

sentient:[英 [ˈsentiənt] 美 [ˈsenʃnt] ]


sentient 基本解释


形容词有感觉能力的; 有知觉力的

sentient 网络解释

1. 有感觉力的:当然,我们的解释也需要有定域性的、有感觉力的(sentient)观测者来分别观测结果. 以上结论也可以用一个比以上实验简单得多的例子阐明. 假设两位定域性(即不能互相通讯的)的观察者同时观察同一物件,而且物件的颜色在观察之前未知.

2. 有知觉力的人:天网在控制了所有的美军的武器装备后不久,获得自我意识,并且认定人类是它存在的威胁. 于是采用大规模杀伤性武器来灭绝全人类. 天网是科幻小说中人工智能系统进化为有知觉力的人(sentient)和以人为敌最典型的例子.

3. 有感情的:有感觉力的sentient | 有感情的sentient | 有刚毛的bristly

4. 有感觉力的/有感情的/有知觉力的人:sentiency /感觉/知觉/感性/ | sentient /有感觉力的/有感情的/有知觉力的人/ | sentimentalise /流于感伤/

sentient 双语例句

1. sentient的近义词

1. For a beginner, his motivation to attain enlightenment should have only one cause—to benefit all sentient beings.


2. The motivation is not only for your own health and life sucess, think of all the sentient beings, to benefit their life and to bring them peace and happiness, not only temporary, but ultimate as well.



3. Not only that, but the great liberation of enlightenment cannot be achieved for sentient beings


4. Not only that, but the great liberation of enlightenment cannot be achieved for sentient beings, that which benefits the numberless sentient beings.


5. Therefore, we focused on the cause, dialectical seek governance; use of animals, insects and sentient flesh and blood of the goods, after a reasonable compatibility, first-pass fill adjustment, through nourish kidney essence, Pinggan Yang, Tom Lee Du channel, promoting blood circulation scattered silt; the same time, with plaster externally bonded directly to lesions, Ruanjian Sanjie, loosen adhesions, and clear the meridians; this re-righteous, evil addition, joint sliding profits, hang stubborn lingering numb unhealed?


6. Even having created intelligent, sentient robots in the first place, robots that can out-think them, the humans` last hope would be to find a weak spot in the robot armoury, a chink in their life-support mechanism.


7. sentient的解释

7. In addition to these animals are the Ancients: sentient trees that act as protectors of the forest.



8. These sentient, motile trees protect the night elves'towns and the surrounding forests.


9. These sentient trees once had the vital task of channeling forces of the land to sustain the Night Elves'immortality.


10. Care for sentient beings and let go of your achievement.



11. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings!


12. sentient什么意思

12. That which benefits the numberless sentient beings. Of course that means one cannot liberate


13. sentient

13. Of course that means one cannot liberate the numberless sentient beings who are most dear, most precious, most kind from the oceans of samsaric suffering and it's cause.


14. sentient什么意思

14. Of course that means one cannot liberate the numberless sentient beings who are most dear, most precious, most kind from the oceans of samsaric suffering and it`s cause.


15. Flower color marble face of the party, at first glance, the texture is extremely freehand splash-ink, the mountains are mountains, to see the water is water, that Shiqianfeng Pinnacle, Rain rainrivers, see the beauty, Haishu Yunxia, that flamboyant, wild animals go bird show and even see ghosting human, sentient beings of the world.


16. He is totally fearless, willing to risk anything to help his fellow sentient creatures.


17. Therefore, Buddhism is strongly inclined to teleology. On the other hand, empathy must be given equally towards all sentient beings, and their need for happiness and utility. In this sense, Buddhism is also strongly inclined towards deontology.



18. The next grand stage of universal expansion and the evolution of all sentient Beings are well under way, and each of you has an integral part to play as a Star Seed and a bearer of Divine Light.


19. The same for both buddhas and sentient beings. Of course sentient beings experience the


20. sentient什么意思

20. The person always is sentient, although a cat a dog, the memory that 4 years photograph of a very short time accompanies cannot be obliterated easily.


sentient 词典解释

1. 有感知能力的;有知觉力的

A sentient being is capable of experiencing things through its senses.


e.g. ...sentient creatures human and nonhuman alike.


sentient 单语例句

1. Elephants are intelligent, sentient beings that are dying so that humans can own a carved tusk.

2. Scientists are already considering the ramifications of messages - or visits - from sentient beings based light years from Earth.