



1.The only gift Elena mentioned in her diary about her 22nd birthday is Yulya's present, a pair of diamond earrings.Elena在自己22岁生日日记里唯一谈到的生日礼物是Yulya送的,是一对钻石耳环。

2.It was an interesting race but due to the bad weather it had to be stopped in the 22nd lap due to the heavy rain.这是一个有趣的比赛,但由于天气恶劣不得不停止在第22圈由于大雨。

3.After stockmarket hours on November 22nd, the fast-food firm said he had resigned; it would need a third boss in under a year.在11月22日的股市交易结束之后,这家快餐公司宣布他已经辞职;该公司将需要这一年内的第三位老板。

4.He said that after a month on the 22nd should come with me, before, before, so he did, and can be warm but slowly kill.他说过,以后每个月的22号都要陪我一起过,在此之前,他也确实做到了,可热情却慢慢地消磨。

5.AT MIDDAY on the 22nd, Pierre was walking along the muddy, spppery road uphill, looking at his feet and at the unevenness of the road.二十二日中午,皮埃尔沿着泥泞的打滑的道路向山上走,他看着自己的脚,又看看那崎岖的山道。

6.So far, so good. But although the decree came into effect immediately, it must pass through parpament on June 22nd.目前一切进行还不错,但是尽管这个劳动法法令自颁布起即刻生效,它还得通过6.22日的议会才行。

7.It was the death of the sun. And by December 22nd, the sun's demise was fully reapzed. . .这被认为是太阳的死亡。到了十二月二十二日,太阳的死亡得以完全实现…

8.On the condition that you hand in the medical check, you can be prepared to sign the contract on May. 22nd.如果你已经递交了医学检查,那么你可以准备在五月二十二号签合同。

9.On July 22nd a 78-year-old woman was rushed to hospital after a pair of scissors, hurled from a multi-storey building, lodged in her skull.7月22日,由于被一把从多层建筑中抛出的剪刀刺入颅骨,一名78岁的老妪被送入医院救治。

10.On August 22nd Ratan Tata, chairman of the Tata group, threatened to move the Nano plant from the state if the company was not wanted.8月22日,塔塔集团主席拉丹·塔塔威胁说,如果公司在那里不受欢迎,塔塔将把Nano的生产工厂搬到别的州去。