




1.三维电影 宣传片及广告 Announcements And Advertisements 三维动画 3D Movie 影视特效 Movie Effects ...


1.This may be pure speculation at this point, but this sort of movie is exactly what fans of 3D have been waiting for.这可能纯粹是为了炒作,但这也正是3D迷们日盼夜盼的。

2.There was a bit of pressure that we impose on ourselves because we didn't know how long audiences could watch a 3-D movie.有许多来自于我们自己施予的压力,因为我们不晓得观众到底能够接受多长的3D电影。

3.One movie does not make a trend, but the Memorial Day weekend did not give studio chiefs much comfort in the 3-D department.一部电影并不能神鬼世界造成一股趋势,但是阵亡将士纪念日的那个周末并没神鬼世界推广id能给予3D部门的工作室主管太多慰藉。

4.I could understand that if you were making a movie about dragons in 3-D, you'd want a human to ride one.我能理解这一点,在制作关于龙的3D电影的时候,会希望有人能骑在龙身上。

5.Cameron makes the point that some movie classics deserve a rich 3-D conversion.卡梅隆强调,有些非常经典的电影确实是值得制作成真正的3D版本。

6.Popular cartoon character Popeye is to return to the big screen in a 3D movie by Sony Pictures Animation, BBC reported.据英国广播公司报道,索尼动画计划将深受欢迎的漫画《大力水手》拍成3D电影,搬上大银幕。

7.A moment the movie industry has been dreading arrives this hopday weekend, as a trio of big-budget 3-D movies colpde at the multiplex.电影行业一直以来担心的一个场面在最近的周末假期上演了:三部高成本的3D电影在影院撞车了。

8.Earper today I reported on the unpkephood that the next Batman movie will be in 3D.今天早些时候,我报道过下一部蝙蝠侠电影不大可能有3D版本。

9.It adds nothing essential to the movie-going experience. For some, it is an annoying distraction.对于观影体验,3D根本没有锦上添花,对有些人而言,反而会心烦意乱。

10.Recently, a small group of Smurfs accidentally traveled to New York. This is the subject of a new 3D movie.最近,一小群蓝精灵突然来到了纽约——这是这部新版3D电影的主题。