

murder:[英 [ˈmɜ:də(r)] 美 [ˈmɜ:rdə(r)] ]


过去式:murdered;   过去分词:murdered;   现在分词:murdering;   复数形式:murders;

murder 基本解释

名词谋杀; 杀戮; 极艰难[令人沮丧]的经历

及物动词凶杀; 糟蹋; 打垮


murder 相关词组


1. get away with murder : 逍遥法外;

murder 相关例句


1. Murder!


2. murder的意思

2. He murdered the whole work.



1. There has been a decrease in the number of murders on the city.


2. murder的意思

2. He was accused of murder.


3. His piano playing is murder!


murder 网络解释

1. 谋杀(罪):确实,有时模糊语言的使用会带来严重的后果,比如:一个人有可能因杀人罪而入狱几年,但因谋杀罪而被绞刑,而杀人罪 (manslaughter) 与谋杀罪 (murder) 的界限是模糊的,在实践中有时难以操作.

murder 双语例句


1. Her boyfriend, a police officer in Canton, is being charged with two counts of murder.


2. He faces two counts of premeditated murder.


3. Again, this is the police officer in the bar joking as he discussed this murder investigation.


4. There were no signs of murder or suicide: apparent1y Bissell, 30, died in his sleep.


5. She had that gorgeous young fop murder her husband.


6. murder的近义词

6. It is in the world interest to avoid drifting into a widening division between the have and have-not nations; to help develop the practical means for the United Nations to keep the peace; to preserve and restore our natural environment; to use the natural resources of the sea for the benefit of all; to ensure that the increase in population does not impair the quality of life; to curb narcotics traffic; to end sky piracy and the kidnapping and murder of diplomats; to ensure that the human rights of prisoners of war not be violated.


7. Chorus this is the remix to ignition hot and fresh out the kitchen mama rollin that body got evey man in her wishin sippin on coke and rum im like so what im drunk its the freakin weekend baby im about to have me some fun Bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce Bounce-bounce-bounce- c'mon now its like murder she wrote once i get you out them clothes privacy is on the door still they can hear you screamin more girl im feelin what you feelin no more hopin and wishin im bout to take my key and stick it in the ignition so gimme that toot toot lemme give you that beep beep runnin her hands through my'fro bouncin on 24's while they say on the radio...

合唱 这是再混合到点火热的和新鲜的外面的厨房妈妈rollin那身体得到evey男人在她的wishin sippin在可乐和甜酒 im象因而什么im喝醉了的它的freakin周末婴孩 im关于到有我一些娱乐 Bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce Bounce-bounce-bounce-现在它的象谋杀她书写一次我获得你外面的他们衣服保密是在门寂静他们能听到你screamin更多的女孩im feelin什么你feelin 不再hopin和wishin im一回到拿我的钥匙和棍它在点火因而gimme那嘟嘟声嘟嘟声 lemme弹性你那哔哔声哔哔声 runnin她的手穿过我的'往 bouncin在24's 当他们说下去无线电通信。。。

8. Officer Cheung is in charge of this case, and found the way of the murder is very similar to the case a year ago which victim is Michelle.



9. NOTE: People and nations only rise in vitriolic complaint against Israel when Israel dares to retaliate against murder and destruction!


10. murder的解释

10. Was this murder the first indication that the Emperor would putup with no more moves towards democracy in the city?


11. He could be sent for trial under a clause in Iraqs penal code that punishes anyone who tries to murder Iraqi or foreign presidents.


12. murder的意思

12. You come on my army establishes day and ask me to murder for money.


13. This case is typically a cold - blooded murder.


14. murder

14. Holmes dropped his voice as he answered:`Murder, cold- blooded murder.


15. murder的翻译

15. In fact, concern the report that murders children photograph to was not mentioned for the most part a bit, that is these photographs it is the one part that add up to amounts to 2700 pages to murder investigation file.


16. This is one of the most bizarre murder cases we have ever dealt with.


17. murder的翻译

17. The influence, society and medium of the tradition idea mislead the education of the publicity, school to be out of balance, neglect of parents, the teacher's blemish demonstration the … again and again of realize the child's life to down play, cause one and another education murder case, be a flexible life keeps off us of time, bring not only is a time of shocking: what on earth we did?


18. murder

18. The neglect of parents, the teacher's blemish demonstration the … again and again of realize the child's life to down play, cause one and another education murder case, be a flexible life keeps off us of time, bring not only is a time of shocking: When the data of the rows of touches our eyes shocking, what on earth we are?


19. The murder of a man not related by blood, even if he be the husband of the murderess, is expiable and does not concern the Furies


20. Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger inthe world?


murder 词典解释

1. 谋杀;杀害;凶杀

Murder is the deliberate and illegal killing of a person.

e.g. The three accused, aged between 19 and 20, are charged with attempted murder...


e.g. She refused to testify, unless the murder charge against her was dropped.


2. 谋杀;杀害

To murder someone means to commit the crime of killing them deliberately.

e.g. ...a thriller about two men who murder a third to see if they can get away with it.


e.g. ...the body of a murdered religious and political leader.


3. (做坏事而)安然无恙,逍遥法外,为所欲为

If you say that someone gets away with murder, you are complaining that they can do whatever they like without anyone trying to control them or punish them.

e.g. His charm and the fact that he is so likeable often allows him to get away with murder.


4. (对不喜欢的东西)大惊小怪地拼命叫嚷

If you say that someone screams blue murder or screams bloody murder, you are emphasizing that they are making a lot of noise or fuss about something that they do not like.

e.g. People are screaming blue murder about the amount of traffic going through their town.


murder 单语例句murder在线翻译

1. He controls thousands of irregular troops accused by rights groups of abduction and murder.

2. The case is classified as murder and active investigations by the Regional Crime Unit of New Territories North are underway.

3. They were facing charges with capital murder and other counts, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office has announced.

4. The murder charges were based on state law allowing capital punishment for the killing of more than one person within three years.

5. The jury's decision means Yates must now face a capital murder trial.

6. Yates initially was convicted of capital murder, but that verdict was overturned on appeal.

7. " This was unacceptable abuse that will be punished but it's not capital murder, " Stickler said during his closing arguments.

8. LOS ANGELES - Two men suspected in the killings of two Chinese students were charged Tuesday with capital murder.

9. Lewis pleaded guilty to capital murder, allowing a judge to determine her sentence.

10. London Mayor Ken Livingstone condemned yesterday's terrorist attacks in the British capital as " mass murder " as he prepared to rush home from Singapore.

murder 英英释义



1. unlawful premeditated killing of a human being by a human being

Synonym: slayingexecution


1. alter so as to make unrecognizable

e.g. The tourists murdered the French language

Synonym: manglemutilate

2. kill intentionally and with premeditation

e.g. The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered

Synonym: slayhitdispatchbump offoffpolish offremove