
bring up是什么意思_bring up用法和例句

bring up:[英 [briŋ ʌp] 美 [brɪŋ ʌp] ]

bring up是什么意思

bring up 基本解释

提出; 养育; 谈到; 呕出

bring up 情景对话


A:The next thing Id like to bring up for discussion is packing.

- 下面我想就包装问题讨论一下。

bring up什么意思

B:Please state your opinions about packing.


A:All right. We wish our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers.


bring up 网络解释

1. bring up

1. 教育,培养:bring on 引起,导致,使前进 | bring up 教育,培养 | build up 逐步建立

2. 教养,养育;提出:bring to 使恢复知觉 | bring up 教养,养育;提出 | build up 逐渐积聚,集结;逐步建立;增进,增强

bring up 双语例句

1. bring up的意思

1. Finally the paper gives suggestions on how to bring up and improve the company s independent innovation capacity.


2. The injection of outside capital to Xi`an, the real estate market to provide fresh blood for the city`s economic development a good opportunity to bring real estate development in the form of new products, management models, architectural elements and real estate development follow-up service, but also to the local developer has posed a serious challenge, outside the capital, like an invisible hand, the effective birth of the standardization of the operation of the real estate market and thus the survival of the fittest.


3. Can give the flow that you bring brushstroke not to go up again.


4. Don't bring up the subject of hair with Mr.



5. Bring up the policy suggestion for the reform of vocational education and bring up the concrete measure that solve problem for vocational school, to make our country the vocational-technical education on the continuant developments road.


6. He then said, " Bring me the holocaust and peace offerings, " and he offered up the holocaust.



7. This paper atudles two lmpartaut proLlems in the`epaitiug of the cracks on high presauare ateam turbine casings by means of electric are welding, namuly, the preheating of the workiece before welding and the aubsequent heat treatment, and also introduces the correspunding methods adopted:(1)Using induction heating method to bring the temperature of the work piece to the desired vaules without producing residual deformation, (2)By measn of follow-up tempering on the welded beade, not only to keep the mechanieal p...


8. This paper atudles two lmpartaut proLlems in the`epaitiug of the cracks on high presauare ateam turbine casings by means of electric are welding, namuly, the preheating of the workiece before welding and the aubsequent heat treatment, and also introduces the correspunding methods adopted:(1)Using induction heat ing method to bring the temperature of the work piece to the desired vaules without producing residual deformation, (2)By measn of follow-up tempering on the welded beade, not only to keep the...


9. Ringmaster Rick rose to success with his children s show, Circus Town, by making a deal with a demon to bring his marionette, Charlie Chowderhead, to life As tends to happen when people make a deal with an evil specter, Rick mysteriously turns up dead.


10. Germ depends on, ability of child make a clear distinction between right and wrong is poor, lack controls oneself; Educational means is drab, learning environment is as dry as a chip and drab; Guide be short of break, grooming besides study and specialty still is these, and recreational activities of the other in the life little, and the recreational place spending of and so on of such as cinema is high, your child too far behind to catch up with, bring about the child to feel the life lacks colour very, produce repugn tired thereby, it is inimical behavior even.


11. Placing a landmark near commercial zones helps businesses grow. The quickest way to determine the reason for your current desirability level is to query the buildings in the area. Using the Query tool, either hover over a building to get a quick glimpse of the most important information, or click on the building to bring up a dialog with detailed information.


12. Mine said Cardiff had seen, so you go to the mine to investigate and take the village to speak before and can get 20 minerals, out of the village, the female protagonist to a wing talisman, talismanic role is to bring to the protagonist have been filed, and that is unlimited, and这下可to fly around you, ha ha, now get to go watch the Cliff mine, the use of magic to be flying after the wind pocket watch, and then to the lower-left corner of the village houses and the old lady to speak to him to watch Baozhu can be jack-o'-lantern is a light bulb, and then flew to the mine Charm wing former warehouse, go right of the door, the door has been opened mine husband, and here好黑ah, who you to turn on the light, no wrong equipment Baozhu jack-o'-lantern, you light to enter, which has been left in the end go, and then enter the Shihmen been the mission of the stone, POWER UP Institute of Erlian jump, cool!!

矿夫说看见过,于是就去矿场调查啦,走之前和村长说话,可得二十个矿石,出村庄后,女主角给了主角一个翼护符,护符的作用是把主角带到去过的存档处,而且是无限次的,这下可以到处飞啦,哈哈,现在先去矿场拿怀表的断崖处,用飞后风魔法得到怀表,然后到村庄最左下角的房子和老太太说话把怀表给他可以得到鬼火宝珠,就是灯泡一个,然后用翼护符飞到矿场的仓库前,走右上的门,矿夫把门已经打开了,这里好黑啊,谁把灯打开呀,没错,装备鬼火宝珠,亮啦,进入后,一直往左走到底,然后进入石门,得到使命石板,POWER UP学会二连跳,爽!!

13. She helped arrange a bellhop to bring my big heavy suitcase up to my room.


14. Therefore, the deep analysis the reason of the indentation formation of endowment insurance funds, and bring up a policy sugg...


15. Get ready, bring your lightboard and light up the Taipei arena and make this night a memorable one for all of us yeah!!!


16. Think up one name for your team, tailor the guidon and song of your team, bring forward one catchword


17. You don't know how to bring the salmon back up adead stream.


18. Folding is to bring you to swallow the bait only, 1 fold provincial representative, 2 fold shopkeeper, do not believe the sky can drop pasty please, once you swallow the bait, they are to changing pattern will to you carry out gather up leather policy.


19. I promise to treat your child as myself, and to bring them up.


20. Whatever you do, don`t bring up the subject of politics at the party.


bring up 词典解释

1. 养育;抚养;养大

When someone brings up a child, they look after it until it is an adult. If someone has been brought up in a certain place or with certain attitudes, they grew up in that place or were taught those attitudes when they were growing up.

bring up的意思

e.g. She brought up four children...


e.g. His grandmother and his father brought him up...


bring up 单语例句

1. Syria has set up an inquiry committee to probe the circumstances of the carnage to bring the assailants into trial.

2. Syria has set up an inquiry committee to probe the circumstances of the carnage to bring the assailants to trial.

3. Students who log on the teaching platform need only to click on the course and chapter to bring up the relevant video lesson.

4. This effort to bring into place another green economic policy is a clear evidence of Chinese policymakers'resolution to step up environmental protection.

5. Be careful not to bring the marshmallows too close or they will flare up and melt.

6. The Bush administration opposes the bill and Senate Democrats plan to bring up a more comprehensive bill that could complicate its prospects.

7. But if these are areas where fraudulent claims commonly pop up, what are some of the ways to bring light to the dark corners?

8. But Chinese leaders are determined that past successes do not bring about any let up or lead to complacency.

9. It was up to me to design classes that would bring them past the type of information and English they found in textbooks.

10. She suggested students bring their own containers to take meals so that meal suppliers have no need to do the wash up.

bring up是什么意思bring up 英英释义


1. cause to load (an operating system) and start the initial processes

e.g. boot your computer

Synonym: bootreboot

2. make reference to

e.g. His name was mentioned in connection with the invention

Synonym: mentionadvertcitenamerefer

3. put forward for consideration or discussion

e.g. raise the question of promotions

bring up an unpleasant topic

Synonym: raise

4. summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic

e.g. raise the specter of unemployment

he conjured wild birds in the air

call down the spirits from the mountain

Synonym: raiseconjureconjure upinvokeevokestircall downarouseput forwardcall forth

5. cause to come to a sudden stop

e.g. The noise brought her up in shock

6. raise from a lower to a higher position

e.g. Raise your hands

Lift a load

Synonym: raiseliftelevateget up

7. promote from a lower position or rank

e.g. This player was brought up to the major league

8. bring up

e.g. raise a family

bring up children

Synonym: rearraisenurtureparent