

adjective:[英 [ˈædʒɪktɪv] 美 [ˈædʒɪktɪv] ]



adjective 基本解释


形容词形容词的; 附属的,不独立的; [法]有关程序的

adjective 网络解释

1. 形容词 ,形容词:什么是形容词 形容词(adjective)是修饰名词表示名词属性的词,常放在它所修饰的名词之前. 如: a lovely baby一个可爱的婴儿 the beautiful picture那幅美丽代词 (四) 定义 代词(pronoun)是代替名词的词: 代词在句子中的功用 a)和名词一样,

2. 令人厌恶的;坏的;丑恶的:Her husband was so silly and as ugly as sin. : 他的丈夫又蠢又丑. | 2. adjective 令人厌恶的;坏的;丑恶的 | an ugly lie : 卑鄙的谎言


3. 难看的;丑陋的:1. adjective 难看的;丑陋的 | Some buildings here are just very ugly. : 这里有些楼的外观很难看. | She became very fat and ugly in only one year. : 她在一年之内变得又胖又丑.

adjective 双语例句

1. Indefinite pronouns do not specify any particular noun or adjective instead of the pronoun, an indefinite pronoun in English...


2. Thus one is told, in a sort of rubber-stamping, machine-classifying sort of way, that all children are either wanted or unwanted, just as though one''s feelings about such an important thing as bringing another human being into the world could be neatly packaged in a single adjective.


3. Adjective Be in vain; be of no help.


4. The following findings areobtained:1 Misuse of parts of speech is widespread among the five groups of ChineseEnglish learners at various proficiency levels. Non-English major college studentsmisuse parts of speech most frequently. The senior high school students`relativelylower occurrence of misuse of parts of speech cannot suggest that they havemastered the rules of parts of speech because their vocabulary is limited. While highproficiency learners, English major college students have the lowest frequency inalmost every category of misuse of parts of speech.2 Misuse of parts of speech in CLEC can be generally classified into sixcategories. They are misuse of noun, misuse of verb, misuse of adjective, misuse ofadverb, misuse of preposition and misuse of gerund. Each category of misuse ofparts of speech can be specifically classified into several types.3 Among the six categories of misuse of parts of speech, misuse of adjectivesoccurs most frequently in each of the five sub-corpora.4 Misuse of parts of speech occurs more frequently in the following words:different, important, happy, like, success, developing, economic and social.

通过研究,我们发现:1词性误用在五组不同水平的中国英语学习者中广泛分布,其中非英语专业大学英语学习者的词性误用最为显著,其次是高中英语学习者(他们并非已掌握了词性使用规则,而是因为词汇量很有限),而英语专业学习者的词性误用最少。2中国英语学习者的词性误用可分为六大类:名词误用、动词误用、形容词误用、副词误用、介词误用、动名词误用,每一大类又可细分为若干小类。3 在六大类词性误用中,各类中国英语学习者的形容词误用频率都最高。4中国英语学习者词性误用频率较高的单词有:different,important,happy,like,success,developing,economic,social。

5. Mike's parents have been quite worried about his life in China and afraid that he would be eaten by Chinese!:D (Dieter ist ein Alte Spass Vogel) Now, Mike was back safely and bring a ***** chinese girl back together (shy to cut several adjective words:) Dieter said, both Tina and I is or will be important member of Maluche family... Then he came to me to give me a warm hug, and Barbara gave me too.


6. Read Jack Finney`s tale, Cousin Len`s Wonderful Adjective Cellar for a fantastical tale about how a hack becomes a successful author with the help of a magical salt cellar that removes adjectives from his work.


7. Read Jack Finney's tale, Cousin Len's Wonderful Adjective Cellar for a fantastical tale about how a hack becomings a successful author with the help of a magical salt cellar those rearouses adjectives from his work.


8. PROF.: Anabolic is the adjective form of anabolism, which is a part of the body's


9. But it is not generally used when the adjective guava (leave the meaning of the message). asdic is love guava!


10. adjective的翻译

10. In addition to it one of the latest tools that will add another adjective to your appearance is the hair straightener.


11. adjective什么意思

11. This article take the adjective co-ordinate valence as a breakthrough point, the three price adjectives record the quantity question to carry on the description and the analysis, summarized three price adjectives to record in the quantity process to appear is different with other price adjective some unique phenomena, if the model three price adjectives recorded the quantity rule are: Records the quantity with the concrete value, in the non-three price sentence, may express the population parameter, may also express the dispersion.


12. It can be used as an adjective, such as


13. adjective

13. Sharp is an adjective that can be used to describe a person who is really smart


14. Looking at the world around me, I can not find some adjective words to describe it.


15. adjective

15. Sharp is an adjective that can be used to describe a person who is really smart.


16. Sharp is an adjective that can be used to describe a person who


17. An attributive adjective refers to an adjective that modifies a noun and stands either before or after the noun in a noun phrase.

修 饰语形容词指用来修饰名词,可放名词前或名词后的形容词。

18. Towards evening we saw a low-lying point west by north of us, at about 3 miles distance.

adjective 低洼的,位置与水平面积很近的

19. I have not interpolated this adjective out of rhetorical habit; I say that it is not illogical to think that the world is infinite.


20. North suggested that the Sadducees saw themselves as administrators of justice and that their name was derived from an otherwise unattested Piel adjective sadduq.

传译北认为,撒都该人看到了自己作为管理者的正义和他们的名字来源于一个否则unattested 32毫米形容词sadduq。

adjective 词典解释

1. 形容词

An adjective is a word such as 'big', 'dead', or 'financial' that describes a person or thing, or gives extra information about them. Adjectives usually come before nouns or after link verbs.


adjective 单语例句

1. Jaded isn't apt enough of an adjective to describe these sentiments.

2. Gratis is an adjective in Latin meaning free, in the sense that one does not have to pay for some goods or services.

3. He said he disagreed with the use of a noun and an adjective in one definition.

4. " Green " has become a common adjective when talking about industrial production as well as food production.

5. I thought that adjective is more suited to women or their habits.

6. The adjective " communist " may invoke fear and hysteria in some minds.

7. " Frog does not mean ugly and dinosaur is not an adjective, " according to the song.

adjective 英英释义


1. the word class that qualifies nouns

2. a word that expresses an attribute of something


1. relating to court practice and procedure as opposed to the principles of law

e.g. adjective law

Synonym: procedural

2. of or relating to or functioning as an adjective

e.g. adjectival syntax

an adjective clause

Synonym: adjectival