

lard:[英 [lɑ:d] 美 [lɑ:rd] ]


过去式:larded;   过去分词:larded;   现在分词:larding;   复数形式:lards;

lard 基本解释



及物动词润色; 涂猪油于; 将肥猪肉片嵌于(牛肉或禽肉)中; (在讲话或文章中)夹杂大量(某类词语)


lard 网络解释

1. 猪油:而doc小时候 在他父母位于内部拉斯加的农场里 猪油(lard)被用来烧菜Islam 意味着 把自己献给真主(submit yourself to God)说起里根 doc说里根上台前 美国的通货膨胀(inflation)率是一年13-16% 里根上台后成功的扭转了经济形

2. lard

2. 猪脂:常见的产品有牛脂(tallow)、猪脂(lard)、油脂(grease)和家禽油(poultry oil)等. 脂肪处理不当或脂质在炼油(rendering)前,处理不当,往往会受细菌或@的作用而产生许多游离脂肪酸. 脂肪中含有一些化合物,


3. 荤油:及后由荷兰人传到美国,名为炸蛋糕(oliekoecken)的食品是荷兰人圣诞佳节和特别节日的食品,后来,荷兰人选择用荤油(lard)代替了煎煮用的油,使炸蛋糕吃起来减少油腻口感和柔软.

4. 油:使成固形白色的油脂,可用於面包制作或代替猪油使用. 酥 油-(butteroil)亦即无水奶油,而一般酥油是加工酥油,利用氢化白油添加黄色素和奶油香料配制而成的. 猪 油-(lard)由猪之脂肪提炼出来,可用於酥皮类及中式点心,气味芳香.

5. lard:locality aware request distribution; 局部感知请求分布

lard 双语例句

1. Do you mean to tell me you've never heard of my lard?


2. I just want to force-feed her lard. That's the difference between us.



3. They're Happy Because the eat LARD.



4. Do you? - There's a massive market for lard here

是吗? -这里猪油的市场空间很大啊

5. Through the scavenging effect of LBF on hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anion O2(superscript -; the inhibition of LBF on lard, colleseed oil and linoleic acid, to study the vitro antioxidant of the LBF.

通过二色胡枝子黄酮(Lespedeza bicolor flavonoids,LBF)清除羟自由基、超氧阴离子的效果及抑制猪油、菜油和亚油酸的自氧化来研究其体外抗氧化作用。

6. lard在线翻译

6. I another lard, I shall be still that one who loves you.


7. This paper discussed antioxidation of chloroform extract and ethyl acetate extract of plum to lard and peanut oil.


8. Standing on the embankment of the Ancient Canal, after walking in the thick greenness there, we have a random look of this civilized ancient city over a thousand year The Shaohu Lake, Xiaohu Lake, Yuehu lake, Cultural Canal, Zhenhuai Tower, Wentong Pagoda, Qinglong Bridge, Baihu Bridge and Dongyue Temple, these lakes, canals, temples, towers, pagodas and ancient bridges are unfolded on along red and green Chinese color painting The sound of the big bell in the Tiande Reign is lingering about The sounds of book reading and bird singing in Shaohu Academy are wafted to our ears by the breeze Lard Hanxin went fishing on the angling terrace Young Meigao completed his article quickly on the horse, heroine Liang Hongyu beat a drum to resist aggressors of the Jin Dynasty, Zhaogu, a famous poet, played the flute leaning on a tower Scene after scene of many historical painting scrolls are rippling in the lingering sound of the bell The lively images of Zhou Enlai, Wu cheng`en, Hanxin, Guan Tianpei, Liang Hongyu and Liu`e etc come to us, and leave far away with smiles They have affected thisl and, and this land has deep and tender thoughts for them


9. Feinen a chicken (about 82 pound weight), four green onion article, the small amount of soup on May 2, Fasciolopsiasis 4, Xifeng Jiu five money, an octagonal, a sand ginger, pepper II Tablets, the second MSG money, money Laochou five, soy sauce II money, a couple of lard, salt four money, raw salt jin seven, three sandpaper.


10. lard的翻译

10. Step on the bus, pay the fare, duck the hanging bag of pig lard. That's what American may have to do when they use public transportation, if police approve the lard as a new terrorist deterrent. The principle?



11. Step on the bus, pay the fare, duck the hanging bag of pig lard. That's what Israelis may have to do when they use public transportation, if police approve the lard as a new terrorist deterrent. The principle?


12. lard的解释

12. The animal fat group consists mainly of lard from the pig and tallows from bovine and ovine sources; these are characterized by 30-40% c16 and C18-saturated fatty acids and up to 60% oleic and linoleic acids.


13. lard

13. The animal fat group co ists mainly of lard from the pig and tallows from bovine and ovine sources; these are characterized by 30-40% c16 and C18-saturated fatty acids and up to 60% oleic and linoleic acids.


14. The animal fat group consists mainly of lard from the pig andtallows from bovine and ovine sources; these are characterized by30-40% c16 and C18-saturated fatty acids and up to 60% oleic andlinoleic acids.


15. Orthodox Jews have a fearsome backup plan anyway: toy squirt guns filled with liquid pig lard they can spray on terrorists


16. lard的意思

16. Then in each hole by adding 35 grams bean paste, sugar, 5 grams of pig small leaf lard, and then taking 15 grams of sugar evenly spread in the hole, after slurry surface will be used to fill holes, sprinkled about 15 grams of red and green silk, Canada Cover burned two minutes, re-openings evenly sprinkled 15 grams of sugar, covered with burn铁盖again three minutes that is cooked.


17. These stages are numerous, and several have been studied in recent monograph (eg the doctrine of Adélard of Bath, of Gauthier de Mortagne, Indifferentism, and the theory of the collectio).

这些阶段是众多的,和几个已经在最近的研究专著(如理论阿德拉德的浴,对戈捷德莫尔塔涅,Indifferentism ,以及理论的

18. Christmas, New Year''s Day after that, and the new year coming up, the blog has grown up a year old, in the past year, the blog with the memory retention of clinical and support for all those who had been off leaf lard, who have come to the blog the support and love, it''s heart will never forget.



19. Born in Tianshui, serofluid Tianshui, Tianshui box lard, steamed Rot Ma Qin, Qin Dusi snacks such as soup, there are even more popular chowder Tianshui.



20. The results showed that the optimal randomized interesterification of lard reaction conditions were: reaction time 30 min, reaction temperature 60℃, catalyst dosage 0.1%.


lard 词典解释

1. 猪油

Lard is soft white fat obtained from pigs. It is used in cooking.

e.g. ...lard or beef fat.


2. (在言谈或文章中)充斥,大量夹杂(某类词语)

If speech or writing is larded with particular types of words, it contains a lot of them or too many of them.

e.g. Official speeches in recent days have been larded with promises of democracy.


e.g. ...a long phone call, larded with 'darlings' and a sickening amount of baby-talk.


lard 单语例句lard的近义词

1. The taro slices are then mashed with sugar, lard and some spices and cooked in a hot pan until velvety smooth.

2. The main flavor comes from the rendered lard and the sizzling chili flakes.

3. First wet the wok with some oil, then put in lard and heat 50% hot.

4. Lard oil puffed rice cakes enjoy high reputations in the Suzhou area.

5. " No one would ever want to eat any lard after seeing the scene, " an unnamed official who participated in the raid was quoted as saying.

6. The paste is finished with a thin layer of melted lard to keep the heat in.

7. Four account books found by officials noted sales of the lard - and college dining halls appeared to be the biggest consumers.

8. Easter Sunday is binge day, when you consume all the lard and carbs you so sorely missed.

lard在线翻译lard 英英释义


1. soft white semisolid fat obtained by rendering the fatty tissue of the hog


1. add details to

Synonym: embroiderpadembellishaggrandizeaggrandiseblow updramatizedramatise

2. prepare or cook with lard

e.g. lard meat