

grievous:[英 [ˈgri:vəs] 美 [ˈɡrivəs] ]


grievous 基本解释

形容词令人伤心或痛苦的; (指坏事)剧烈的,严重的; 悲哀

grievous 同义词



grievous 反义词



grievous 相关例句


1. Wasting food when people are starving is a grievous wrong.



2. She has made a grievous mistake.


grievous 网络解释

1. 悲切切:boiling hot 热腾腾 | grievous 悲切切 | an obscene picture 春宫

2. 痛苦的:grieve 悲痛 | grievous 痛苦的 | griffe 黑白混血儿

3. 悲伤的:grieve 伤心 | grievous 悲伤的 | grim 冷酷的

4. 令人悲痛的,极严重的;难忍受的:glum []闷闷不乐的;忧郁的 | grievous []令人悲痛的,极严重的;难忍受的 | melancholy []忧郁的,郁闷的

grievous 双语例句

1. grievous

1. But all this leverage came at a grievous cost to its bottom line.



2. Sometimes it stems from the fear that an inherited fortune would tempt the children into extravagance and luxury—a grievous sin, considering the blood and tears it took to make.


3. He got grievous bodily Harm in the rearmost play.


4. One of three randomly selected environmental themes appears each time you watch: either fiery Mustafar, with its lava rivers and heat-blasted industrial facility; Utapau, base of operations for the wicked General Grievous; or Coruscant, with the showdown between Emperor Palpatine and Yoda in the Senate being a featured scene.


5. Whenever we have committed a grievous sin, we must first go to confession before we can receive Holy Communion.


6. grievous的解释

6. It's a way of introducing Grievous the way Vader was introduced to us, when he strangles that Rebel officer. You know he's a bad guy.


7. He sees and understands that their death is grievous, and so he forgives them all the more.


8. grievous的翻译

8. They are all grievous revolters, walking with slanders: they are bra and iro they are all corrupters.

6:28 他们都是极悖逆的,往来谗谤人。他们是铜是铁,都行坏事。

9. There is no healing of your bruise; your wound is grievous: all that hear the bruit of you shall clap the hands over you: for upon whom has not your wickedness passed continually?

019 你的损伤无法医治;你的伤痕极其重大。凡听你信息的必都因此向你拍掌。你所行的恶谁没有时常遭遇呢?

10. It is a grievous affair to my poor girl s, you must confess.


11. Let no man seek [770] Henceforth to be foretold what shall befall Him or his Childern, evil he may be sure, Which neither his foreknowing can prevent, And hee the future evil shall no less In apprehension then in substance feel [775] Grievous to bear: but that care now is past, Man is not whom to warne: those few escapt Famin and anguish will at last consume Wandring that watrie Desert: I had hope When violence was ceas't, and Warr on Earth, [780] All would have then gon well, peace would have crownd With length of happy dayes the race of man; But I was farr deceav'd; for now I see Peace to corrupt no less then Warr to waste.


12. He's in the hands of General Grievous.


13. Clinton`s ease with his black audience, their almost giddy affection for him, spoke of reconciliation, of forgiveness, a partial mending of the past`s grievous wounds.


14. grievous

14. A powered quarterstaff wielded by General Grievous and his bodyguard droids, the electrostaff is an impenetrable pole-arm charged with lethal energy.


15. Precisely because of these associations, the sin of its people is the more grievous.



16. He boar of Totnes shall succeed the Giant and will oppress the people with grievous tyranny.


17. The matter of fact that chinese people had been accept grievous pain from invasions and wars in the period of chinese modern history make us feel how precious freedom and peace are.


18. Misspending or pocketing internationl aid when people are starving is a grievous wrong.


19. grievous的解释

19. The article makes clear that China`s attitude towards this part of history is well known: the Japanese aggression caused grievous harm to the Chinese people, and to the Japanese as well.


20. When Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on Utapau to search out General Grievous, he made contact with Port Administrator Tion Medon. Despite being watched by Separatists overseers, Medon surreptitiously informed Kenobi that the planet was under siege and that Grievous was indeed hiding there. Kenobi returned the covert favor by tipping Medon off about the incoming Republic task force that would liberate the planet.


grievous 词典解释

1. 极其严重的;令人担忧的

If you describe something such as a loss as grievous, you mean that it is extremely serious or worrying in its effects.

e.g. Their loss would be a grievous blow to our engineering industries...


e.g. Mr Morris said the victims had suffered from a very grievous mistake.



Birds, sea-life and the coastline all suffered grievously.


2. 剧烈的;极痛苦的;疼痛难耐的

A grievous injury to your body is one that causes you great pain and suffering.

e.g. He survived in spite of suffering grievous injuries.



Nelson Piquet, three times world champion, was grievously injured.

三度获得世界冠军的尼尔森·皮奎特受了重伤。grievous 单语例句grievous什么意思

1. " This administration has made a grievous error in the laxity of command control, " Kerry told the Fox News Channel.

2. The International Criminal Court is rightly investigating the crimes committed against civilians and the grievous violations of international law.

3. CCTV confirmed Luo's death on Monday to many netizens'disbelief at the grievous news.

4. Du is grievous and indignant when she learns of Li's betrayal.

5. We expressed our faith and confidence that the resilient and brave people of China will overcome this grievous loss.

6. Their lawyer sought more compensation, saying loss of homes is a grievous infringement of one's rights.

7. But worldwide inflation is due to grievous overfishing of the exhausted sturgeon.

8. The newspaper says Ong was arrested and charged with two counts of causing grievous hurt.

9. Designing a power transfer without handing over full state power - again without UN blessing - will be equally grievous.

10. He is being held on counts of attempting to pervert the course of justice and grievous bodily harm.

grievous 英英释义


1. causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm

e.g. a dangerous operation

a grave situation

a grave illness

grievous bodily harm

a serious wound

a serious turn of events

a severe case of pneumonia

a life-threatening disease

Synonym: dangerousgraveseriousseverelife-threatening

2. shockingly brutal or cruel

e.g. murder is an atrocious crime

a grievous offense against morality

a grievous crime

no excess was too monstrous for them to commit

Synonym: atrociousflagitiousmonstrous

3. of great gravity or crucial import

requiring serious thought

e.g. grave responsibilities

faced a grave decision in a time of crisis

a grievous fault

heavy matters of state

the weighty matters to be discussed at the peace conference

Synonym: graveheavyweighty

4. causing or marked by grief or anguish

e.g. a grievous loss

a grievous cry

her sigh was heartbreaking

the heartrending words of Rabin's granddaughter

Synonym: heartbreakingheartrending