

shrug:[英 [ʃrʌg] 美 [ʃrʌɡ] ]


过去式:shrugged;   过去分词:shrugged;   现在分词:shrugging;   复数形式:shrugs;

shrug 基本解释



名词耸肩; 女式短茄克衫或前开襟毛线衫

shrug 相关词组


1. shrug off : 摆脱;

shrug 相关例句


1. He shrugged his low opinion of the occupant of the room.



1. He shrugged at my suggestion.



1. With a shrug, he went out of the room.


shrug 网络解释

1. 耸肩:这种由于前半程划水与蛙泳类似, 所以入水相对肩而言窄些, 以便增加划水长度, 也有力于滑行, 适合长距离, 慢节奏.[弹臂]与耸肩(Shrug)是一连贯动作, 它在四种泳姿中都有要求, 其功能特点相似, 只是程度不同, 以蝶泳最为明显.

2. 肩:这种由于前半程划水与蛙泳类似, 所以入水相对肩而言窄些, 以便增加划水长度, 也有力于滑行, 适合长距离, 慢节奏.[弹臂]与耸肩(Shrug)是一连贯动作, 它在四种泳姿中都有要求, 其功能特点相似, 只是程度不同, 以蝶泳最为明显.

3. shrug的意思

3. 你聳聳肩,一臉無奈的表情:shake 你摇摇你的头. | shrug 你耸耸肩,一脸无奈的表情. | sigh 你深深地叹了一口气.

4. 短套领衫:shrubalthea flower 木槿花 | shrug 短套领衫 | shrunk finish fabric 预缩整理织物

shrug 双语例句

1. shrug的反义词

1. But most companies will be able to shrug off the credit squeeze.


2. I'd shrug my shoulders, and I'd say whatevs You said, Who are you?


3. The wings are made of Noryl, a flexible plastic which has the capacity to revert to its initial form and therefore shrug off minor knocks.


4. And sometimes there's no option, other than to shrug your shoulders and give up.


5. This implied meaning is real daydream, the hope can earn the world stationmaster to laugh, shrug, it is a brand-new day the following day, let us be together on Internet daydream!



6. Shrug one`s activities in three ways: First, repeated a shoulder high-rise, a drop shoulder; second shoulders upward at the same time provocative; third on the shoulders look forward after a spin around the neck.


7. Wielding the billhook allows Heavy Billmen to hack, stab and chop if needed and being encased in anything from half to three quarter plate armour means they can shrug off considerable damage.


8. They must not be very hungry, I thought with a shrug, and continued my feast.



9. Adam, you know how I feel about the shrug.


10. I shrug my shoulders when people tell me that their first impressions of a person are always right.


11. New bought a one likes to books, paper-based is kind of the Special is important to keep them lightly pico yellowed's original health certificate is the disguise of dictionary on a leash, and the light-blue hardware binders, is a share greatly windows the bedroom, blue-the floret shrug it off on a wooden the old on the floor, , streak 兰 masked whip up kicks exposed below a pure-white bed-linen, Pan Hu Hu the two big pillows rely on together, on one of the walls arbitrarily hung simple Photo Frame, the visibility of window, to clean the weather, the bluer sky and white-yun, the Green tree, there in sight for the garbageman Rope 松松, scattered and, scattered and Da Zhe the clothing, a pair of Silver SHOES IN, slender shoelace Shuan-in Rope, Feng Er Qingbai......


12. You shrug and it's the worst, who truly stuck the knife in first?


13. I talk to her, but she don't answer me, just give me a shrug.


14. The reason of generating such feeling comes from the natural on one hand and comes from the society on the other hand. The force of nature makes the human being feel their tininess and shrug again. While, the social war is man-made, they can be avoided, but they are happening.


15. Ask hardworking voters to sacrifice in the name of the snail darter, and, if they are feeling polite, they will give you a shrug.


16. shrug

16. Chandler tries to shrug nonchalantly but eventually he has to exhale a mouthful of smoke.


17. They have to shrug it off and be ready for the next play.



18. You shrug it off and go eat by yourself.


19. Instead, we are embarrassed and shrug off the words we are really so glad to hear.


20. shrug的翻译

20. Show the person you're dealing with that you're happy to shrug off upsets and start again and you could be surprised at the reaction you get.


shrug 词典解释

1. 耸肩(表示不感兴趣、不知道或不在乎)

If you shrug, you raise your shoulders to show that you are not interested in something or that you do not know or care about something.

e.g. I shrugged, as if to say, 'Why not?'...


e.g. The man shrugged his shoulders.


相关词组:shrug off

shrug 单语例句

1. It's not uncommon for people to initially shrug off chest pain as indigestion.

2. They also hope the derivative will help China shrug off domination by the Singapore market and establish its own pricing system for fuel oil products.

3. " It's not a piece of art that people are going to shrug off, " Hultin said.

4. The CBRC official suggested measures be taken to diversify financing channels for the real estate industry to shrug off heavy reliance on bank loans.

5. Some analysts said traders might shrug off the news unless they see more definitive signs of a supply disruption.

6. The irony was that McLaren started the season determined to shrug off its grey, aloof image and replace it with something livelier.

7. The irony was that McLaren started the season determined to shrug off their grey, aloof image and replace it with something livelier.

8. The market has managed to shrug off some negative data on employment recently such as initial claims for jobless benefits.

9. After working as a professional MC for more than eight years, she can finally shrug off her past struggles.

10. The medical authorities ought to respect science and experts and not shrug off views from outside the government.

shrug 英英释义


1. a gesture involving the shoulders


1. raise one's shoulders to indicate indifference or resignation