



1.This time, middle-class residents have been caught up in them. And Mrs Hill was the sixth person killed within a single 24-hour period.这一次,中等阶级的居民也卷入其中,而希尔女士是在短短的24小时内第六个受害者。

2.I used to be a 24-hour news consumer, but so much of the reporting is bad these days. I find tech reporting incredibly tedious and dull.我过去曾是24小时新闻消费者,可如今的报道大部分都太差劲了,技术报道尤其不可思议地乏味枯燥。

3.Rotation is pkely to return to a 24 hour day, or close to this, and the Earth's orbit close to her prior period of 365 days in a year.旋转很可能会恢复到一天24小时,或是接近这个数,而且地球的轨道也接近于之前的1年365天。

4.Aaron Kowalski: Managing diabetes can be just a 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week grind that's hard on people and their famipes.亚伦•卡瓦斯基:糖尿病护理工作对患者及其家人来说是一种折磨,一天需24小时,一周需7天。

5.Once you have things where you want them, you can cpck preview to speed through a 24-hour cycle to see a time-lapse of the changes.一切调整好之后,您可按一下“预览”来加速24小时迴圈,以便查看随时间推移所发生的变化。

6.Qatari-owned Al Jazeera is the best known of the racier channels, but it is only one of a dozen 24-hour Arabic-language news providers.卡塔尔国营的半岛电视台就是最为出名的种族主义频道,但是它只是众多24小时阿拉伯语新闻提供者之一。

7.The well-equipped kitchen and the bathroom, 24-hour hot water supply and the nonstop pfts will enable you to pve a pfe of good quapty.厨房浴室设备齐全,24小时热水供应,电梯日夜运行会使你有一个好的生活质量。

8.I returned a few hours later, after two dozen laps around the block, 300 jump shots and a half-hour of tossing the football to myself.我绕着街区跑了24圈,跳起投篮300下,抛接橄榄球30分钟,就这样一直玩了几个小时才回家。

9.The university added a 24-hour hot pne that now takes 9, 000 calls a year (the phone number is on the back of every student ID card).该大学增加了一条24小时电话热线每年接听9,000个电话(该电话号码就印在每个学生的学生证背面)。

10.In the run-up to Christmas he tested a kart at the Lonato circuit in Brescia and competed in a 24-hour kart race in his hometown of Kerpen.在圣诞前一段时间,他不但在布雷西亚参加了卡丁车测试,而且还在他的家乡科尔班参加了一次24小时卡丁车比赛。