

instructive:[英 [ɪnˈstrʌktɪv] 美 [ɪnˈstrʌktɪv] ]


instructive 基本解释

形容词有益的; 教育性的

副词有益地; 有教益地

名词教育; 指导性

instructive 相关例句


1. instructive

1. A trip around the world is an instructive experience.


2. The lecture was instructive and interesting.


instructive 网络解释

1. instructive在线翻译

1. 有教育意义的:BiU刚在电视上看了一部令人发笑的电影,显得很愉快. 这部电影讲的是一个马大哈到处闯祸的故事. Bill喜欢这部片子,Jalle却喜欢看那些不仅有趣,而且有教育意义的(instructive)节目. Bill认为有时人们需要轻松...

2. 智力的:insalubrious 有教育意义的 | instructive 智力的 | intellectual 中间的;过渡的


3. 有启发性的:33.an essence of immortality 永恒的精髓 | 34.instructive 有启发性的 | 35.edification 熏陶

4. 有益的:instructional 指导的 | instructive 有益的 | instructively 教育地

instructive 双语例句

1. The cross-talk, I think, was both interesting and instructive.


2. E. g.: The cross-talk, I think, was both interesting and instructive.·e. g.: What on earth are you fussing about? ·e. g.: How long did she say she would stay here?


3. Rather, it is in their very raggedness and incompleteness and frustratingness that they become powerfully instructive.


4. The differences between the Roman law at this epoch, when we obtain our last glimpse of the sacra, and the existing Hindoo system, are most instructive.


5. instructive的解释

5. Political legitimacy based on instructive ideology, effective governance, political process complying with rational rules and the public satisfied with the political system.


6. Through a long-term observation and study, I find out that the problems included are: educators, including instructive leaders, tutors, and parents don`t have very high diathesis of antilogy and polity


7. The thesis also argued that it is instructive for nation state to reshape and adjust itself under the pressure of globalization since the weakening of state sovereignty is not essential or cardinal.


8. The study will be instructive to develop the...


9. instructive什么意思

9. It is instructive to examine some ways in which a video port connects in multimedia systems, to show how the system as a whole is interdependent on each component flow.


10. At the same time, the method to analysis the steering linkage isgreatly instructive to usage and repair.



11. Southwest cold region lies to the southwest altiplano, feature largely in its climite, geopraphy, society environment. Study of the special range environment art mode in most behindhand region will redound to popularize region technic in low cost technology mode, as far as create region environment in new period and protect, extend local scene schemely and prevent of tradition environment from destroying by blindfold instructive.


12. Sometimes my parents take me to visit our relatives. Sometimes we go swimming or go dancing and sometimes I go to read some instructive books.


13. It is instructive to read these books together.


14. The English rule of knowledge and approval has been considered most recently by the House of Lords in Wintle v Nye. The headnote in the report is instructive because it suggests two significant features of the rule:(1) That there are circumstances, e. g., a professional relationship, in which English law places an exceptionally heavy burden on a party to establish knowledge and approval; (2) In cases where the burden is imposed the court is to be vigilant and jealous in scrutinising all the circumstances.

上议院考虑知情和同意这些英国规则最近一次是在 Wintle v Nye 一案,汇报上的提要很有启发性,因为它提出了该规则的两个重要特征:(1)在某些情况下,如涉及专业关系而要证明知情和同意,英国法律要求其中一方履行的责任额外沉重;(2)凡案中某方负有证明知情和同意这个责任,法庭就得提高警觉,不厌烦琐仔细检查所有情节。

15. instructive的近义词

15. It's instructive to take a look at our demographic characteristics and numbers.


16. You Know, Cotillions Really Are Instructive.


17. You know, cotillions really are instructive.


18. instructive

18. The research progress and solution to the problems of the Company is also instructive to the other press machine manufacturing enterprises.


19. instructive

19. In other words, the result of the finance and tax legal studies has important instructive meaning to the practice.


20. The second was instructive, demonstrating the incorrectness of the arguments in the first.


instructive 词典解释

1. 增进知识的;有教育意义的;有启发性的

Something that is instructive gives useful information.

e.g. It's instructive to compare his technique with Alan Bennett's.


e.g. ...an entertaining and instructive documentary.


instructive 单语例句instructive

1. Like the Mongolian herdsmen in the book who call the wolf their teacher, modern business executives say the animal's hunting technique is very instructive.

2. His enlightening lectures concerning agricultural development and rural area progress gave instructive guidance to all the attendees.

3. Children love to visit this museum because it is both fun and instructive, and are instantly drawn in to interact with the numerous interactive games and experiments.

4. " All the athletes think that the lessons are very useful and instructive, " Feng said.

5. Two recent PEW polls reflecting perceptions about the US and China are instructive examples of how people can perceive and misperceive one another.

6. It also called for the construction of cultural activity venues and more instructive cultural products for children.

7. It called for the construction of cultural activity venues and more instructive cultural products for children.

8. And the Massachusetts senator thinks that's instructive for both Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain during the final month of their campaign.

9. It would be instructive for Chinese couples to try trading places, with each assuming the other's duties.

10. He said the experience was instructive for Sichuan province, an important tourist destination on the mainland.

instructive 英英释义


1. serving to instruct or enlighten or inform

Synonym: informative