

adipose:[英 [ˈædɪpəʊs] 美 [ˈædɪpoʊs] ]


adipose 基本解释


形容词含动物脂肪的; 动物脂肪(似)的; 脂肪质的; 脂肪多的

名词肥胖; (储于脂肪组织中的)动物脂肪


adipose 网络解释

1. 脂肪:也含有相当高的饱和脂肪,故不可食用过多;唯有椰子油(请选择质量优良的品牌)则可天天食用,一天仍以不超过三大匙为限. 我特别提起椰子油,是因为它不但不会阻塞血管,还会将脂肪(Adipose)转变为能量,减少油细胞数量,使体重下降.

2. 脂肪的:adipopexis 脂肪沉着 | adipose 脂肪的 | adipose cell 脂细胞


3. 动物脂肪;似脂肪的;多脂肪的:adipose fin 脂鳍 | adipose 动物脂肪;似脂肪的;多脂肪的 | adipping 向倾斜方向


4. 肥胖的,脂肪的:adiaemorrhysis 血液循环停止 | adipose 肥胖的,脂肪的 | adiposis 肥胖症

adipose 双语例句

1. Can complete the thyroid gland goitre independently, the adipose tumor, the adenoma and so on simple surgical operation.


2. Hibernoma is a rare, benign adipose tumor composed of brown fat cells with eosinophilic granular or multivacuolated cytoplasm.


3. Much rat MRI is smooth as a result sweep show observation group to see thicker loud signal hypodermically adipose layer, tumor interior or outside face see stain shape believe a bad dead band higher.


4. Result: the accuracy of localizing diagnosis was 100%, five neurogenic tumor showed longer t1 and longer t2 signals with abnormal contrast enhancement. three meningiomas showed iso-or longer t1 and iso-or longer t2 with signal of meningiomas can be inhomogeneous because it has calcification. two arachnoid cyst showed homogenous signal intensity identical to csf without abnormal contrast enhancement. one adipose tumor displayed shorter t1 and slightly longer signals with round and without abnormal constrast enhancement. one hematoma showed shorter t1 and longer t2 signals without abnormal contrast enhancement.


5. So, its very important in zootechny to elucidate the function of factors secretion by adipose tissue, and molecular mechanism underlying these roles in control of fat accumulation and meat quality improved.


6. adipose

6. sickness rates of calculus, hepatic adipose infiltration and tuberculosis are high among staff members and still on the rise.


7. Moreover, insulin via control of the autonomous nervous system controls lipogenesis in white adipose tissue, activation of UCP-1 in brown adipose tissue and blood pressure.



8. The fatty acid synthase is a key enzyme of lipogenesis and may play a crucial role in the weight variability of the abdominal adipose tissue.


9. No detectable changes was found in both group of the expression of GLUT-4 mRNA. HSL is a rate limited enzyme of lypolysis in adipocyte. The level of HSL mRNA is significant lower in the aged group than the young group. Although expression of PPAR is low in muscle (less than 10% of that in adipose tissue), given that its central role in glucose disposal and peripheral insulin resistance, we examined the expression of PPAR mRNA and its target gene GLUT-4 mRNA in muscle of young and aged rats and found expression of both genes significantly decreased in aged group.

肌肉组织中PPARγ表达量甚微,但考虑到骨骼肌是胰岛素作用下机体利用葡萄糖的主要器官,也是产生外周胰岛素抵抗的最大部位,本研究同时应用逆转录聚合酶链式反应的方法检测了年轻鼠和老年鼠骨骼肌组织中PPARγ和作为其目标基因的GLUT-4 mRNA的表达,发现老年鼠肌肉组解放军总医院军医进修学院顾*学位论文中文摘要织中 PPAR Y与 GLUT4表达均显著降低。

10. Spawning individuals have a bright to olive green head with black on the snout and upper jaw; the adipose and anal fins turn red and the paired fins and tail generally become grayish to green or dark.


11. In wild-type mice, HFD significantly increased the hepatic and adipose expression of numerous genes inoled in inflammation.


12. adipose的近义词

12. Senile patient skin is flabby, hypodermic and adipose little, vein is pettier the table is simple, because blood-vessel is stretch poor, end circulation is poor, vein is strong and fragile submit strong demand form.


13. However, a few cases, renal cell carcinoma will also contain adipose tissue, resulting in misdiagnosis.


14. Objective To improve diagnosis and treatment of chyluria and to evaluate the surgical techniques and clinical efficacy of retroperitoneoscopic ligation of renal lymphatic vessels outside adipose capsule and inside adipose capsule in the treatment of chyluria.



15. The adipose derived stem cells of inbreds train of rat wereinduced to differentiate into schwann-like cells and the cells were injectedinto the acellular nerve allograff. The proliferation or adhersion of these cells on the graft were observed by inverted microscope or ScanningElectronic Microscope. Activity of cells were detected using MTT. 10mmnerve gap of inbreds train of rats in two group were bridged by tissue-engineered peripheral nerve or autogenous nerve, the effect wereappraised by naked eye, recovery rate of sciatic function index, nerve-electrophysiological, histology, Transmission ElectronMicroscopy and quantitative analysis of recovery rate of myelinated fiberpopulations, diameter of myelinated fiber and thickness of myelin sheat.


16. This factor probably causes a general augmentation in fetal growth rather than a specific stimulation of adipose tissue growth.


17. Adipose tissue in vitro culture technique was taken to different economical types of pig in order to find the difference between their anabolism and catabolism.


18. Under aseptic condition, the skin layer was open, and 100 g subcutaneous adipose tissue was resected from each side and then placed in prepared container containing cold D-hanks solution for later use.

无菌条件下掀开皮肤层,分别切取两侧皮下脂肪组织各100 g,放入预先已备好的盛有冷D-hanks液容器中待用。

19. Objective To investigate the relationship between epicardium adipose thickness and the severity of coronary artery stenosis in patients with coronary artery disease.

目的 探讨冠心病患者心外膜脂肪厚度与冠状动脉狭窄程度的关系。

20. Objective: To explore the relationships between obesity and adiponectin mRNA expression of subcutaneous and omental adipose tissues.


adipose 单语例句

1. " It is just another insight into how much adipose tissue there is, " he said.

adiposeadipose 英英释义



1. composed of animal fat

e.g. adipose tissue constitutes the fat of meat