

residence:[英 [ˈrezɪdəns] 美 [ˈrɛzɪdəns] ]



residence 基本解释


名词住处,住宅; 居住时间,居住; 公馆; 驻地

residence 相关词组


1. in residence : 住校, 驻在的;

residence 相关例句


1. I learned Spanish during my residence in Mexico.


2. It was ten when he stood on the steps of his aunt's residence and rang the bell.


residence 网络解释


1. 居住:以纽约市区划条例为例[11],土地用途首先分为三种基本类型,分别是居住(residence)、商业(commerce)和工业(manufacture),然后考虑到开发强度和其它特别控制要求,进行土地用途的一系列细分.

2. 住宅:当然,若捡到珍贵而当前又用不着的好东西,舍不得卖,那么就保存在私人住宅(Residence)的壁橱里好了. 特别需要注意的是,个人物品栏(快捷键S)要经常整理,否则即使物品栏没满,某些大的物品,也会因空间不合理而装不了.


3. 行宫:等级越高,可同时交易的资源越多交易中心(Trade office) 提升商队交易能力,等级越高,商队容量越大礼堂(Townhall) 可以举行豪华的庆典来增加的你的文化积分行宫(Residence) 国王和皇后巡视村庄时的住所,

residence 双语例句


1. Was the residence of Li Xiangjun, one of the Eight Qinhuai Beauties.


2. These two parallelepiped boxes stand out for the simplicity of their form which is so pure creating a luxurious residence.


3. residence

3. Comparing the residence time of water molecules inside the first hydration shell of metal ions, we firstly obtained the strength of hydration between alkaline and alkaline earth ions.


4. He releaved, It still under discussed with no result if it is need to pay extra cost to maintain the residence land after the 70 years useing right has been finished.


5. Furthermore, perfume microcapsules were firstly prepared by multiple-layer shell technology of different materials in order to improve the controlled-release properties of microcapsules'shell and prolong the residence time of perfume.


6. No doubt the authorities had been watching for a chance to imprison him, and when he stepped outside the city gate, they seized him, falsely charged him with treachery in attempting to flee to the Babylonians, and threw him in a dungeon that had once been a private residence, but because of the many defectors, it had been converted into an emergency prison to hold them 37:15-16; cf.


7. Former Residence of many celebrities, such as Dongling thief Sun Dianying, Zhang's younger brother, zhan ZHANG Xue-ming, the last emperor Pu instrument, and so on.


8. People who have lived in Shanghai for a total of 7 years may have the chance to obtain a permanent residence permit.


9. He is not allowed to work and would lose his residence permit were he to travel to Ghana.


10. Deal with the stuff's social insurance, residence permit, etc.


11. Students will be charged for physical examination, legal residence permission, international travel insurance and other necessary procedures.


12. The accumulated asset of Taiwan Residence Earthquake Insurance Fund has largely increased in recent years due to the growth of take-up rate in Taiwan.


13. To leave the city, the city's medical insurance agencies should be the basic medical insurance and personal medical accounts transferred to the amount of storage location of the residence of its social insurance agencies; establishment of the local social security institutions, their personal health care Account the amount of storage and one-time payment of interest to me.


14. Outsiders if you do not pay long-term residence permits only comprehensive insurance, a monthly 20 yuan drug subsidies, are now integrated with the insurance card can take part in skills training for some 50 percent reimbursement of costs.


15. Page 10 of the brochure lists tuition (including typical incidental fees), residence costs, health insurance fees and an estimate for textbooks.


16. residence

16. To leave the city, the city's social insurance agencies should be old-age insurance and old-age insurance personal accounts amount transferred to his storage location of the residence of the social insurance agencies; establishment of the local social security institutions, their personal pension Insurance account the amount of storage in the personal interest and part of the one-time fee paid to himself.


17. He must discover the inevitable mixture of error and corruption which she contracted in a long residence upon earth, among a weak and degenerate race of beings.


18. He must discover the inevitablemixture of error and corruption which shecontracted in a long residence upon earth, among a weak and degenerate race of beings.


19. The bride's father, the Prince of Wales, gave her Appleton House on the Sandringham Estate, as a country residence for her frequent visits to England.


20. The course of urbanization expedite centralization of population in city and expedite the development of residence industry.


residence 词典解释

1. 住处;居所;住宅

A residence is a house where people live.

e.g. ...hotels and private residences.


e.g. She travels constantly, moving among her several residences around the world.


2. 住处;居住地

Your place of residence is the place where you live.


e.g. ...differences among women based on age, place of residence and educational levels.


3. 居住(权);居留(权)

Someone's residence in a particular place is the fact that they live there or that they are officially allowed to live there.


e.g. They had entered the country and had applied for permanent residence...


e.g. She moved out of 28 Barbary Lane to take up residence in a house in Pacific Heights.


4. see also: hall of residence

5. 住在;居住

If someone is in residence in a particular place, they are living there.

e.g. Windsor is open to visitors when the Royal Family is not in residence.


6. (作家、艺术家等)常驻的

An artist or writer in residence is one who teaches in an institution such as a university or theatre company.

e.g. Wakoski is writer in residence at Michigan State University.


e.g. ...former Chicago Symphony composer in residence, John Corliano.


residence 单语例句

1. A local cadre says the village may be the best residence that the aged people have ever lived in throughout their life.

2. Without bold action on such national policies as the rigid residence registration system, we anticipate no major breakthrough in the way our " floating population " is managed.

3. It became a part of the residence of China's greatest calligrapher Wang Xizhi during the Southern Jin Dynasty.

4. A hippopotamus from the Rondevlei Nature Reserve outside Cape Town escaped and took up residence in the sewerage waterworks of the sprawling Cape Flats area.

5. On March 17 of that year Sun was wandering down a street in south China's Guangdong Province without his ID card or temporary residence certificate.

6. Shenzhen is to launch a trial residence card system in Yantian District next month.

7. Blair's wife Cherie is a strong Catholic and he regularly attends Mass with her and their children at the prime minister's country residence in Chequers.

8. A year later the government expanded the size of his residence and built a cemetery garden for Song near the family home.

9. Never would he know that just about a century later, his own residence would become a place welcoming expats from around the world.

10. The municipal government of Shanghai carried out a residence certificate system in 2002, granting migrant labourers some treatments enjoyed by their urban counterparts.

residence 英英释义


1. the act of dwelling in a place

Synonym: residencyabidance

2. a large and imposing house

Synonym: mansionmansion housemansehall

3. the official house or establishment of an important person (as a sovereign or president)

e.g. he refused to live in the governor's residence

4. any address at which you dwell more than temporarily

e.g. a person can have several residences

Synonym: abode