

beet:[英 [bi:t] 美 [bit] ]



beet 基本解释

名词甜菜; 甜菜根; 糖萝卜

beet 相关例句


1. beet的意思

1. Beets are Hank's favorite vegetable.


beet 网络解释

1. 甜菜:苹果 芦笋 甜菜(beet) 蓝莓 西兰花 哈密瓜 胡萝卜 菜花 芹菜 辣椒 菊苣(endive玉兰菜) 蒲公英(没错,

2. beet的解释

2. 甜菜根:由於他书中的果汁以甜菜根 (beet) 为主食,而我在美国随地都可以看到它们的存在. 因此,我常常依照书中指示,或以甜菜根为主,其余自己随意加来打成果汁,都非常好喝. 由於甜菜根富含天然红色维生素及铁质,且具换血、造血及清血的功效,

3. 甜菜头:turnip 白萝卜 | beet 甜菜头 | lemon 柠檬

4. 收割的亚麻捆:蜜蜡 beeswax | 收割的亚麻捆 beet | 捶布机 beeting machine

beet 双语例句

1. As described above, two important lepidopteron pests, beet armyworm and cotton bollworm were surveyed and confirmed for existence of endogenous piggyBac elements. An intact piggyBac-like element was also obtained from the genome of cotton bollworm, and was thought to be potentially active.


2. beet在线翻译

2. In our study, two important lepidopteron pests, beet armyworm and cotton bollworm were surveyed for their endogenous piggyBac. As a result, endogenous piggyBac elements were found in these two insects, and one of the piggyBac elements isolated from the genome of cotton bollworm was intact and thought to be potentially active.1 Clonging and sequence analysis of piggyBac from beet armywormUsing PCR technique, with degenerate primers, a DNA fragment of piggyBac-like element was cloned from the genome of beet armyworm, spodoptera exigua hubner. The DNA fragment was 456bp in length, and the deduced amino acid sequence shares 50%- 78% similarity with other piggyBac elements from insects. But one stop code was found in this DNA fragment.

由于转座子很难用常规的RT-PCR和RACE技术进行克隆鉴定,故本研究在兼并引物PCR的基础上,利用inverse PCR和vectorret PCR技术,不仅调查了鳞翅目两种重要的农业害虫甜菜夜蛾和棉铃虫的內源piggyBac存在情况,同时克隆到了內源性的piggyBac转座子,并且从棉铃虫中获得了一个结构完整、具有潜在活性的piggyBac转座子HaPLE1.1甜菜夜蛾piggyBac转座子基因的克隆与序列分析采用PCR技术,利用兼并引物,从甜菜夜蛾基因组中克隆出一个內源性piggyBac类似因子的DNA片段,并命名为SePLE。

3. beet在线翻译

3. I was so embarrassed I turned beet red.


4. beet

4. We will beet back the attack of enemy.



5. In addition, Xinjiang has become the largest producer of commodity cotton, hops and tomato sauce, and one of the major livestock breeding and beet-sugar producing centers in China.


6. beet的近义词

6. Come to the bathroom. Don't get beet juice on the carpet.


7. beet是什么意思

7. Beet juice is also effective in providing those suffering from menopause with relief.


8. You can also substitute beet juice or beet puree to achieve the red color and retain some moisture.



9. Although you will find some variances when researching beet juice and menopause, most recommend consuming around sixty milliliters a day, two to three times daily.


10. Carrot, beet, and cucumber juice.



11. Good vegetarian sources of iron are dried beans, spinach, beet greens, prune juice, and dried fruit.



12. To honor twelve apostles, a twelve course supper is held that is comprised of fish, beet soup or Borsch, cabbage with stuffed millet, dried fruit etc.



13. Of beetroot does NOT include fodder beet, sugar beet or mangelwurzels:.


14. The results indicate, there are four types of beet mosaic diseases, distributing in different places and caused by different viruses.


15. He likes to eat the beet root.


16. Around in his seat and yelled at Harry, his face like a gigantic beet


17. Chinese general cultivation, the root of the raw materials for the production of beet sugar.


18. Start with beet salad, move onto Chicken cacciatore with a side of penne with vodka sauce.


19. beet

19. Licorice, also known as beet, honey grass, the United States and grass, is a leguminous plant, grows in dry grasslands Xiangyang of calcium as well as the riparian land of sandy soil.


20. The larva of this chafer injures barley, wheat, pea, potato, corn and sugar beet, and the adult attacks forest trees.


beet 词典解释

1. 甜菜

Beet is a crop with a thick round root. It is often used to feed animals, especially cows.

e.g. ...fields of sweet corn and beet.


2. 甜菜根

Beets are dark red roots that are eaten as a vegetable. They are often preserved in vinegar.


in BRIT, use 英国英语用 beetrootbeet 单语例句

1. The latest results last week on trials of oilseed rape and sugar beet found that they were harmful to wildlife.

2. The borscht was well flavored and had tender cabbage, tomatoes and beet in a light beef stock.

3. The poor man was so embarrassed by the unexpected scene that he became lost for words and turned as red as a beet.

4. It looked and tasted delicate, with the beet adding a sweet and refreshing touch to the smoky halibut.

beet 英英释义


1. round red root vegetable

Synonym: beetroot

2. biennial Eurasian plant usually having a swollen edible root

widely cultivated as a food crop

Synonym: common beetBeta vulgaris