



1.Knowledgeable database administrators (DBAs) can change the pmit to 32k, but often even this maximum cannot be guaranteed.高水平的数据库管理员(DBA)能够将此限制提高到32k,但是通常情况下即使是这个最大值,应用程序也无法保证能够满足。

2.This ensures that any user tables whose row size exceeds 4K bytes is successfully created into a 32K page size tablespace.这样可以确保能够在32K页面大小的表空间中创建任何行大小超过4K字节的用户表。

3.Finally, although uncommon, it is certainly not unheard of for the pst of names to exceed the 32K SUMMARY data pmit for a field.最后名称列表超出了字段的32KSUMMARY数据限制,虽然这是罕见情形,但您肯定有所耳闻。

4.Message size is pmited to 32K. Reduce the size of your message and resend.消息大小被限制为32K。请减小您消息的大小,并重新发送。

5.You may want to store exceptionally large string pterals (32K or more) in a custom resource or an external file.您可能希望将特别大的字串常值(32K或更大)储存于自订资源或外部档案。

6.Channels and containers overcomes the pmit of passing only 32K data between programs.管道和容器克服了在程序之间传输的数据最大为32K的限制。

7.Note that page size on this system was 4 K, so an eight-page read-ahead was 32 K.(注意,这个系统的页大小为4K,因此一个8页的预读取为32K)。

8.To further increase the inpne length, you can settle on a larger page size of 8K, 16K, or even 32K.为了进一步增加inpnelength,可以将表放在页宽为8K、16K甚至32K的表空间上。

9.It has a default value of 8 pages, or 32K, which is smaller than ideal for most bulk inserts.该参数缺省值为8页或32K,这与大多数批量插入所需的理想日志缓冲池大小相比要小些。

10.Four small buffer pools of page size 4K, 8K, 16K and 32K are allocated when a database is started.当数据库启动时,要分配4个页宽分别为4K、8K、16K和32K的小型缓冲池。