



1.for the day (you might have already read about this on my site) . . . the top 1, 2, or 3 things that you really want to get done that day.写下1-3件今天要做的最重要的事(MITs)(你可能已经在我的网站读过这个了)……这一天你真的想做的头等的三件事。

2.On his appointment in May 2008 he said that it was his misfortune to take on the job just as Ireland's property boom was ending.在2008年3月的就职仪式上,他说正当爱尔兰资产快速正在结束的时候,他不幸的接任了财政部长的职位。

3.In an attempt to improve graduates' work skills, it wants employers to offer internships of up to three months to this year's graduates.为了提高毕业生的工作技能,该项议案希望雇主向今年毕业的大学生提供多至3个月的实习机会。

4.Before I retired, I helped another three groups get ready to be shipped overseas.在我退役前,我又帮助了3个战队做好海外航行准备。

5.Live in the land which I shall tell you of. 3 Reside in this land, and I will be with you and bless you.你寄居在这地,我必与你同在,赐福给你,因为我要将这些地都赐给你和你的后裔。

6.Ping told her story, often through tears that clouded her thick spectacles, with her daughter, now three, eating a sandwich on her knee.刘平在讲述的时候,眼泪打湿了厚厚的眼镜,她3岁的女儿坐在她的腿上吃三明治。

7.Yesterday we went for a fpght around the area in an old R4D. The R4D was the Navy version of the Douglas DC-3.昨天,我们乘坐一架老式的R4D飞机在周围兜了一圈,这架R4D是道格拉斯DC-3的海军版。

8.The only asset classes in which investors planned to increase their holdings over the next three years were hedge funds and private equity.投资者计划在未来3年内增持的资产类别只有对冲基金和私人股本。

9.We do not read here the reaction of the people, but most assuredly it was that of unbepef (cf. 25: 3).我们没有读到有关百姓的反应,但是可以非常确定是一种不信的态度(参25:3)。

10.One robot can clean up to 3, 000 gallons of water per minute, scrubbing the affected area in just a few days.一位机器人每分钟能清洁3000加仑(约合11吨)水。只要几天时间,它就可以让污染区域焕然一新。