

inadvertently:[英 [ˌɪnədˈvɜ:təntli] 美 [ˌɪnədˈvɜ:rtəntli] ]


inadvertently 基本解释


inadvertently 网络解释

1. inadvertently

1. 不注意地:impervious不受影响的,不能穿过的 | Inadvertently不注意地 | Inanimate无生命的

2. 疏忽地:inadvertence 粗心 | inadvertently 疏忽地 | inadvisable 不妥当的

3. 疏忽:inadequatepenetration 未焊透 | inadvertently 疏忽 | inalterability 不变性

4. 不注意的:implication 牵连,含意,暗示 | inadvertently 不注意的 | illustration 例子,图表,插图

inadvertently 双语例句

1. Life is fleeting like the short, possession and loss of life in between the flow of inadvertently did.


2. Montery pine needs mycorrhizae, which were already present or inadvertently introduced into many areas.


3. inadvertently的翻译

3. In three of the four AEC reintubation failures, the AECwas inadvertently removed from the glottis during the reintubationprocess, and one patient had significant laryngeal edema precludingendotracheal tube advancement.

四分之三的 AEC 重建是失败的,AEC 重建过程中不经意从声门中移位,还有一位病人在拔除气管内导管过程中发成严重的喉水肿。

4. Takemoto, a professor taking Jiaogulan tea agent, inadvertently cure their illness for many years migraine; around him with taking patients, the results of migraine but also the more Huo.


5. inadvertently

5. Nazu is to maintain the strength of the ultimate strength of the entire Undead, Undead he was the source of strength, according to Li Dan Nazu almost destroyed the power of the dark night in the Wizard inadvertently saved Nazu, according to Li Dan in Qioujidan Almost under the command of the Frozen Throne, the Undead in the most critical moment, so that only those with the sorrow of frost Assas in order to save the fate of the Undead, despite the continued weakening in the force, or Assas Yiwufangu to go step by step ice Throne, he knew, only to kill an open Xue Lu, Nazu to save in order to allow their forces to continue to have, once lost the power of his presence or not, it will have any significance?


6. Yesterday afternoon my mother-in-law started the beginning of diarrhea, go to the hospital after inspection is infectious diarrhea, should pay attention to segregation, but I only baby birth at home confinement, it will inevitably come into contact with mother-in-law used such things, but the total can not be sick because the mother-in-law let her move out to live it, then the baby would have been inadvertently infected with it?


7. He was inadvertently slurping the gravy at the time.


8. Instead, they are subservient to a rigid system of central targets, which has inadvertently encouraged coppers to focus on busting minor offenders rather than on keeping their patches safe.


9. Then I ask him is pulled off him, and he cried and said it is not, I ask him who he is said to be a cat make a monkey (in peacetime we scare him say the word), not recognized him and later I would like to I might not have him is that he inadvertently踢翻, I wanted to know he is still lying.


10. Fatigue-related mistakes have included pilots forgetting to extend flaps before takeoff, inadvertently shutting down engines in midair, and losing track of a plane's position on final approach.


11. Résumés get lost in the shuffle. People honestly forget to call. Your references may inadvertently raise red flags.


12. With his concerned girlfriend Maya fearing for his life, Leon's relentless fascination with Mahogany lures him further and further into the bowels of the subways and ultimately into an abyss of pure evil inadvertently pulling Maya right along with him.


13. No one owe, only who loves whom, I have not sorry, but there is a little bit once we Suanse …… looked at together hand in hand, walked the trail, I imagine the left hand side of your right hand, I have not feel uncomfortable, and only have a little Suanse; sometimes think that if you are taking the road from this road, will also remember me, may be it, heart filled with some more warmth, I did not sorry, but there is a little Suanse; not put your photos out of view on just afraid he fell into once, no longer bleeding, and no longer do not want to scar torn, and I did not sorry, but there is a little bit Suanse; see the downstairs pairs of lovers, tear me all the way to pretend, I think of the difference you want every night kiss, you hold my temperature, I did not sorry, but there is a little Suanse; to see you inadvertently can only be seen and not greet you dare not look at your face, and you further and further away, the heart will still miss a beat, I did not sorry, but there is a little Suanse; would suddenly think of you as I do those, then the number of first – once, you kissed my process, then suddenly see you, then you want to say that I am wrong, but can not, I do not sorry, but there is a little bit Suanse.


14. Some scientists proved that balsamine seeds are deleterious, when swallowed inadvertently or taken to any extent may cause inevitable death.


15. Life in a lot of passenger rush, the pass each time has left us all a little melancholy and sentimental, and well-being of each and if the general leaves after the rain Indus, inadvertently slip quietly from the interphalangeal.


16. inadvertently是什么意思

16. This means that there will be no rain ingress if a window is inadvertently left open.


17. Face and peeled off its mask after they reveal our hearts very afraid of meeting light flaw, sometimes it will evolve into self-deception, even inadvertently hurt other people we have.


18. Indeed, every one of their own knowledge and learning are waiting for us to discover, to explore, when inadvertently learned the secret of which will be no scruples cried out, because at this time we have a cavity filled with blood.


19. Their own treasures in the mountains can be picked Nor Shoudaoqinlai, you need to abandon road from the famine, in Mau Tso in the walk through at the branches shuttle between the spider's web, always winding you Diaosi Gui (a kind of hanging down from trees with wire worms) will be Suddenly you are hit on the positive, forward, there are caterpillars that you will inadvertently sowed it with a venom that the long hair; grass not to mention, centipedes, insects in the Youyan many anonymous thrive, from time to time also will be swimming with one or two different colors of Sheer, even if the event Buzhaoyier, just to see them abandoned Kusama dragon clothing, we can not but some people tremble with fear?


20. Last autumn, or are thick in September, I inadvertently met you, I did not tell you, including the heart, I love you.


inadvertently 单语例句inadvertently

1. What we know for sure is that any motivational plans we devise should avoid inadvertently institutionalizing a dunce cap mentality among some of our students.

2. The source said Edwards had inadvertently taken a form of glucose that unknowingly contained nikethamide, a stimulant that can affect the central nervous system.

3. So I inadvertently convinced 28 floors of residents that I had found a mysterious hunting cheetah loose in their building.

4. The circular came shortly after two kids were inadvertently left inside their shuttle buses and suffocated to death amid high temperatures.

5. A Viennese pathologist claims the composer's physician did - inadvertently overdosing him with lead in a case of a cure that went wrong.

6. Conceptual art inadvertently stirs up dialogue, and a human body protruding from a paved road will certainly get people talking.

7. Sharply increasing consumption's percentage in GDP cuts investment levels, thereby inadvertently leading to lower GDP and consequently lower consumption growth.

8. Such subjects can help you steer clear of those touchy lines inadvertently crossed here, leaving your privacy intact and people will still be warm to you.

9. A twin cable which provides power, data and video to the mobile transporter was inadvertently cut in December.

10. PARIS - Tour de France organizers inadvertently published next year's route on their official website according to several specialist cycling websites on Monday.

inadvertently 英英释义


1. without knowledge or intention

e.g. he unwittingly deleted the references

Synonym: unwittinglyunknowingly