

plough:[英 [plaʊ] 美 [plaʊ] ]


过去式:ploughed;   过去分词:ploughed;   现在分词:ploughing;   复数形式:ploughs;

plough 基本解释

名词犁; 耕作,耕地; [天]北斗七星; 〈英俚〉(主考人评定)不及格

及物/不及物动词用犁耕田; 开路; 破浪前进; 投(资)

plough 相关词组

1. plough under : 把(草等)犁入土中作肥料, 使消失;

2. plough into : 投入(资金);

3. plough around : 试探;


plough 相关例句



1. He ploughed much money into developing new oil fields.


2. I am sure to be ploughed at the examination.



1. The ship ploughed through waves.


2. The land ploughs hard after the drought.


plough 网络解释

1. 犁:plotexperiment小区试验 | plough犁 | ploughbeam犁梁

2. 犁 (美作:plow):billhook, brushhook 钩镰 | plough 犁 (美作:plow) | ridging plough, ridger 起垄犁

3. plough

3. 扫雪机;沟刨:plinthwiring壁脚板配线 | plough扫雪机 沟刨 | plow扫雪机

4. plough

4. 刨煤机:plot of a mine 矿山平面图 | plough 刨煤机 | plough cut 楔形掏槽

plough 双语例句

1. plough

1. On some upland farm, a plough had been left standing in the field.


2. So delightful a companion was she, that the bartonet Would seldom tate his walk after breakfast without her—and the children, of course—When she Would giVe her advice as to the trees which should be cut down, the crops that were to be gathered, the horse that were to go to cart or plough.


3. plough在线翻译

3. Tomorrow, we're going to plough the field.


4. plough

4. The father added: Tomorrow, we are going to plough the field.


5. Uncle Wang put the plough down in a field.


6. Their job is to plough the field, preparing it for corn planting.


7. plough的翻译

7. This paper studies the composition of electro-hydraulic control led hydraulic supports on full-automatic plough mining face and introduces the actual result of successful application of plough in China.


8. plough的意思

8. The technology of coal plough have been applied in the exploitation of medium-sized and thin coal seam through analysing and comparing the characteristic of cylinder mining machine and coal plough.


9. According to the particularity of initial mining and discharging work on plough mining face in Malan Coal Mine, this paper expounds the improvements for the techniques adopted in initial mining and discharging on the mining face.


10. plough是什么意思

10. The efficiency of the farmers` labour was greatly affected by considerable technological achievements of the pre-Harappan culture, including the plough.


11. The village head led several farmers to plough for the heirless elderly.


12. Adjustable ridge plough is suitable for the ridging after the plowing, it can match the tractor.



13. They taught the farmers to plough across the slopes of the hillsin order to keep the rain-water in the land



14. They taught the farmers to plough across the slopes of the hillsin order to keep the rain-water in the land; and they tried to change the old methods of farming into modern ways.


15. plough的反义词

15. The spring sun shone bright, and Ib guided the plough across his field, when one day it glided over what appeared to be a flint stone.


16. Grass is across the wagon-tracks, and plough strikes bone across the grass, and vineyards cover all the slopes where the dead teams were used to pass.


17. The results showed:Under the same fertilizer consumption, covered with straw and covered with film can increase the chlorophyll content and total leer area duration of the maize, can improve leaf nitrate reeducates activity, Photosynthesis and roots vigor, and the nitrate reeducates activity, the chlorophyll content and the roots vigor present positive correlation with yield. Meanwhile, average dry matter accumulation of straw-covered increased 7.1% than this of no-ploughed, yield increased 15.3%.The average dry matter accumulation of film-covered increased 20.1% than which of no-ploughed and 12.1% than which of plough and covered with straws. And yield increased 26.8% and 10.1%, notable differences.


18. The noon had a meal, lead long the cow go to plough ground, but the cow didn't°yet eat good.


19. Now look you, my merry men, that you do no harm to yeomen, or to them that till with the plough, or to the knight or squire who is kind to the poor.


20. The wind corrade of differ underlying surfaces'research express that in bottomland, the erosion of no-tillage of vegetable land is the most, it is 504.02 g/m2, the second is the stubble land of corn and plough land, the stubble land of naked oats.


plough 词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 plow


A plough is a large farming tool with sharp blades which is pulled across the soil to turn it over, usually before seeds are planted.


2. 犁(地);耕(地)

When someone ploughs an area of land, they turn over the soil using a plough.

e.g. They ploughed nearly 100,000 acres of virgin moorland.


e.g. ...a carefully ploughed field.



In Roman times November was a month of hard work in ploughing and sowing.


3. (土地)被开垦成耕地

If an area of land is under the plough, it is used for growing crops. If land is brought or put under the plough, it is ploughed for the first time and is then used for growing crops.

e.g. There was not one inch of soil that was not under the plough.


e.g. ...as we put more and more wilderness under the plough.


4. to plough a furrow -> see furrow

相关词组:plough backplough intoplough onplough throughplough up

plough 单语例句

1. Hutchison said the buyout would allow the phone company to plough cash back into expanding its operations in emerging markets including Indonesia and Vietnam.

2. Since they have never experienced a stock crash, they plough all their savings into the stock market.

3. Fields were devoid of tractors and there were plough horses with rack wagons instead.

4. It is well known for its richness in organic materials and easiness to plough.

5. The slams say that they already plough millions of dollars of profits back into grass roots tennis in their host countries.

6. He specifically instructed local officials and farmers to improve irrigation methods and prepare for the spring plough season during the winter.

7. This also gives incentives for farmers who want to plough more land and need to borrow from the bank.

8. Many Chinese realtors sell units in their unfinished buildings but instead of using the funds to complete construction they plough them into new projects.

9. Guo employed the woman and her husband to shepherd his sheep and plough his fields from the beginning of March last year.

10. Once Dong had to drive three hours and than had to hire a tractor to plough through the deep snow.

plough的意思plough 英英释义


1. a farm tool having one or more heavy blades to break the soil and cut a furrow prior to sowing

Synonym: plow



1. to break and turn over earth especially with a plow

e.g. Farmer Jones plowed his east field last week

turn the earth in the Spring

Synonym: plowturn

2. move in a way resembling that of a plow cutting into or going through the soil

e.g. The ship plowed through the water

Synonym: plow