, usually because they have broken a law or contract.


e.g. They were evicted from their apartment after their mother became addicted to drugs...


e.g. In the first week, the city police evicted ten families...


evict 单语例句

1. The new regulation sets down rules for compensation first and relocation later, forbidding the use of violence or coercion to evict homeowners.

2. Since a law should always take precedence over administrative regulations, administrative organs don't have the right to evict people or demolish their houses forcibly.

3. Authorities have said they do not want to use force to evict the protesters.

4. Zhao's landlady once tried to evict him but backed away after Zhao's other neighbors said they loved his animals.

5. " Only the actions of the faithful who struggled and fought can evict the invaders, " the audiotape message said.

6. Tensions along the border boiled over last month when protesters threatened to evict Cambodians living in the disputed territory.

7. Kyrgyz lawmakers urged the government yesterday to evict US troops from a military airbase in the Central Asian state.

8. The Olympic Development Authority now has the power to evict the remaining homeowners and businesses that have failed to agree to a relocation deal.

9. Uzbekistan decided to evict the US military in retaliation for Washington's criticism of a bloody crackdown on protests in May.

10. But the army has refused to use force to evict the protesters, saying it would only make the situation worse.

evict 英英释义


1. expel from one's property or force to move out by a legal process

e.g. The landlord evicted the tenants after they had not paid the rent for four months

Synonym: force out

2. expel or eject without recourse to legal process

e.g. The landlord wanted to evict the tenants so he banged on the pipes every morning at 3 a.m.