

pottery:[英 [ˈpɒtəri] 美 [ˈpɑ:təri] ]



pottery 基本解释

名词陶器; 陶器厂[作坊]; 陶器类; 陶器制造(术)


pottery 网络解释

1. 陶器:陶磁器物质例如磁砖(Tiles)、陶器(Pottery)等,经常包含浓缩的天然放射性物质,如铀(Uranium)、钍(Thorium)及钾(Potassium),在许多情况是在加釉(Glaze)过程而将放射活度浓缩了,大部份的陶磁器其辐射量测值几乎与背景值相同,


2. 陶藝:西安美术学院特教学院学生夏荣虎、刘珍分别代表中国参加了陶艺(Pottery)和水彩绘画(Painting)的竞赛赛事,同时我国还派出四名裁判(见图2)分别负责担任此次竞赛中裁判工作和其他参赛选手的翻译工作(见图3-1、3-2).

3. 陶:陶瓷艺术( Ceramics, ) 是中国的独特的,民族的,和具有国际影响的,陶(Pottery)和瓷(Porcelain)是两种工艺产品. 同世界上一切古老文明一样,中国早在新石器时期(大约在公元前20000年),就开始出现了陶器,包括黑陶,彩陶等等;

pottery 双语例句

1. The deception is complicated by the fact that Ross buys an identical table from Pottery Barn.


2. pottery的意思

2. The colours were dry and burnt, like the colours in pottery.


3. Among the artifacts, were ceramic pottery, glass flasks, and a soup-plate-sized glass bowl of millefiori design.


4. pottery什么意思

4. This week my pottery is interrupted and I don't know when I can resume.


5. A: Yes, madam. As far as I know, ceramics can be classified into two categories: one is porcelain which includes celadon, white porcelain, egg-shell porcelain, crackle ware, etc., and the other is pottery, including painted pottery, glazed pottery, brown earth, etc.


6. He went to Liangdang area of Gansu to create pottery for three times, established Lanzhou Special Art Institute, and also established Oriental Art Salon at same time. He exchanged with other people with drinking wines and discussed art. His home and salon became gathering places for young people longing for arts from Lanzhou and the whole nation.


7. pottery的意思

7. There are six well-known Museum (County Museum, Museum of General Yang Hucheng, Ong Teng Memorial, Lin Hall, not to screen the library, being Miriam Lee Memorial five hills (Bridge, King, light, the constitution, Hui Ling), four-tower (North and South Twin Towers, the twin-generation), three villages (Ping Lu Temple Spa Resort, the village in Shanxi Province in the Ming Dynasty castle, the castle in the Qing Dynasty pottery mare), two Monument (Monument, General Hui-Yun, Gao Lishi Shinto monument), a hospital examination in Qing Dynasty House


8. pottery在线翻译

8. The pottery, porcelain products to all have.


9. Borax or tincal: Sodium tetraborate decahydrate Na2B4O5(OH4 H2O, a soft, light, colourless crystalline mineral used as a component of glass and pottery glaze s in the ceramics industry, as a solvent for metal-oxide slags in metallurgy, as a flux in welding and soldering, and as a fertilizer additive, a soap supplement, a disinfectant, a mouthwash, and a water softener.


10. When the unfinished pottery, set in molds, was placed inside the houses, the pits were filled with burning coal, the door sealed and the pottery left to cook for a couple of days.


11. Most of them are fine sand and grit pottery, with very few clay pots. The Firing temperature is not high, with thin walls and uniformed shape.


12. In wire and cable industry, when used to treat EPDM system stuffed by pottery clay and crosslinked by peroxide, it can improve consumption factor and specific inductance captance.


13. Product uses: household ceramics, art pottery, ceramics and other gifts.


14. The face has a friendship, I choose to cherish as if they lotus fragrance to transformation of pottery with me, suffering heavy linger in my way around.


15. pottery的反义词

15. The bronze warrior and horses are similar to the Qin pottery army, but have their own features and details.


16. The colors of pottery from the Warring States Periods were grey, red, dull brown or black.


17. In order to preserve their sacred records from the Romans and other profane groups, the Essenes hid such records in caves and crypts, and inside pottery jars especially made for this purpose.


18. The grey pottery of Xia dynasty is bountiful in the modeling. Massive utensils in cooking, eating, storing and drinking have both practical function and esthetic value, and they match harmoniously, bring out the best in each other, which realized the ancients` conscious esthetic pursue. The decorative design in a utensil is mainly rope-like decoration, basket-like decoration and attached heaped decoration, mixed some extremely rich imagination about the animal-like decoration, and even the rich rational and spiritual writing symbol, which strengthen the deeper esthetic feeling of earthenware.


19. KAOGONGJI (The Artificers'Record) is the earliest handicraft work of China, which notes six kinds skill and thirty types of work includes processing of wood, metal, peel, color, pottery, and polishing.


20. The first-class pottery specialists repeatedly work on the process, modeling and kilning.


pottery 词典解释

1. 陶器;陶瓷器皿

You can use pottery to refer to pots, dishes, and other objects which are made from clay and then baked in an oven until they are hard.

2. 陶土;黏土

You can use pottery to refer to the hard clay that some pots, dishes, and other objects are made of.

e.g. Some bowls were made of pottery and wood.


3. 制陶手艺;陶艺;陶瓷制造

Pottery is the craft or activity of making objects out of clay.


4. 陶器工厂;陶器作坊;陶窑

A pottery is a factory or other place where pottery is made.

pottery 单语例句

1. After investigation, authorities found the 310 pieces of celadon pottery were cultural relics worthy of study.

2. Liu Yuanchang's workshop, the Pottery Workshop and Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute are the most famous ones.

3. Some other proposals to recycle dredged sediments such as in the manufacture of pottery, ceramic tile and as fill material were also proved to be technically feasible.

4. The graduate from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts often studies traditional Chinese medicine, reads classic Chinese novels and appreciates Chinese pottery and ceramics.

5. He adds that the dancers'hairstyles and choreography are derived from ancient Chinese pottery figurines and paintings.

6. Dishes arrived in seemingly ancient pottery and were brought in by beautiful waitresses clad in traditional gowns.

7. The coloured pottery objects bear beautiful designs of animals and plants and geometric figures.

8. More than thirty coloured pottery figurines have been unearthed from the tomb.

9. Ancient Chinese ornaments contrast with typical traditional Chilean pottery in his cupboard.

10. Archaeologists have unearthed relics such as bricks with decorative designs, tiles and tools used in making pottery from the kilns.

pottery的翻译pottery 英英释义


1. the craft of making earthenware

2. ceramic ware made from clay and baked in a kiln

Synonym: clayware

3. a workshop where clayware is made