

amnesty:[英 [ˈæmnəsti] 美 [ˈæmnɪsti] ]


过去式:amnestied;   过去分词:amnestied;   现在分词:amnestying;   复数形式:amnesties;

amnesty 基本解释


及物动词赦免; 对…实行大赦

amnesty 相关例句


1. The political exiles returned home under an amnesty.


2. amnesty什么意思

2. Some political criminals were favoured with amnesty.


amnesty 网络解释

1. 大赦:移民法中的大赦(AMNESTY)通常是指通过新修订的移民法案,允许符合一定条件的非法移民在缴交一定的罚款或满足其他条件后获得合法的身份. 对于许多非法滞留的移民来说,大赦可能是他们最佳的、甚至唯一的希望. 对于年内是否可能有大赦法案通过的问题,

2. 特赦,恩赦:9.amity: 友好关系,亲善 | a treaty of amity: 友好条约 | 10.amnesty: 特赦,恩赦

3. (尤指对反政府政治犯的)特赦:liberty 随意, 冒失, | amnesty (尤指对反政府政治犯的)特赦 | animosity 仇恨, 憎恶

amnesty 双语例句


1. But after hundreds of years, to the early sixteenth century, the church's internal corruption once again serious, most of which is that most people accused of betraying the amnesty (Indulgences, also known as the Yom Kippur coupon) to plunder public wealth, and to levy heavy taxes on the sale of teaching, etc.


2. Amnesty, pardon or commutation of the sentence of death may be granted in all cases.


3. In a bid to tempt more declarations, the amnesty does not require that taxpayers have any contact with tax officials, and payments can be made directly into a special Federal Tax Service bank account.


4. amnesty

4. I mean, you were here in'86, and Reagan offered the amnesty.


5. There is no amnesty today and there will not be any in the future.


6. Some of the most well-known include Oxfam, Amnesty International and Greenpeace.


7. amnesty

7. And we need to resolve the status of the illegal immigrants who are already in our country- without animosity and without amnesty.


8. In addition, Hollywood stars and moguls fully support these amnesty groups as well as the Dhali Lama and Free Tibet organizations.


9. And Britain has done it too, albeit modestly. Between 1998 and 1999, domestic workers who had broken their visa restrictions were offered the chance to come clean without penalty. And in 2003 the Home Office announced an amnesty for 15, 000 asylum-seeking families who had been the victim of an unusually long backlog in processing 5 applications.

英国也做过同样的事情,尽管幅度较小。1998 至 1999 年,超过签证期限仍逗留在英国的工作者得到了一个机会重新申请签证,也不必付罚金。2003 年,英国内务部又宣布对 15,000 户受冗长的申请过程拖累的申请避难的外国家庭给予大赦。

10. amnesty的翻译

10. Amnesty International says it is outraged by the hanging.


11. Unable to defeat her, the Chinese government offered her amnesty.


12. Long-lived is sensitive wants to offer amnesty to me, but I am not willing to accept under his Beishan Mountains the villain group's rule.



13. House critics maintain the Senate plan grants amnesty to those who have broken U. S.


14. Only offering amnesty to these bandits would not work.


15. Accepts offers amnesty is not someone decision, but is all insurrectionary armys political plan, mainly is because the troops fighting in a good cause interior varying degree has loyal Mr. the thought, at the same time, under the specific historical condition, the royal government offered amnesty the policy to become the external reason which offered amnesty.


16. Now, a report form International looks at the struggles of poor women live with H. I. V. in South Africa.



17. He also called for an end to conflict and a general amnesty.


18. They except ed him from the general amnesty.


19. They excepted him from the general amnesty.


20. The Quraysh offer to surrender was accepted with a promise of general amnesty, and hardly any fighting occurred.


amnesty 词典解释

1. 赦免;大赦

An amnesty is an official pardon granted to a group of prisoners by the state.

e.g. Activists who were involved in crimes of violence will not automatically be granted amnesty.


2. 赦免期限(此期间交代罪行或交出武器可获赦免)

An amnesty is a period of time during which people can admit to a crime or give up weapons without being punished.

e.g. The government has announced an immediate amnesty for rebel fighters.


amnesty 单语例句

1. Amnesty International has called the facility " the gulag of our time, " a characterization that both Bush and Rumsfeld dismissed.

2. " Guest worker programs and gradual amnesty provide cover for terrorists, " he said.

3. Amnesty International Australia said Nguyen's case had prompted renewed debate about the death penalty, abolished here in 1985.

4. Human rights groups including Amnesty International contend Singapore applies defamation laws selectively to silence criticism.

5. Amnesty says it has been documenting " patterns of torture " by coalition troops in Iraq for more than a year.

6. The latest Amnesty International report on the DRC details a litany of mass rapes and extrajudicial killings.

7. Ethiopia yesterday rejected accusations by Amnesty International that its soldiers killed 21 people at a Somali mosque as " lies " and " propaganda ".

8. A report in Britain's Financial Times on Wednesday said the White House is now pressuring Iraqi authorities to give amnesty to Sunni insurgents.

9. Rights group Amnesty International said last week the rules " flout international human rights law and standards ".

10. Indonesia has already freed hundreds of GAM prisoners under a sweeping amnesty.

amnesty 英英释义


1. the formal act of liberating someone

Synonym: pardonfree pardon

2. a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense

Synonym: pardon

3. a period during which offenders are exempt from punishment


1. grant a pardon to (a group of people)