

dispute:[英 [dɪˈspju:t] 美 [dɪˈspjut] ]


过去式:disputed;   过去分词:disputed;   现在分词:disputing;   复数形式:disputes;

dispute 基本解释



及物动词就…进行争论,辩论; 对…的真实或有效进行争论,怀疑; 争夺,竞争; 抵抗,抵制

名词争端; 辩论; (劳资)纠纷; 罢工

不及物动词争执; 激烈争辩; 争吵; 吵架

dispute 同义词


dispute 反义词


dispute 相关词组


1. in dispute : 在争论中;

2. under dispute : 在争论中, 尚未解决;


dispute 相关例句


1. dispute的意思

1. They disputed the election results.


2. The soldiers disputed every inch of ground when the enemy attacked.


3. The two teams were disputing the cup.



1. dispute的意思

1. It is ridiculous to dispute about such things.



1. We had a dispute about how much money he owes me.


dispute 网络解释

1. 争论:日本学者千叶正士把纠纷的基本类型分为对争(contention) 、争论(dispute) 、竞争(competition) 、混争(disturbance) 、纠纷(conflict) 五种,其中纠纷是可涵盖前四种类型的对立形态[6].中国有学者把纠纷分为积极的纠纷和消极的纠纷,

2. 争执:如往更高层次就是争执(dispute)和诉讼(litigiousness). 法社会学在研究纠纷解决时,并不仅仅局限于人们在行动层面上表现出来的不和谐以及相冲突的纠纷,而是将纠纷概念的外延拓展到日常生活中人们在主观层面上的情绪和态度,

dispute 双语例句

1. This is the point in dispute of the question.


2. The point in dispute has nothing to do with politics.


3. Of principles to decide any given point in dispute?


4. Just how big a turning point in this dispute has this weekend violence been?


5. Basic principle in international law among them of: international point of dispute in pacific settlement principle.


6. dispute

6. Is argument begs the point in dispute.


7. It's not the man who gets the exact point in dispute, but he who shows his patience and good temper.


8. Any Dispute, which has not been resolved as provided above, shall, at the request of either party, be finally settled by arbitration under the Center for Public Resources Rules for Non-Administered Arbitration of Business Disputes in effect on the date of this Agreement, by an independent and impartial arbitrator.


9. dispute是什么意思

9. The Monophysitic reaction against the Council of Chalcedon in the sixth century first succeeded in bringing Theodore's person and writings under the ban of the ecclesiastical anathema through the ill-famed dispute of the Three Chapters.


10. Dispute Two strong men have a fight from bus to ground because of a seat.


11. Theone is the dispute between citizens, juridical persons and the administrativeorganization of social insurance, the other is the dispute between employees andemployers over performing the duty of contribution.


12. The union and the company their contract dispute.


13. His first bail hearing was cut short over a dispute concerning the legal status of one of his two foreign defense lawyers.


14. dispute的解释

14. People of this school spared all his life to dispute with Huishi about the said issues.


15. This chapter regarding the actual center dispute solution has the important model significance.


16. How to resolve this dispute has a direct bearing on the outcome of the case.


17. The schism occurred as a result of a second dispute over who should inherit the Imamate.


18. Don't let a little dispute break up a great friendshi


19. It means, the party has the right to choose the arbitral authority of the personnel to deal with, Shangqiu city intermediate people's court assert, can apply for to at that time civil servant personnel dispute whom personnel arbitrate assert it was very wrong dogmatic.


20. dispute在线翻译

20. Two, 爓 e could peg the resolution of the dispute over Arunachal to another long-standing Chinese demand, that of a free trade zone in the northeast comprising China's poorest province of Yunnan, Myamnar, Bangladesh and the eastern Indian state of Assam.?

其二,可以把阿鲁那恰尔的争议与另一个他们垂涎已久的问题绑在一起,那就是在东北部建立自由贸易区,以帮助云南的贫困地区,包括缅甸、孟加拉和印度东部的 Assam 邦。

dispute 词典解释

1. 争吵;吵闹

A dispute is an argument or disagreement between people or groups.


e.g. They have won previous pay disputes with the government...


e.g. Negotiators failed to resolve the bitter dispute between the European Community and the United States over cutting subsides to farmers.


2. 质疑(事实、声明或理论);对…表示异议

If you dispute a fact, statement, or theory, you say that it is incorrect or untrue.

e.g. He disputed the allegations...


e.g. Nobody disputed that Davey was clever...


3. 争夺

When people dispute something, they fight for control or ownership of it. You can also say that one group of people dispute something with another group.

e.g. Russia and Ukraine have been disputing the ownership of the fleet...


e.g. Fishermen from Bristol disputed fishing rights with the Danes.


4. 有争端;有分歧;有纠纷

If two or more people or groups are in dispute, they are arguing or disagreeing about something.

e.g. The two countries are in dispute over the boundaries of their coastal waters...


e.g. It is currently in dispute with the government over price fixing.


5. 在争论中;处于争议中

If something is in dispute, people are questioning it or arguing about it.

e.g. All those matters are in dispute and it is not for me to decide them.


Do not confuse dispute and argument. A dispute is a serious argument that can last for a long time. Disputes generally occurr between organizations, political parties, or countries. An argument is a disagreement between people who may or may not know each other.

不要混淆 dispute 和 argument。dispute 指可以持续很长时间的纷争,通常发生于组织、政党或国家之间。argument 指认识或不认识的人之间的争论。dispute 单语例句dispute是什么意思

1. That may be an impossible juggling act and raises a bigger question of how the government can fix the weaknesses the dispute has highlighted.

2. He emphasized the importance of open minded negotiations over the dispute, saying " nothing will be born if we only act on the basis of principles ".

3. The order by a Chicago federal court Tuesday prohibits Motorola from transferring any Huawei secrets pending resolution of the dispute.

4. " Industrial associations should be more active in dispute resolution by maximizing their unique advantages, " Du said.

5. China's foreign minister on Tuesday called on Iran to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency to settle the dispute over its nuclear program.

6. BEIJING - China on Monday called for " calmness and restraint " in resolving the oil dispute between Sudan and South Sudan.

7. China on Monday called for " calmness and restraint " in resolving the oil dispute between Sudan and South Sudan.

8. Liu believed the government does not want to cancel golden weeks, and this year's reform was a necessary response to the lingering dispute over the matter.

9. Mullin says the trade for Johnson can't be finalized until the owners'dispute is settled.

10. Nicaragua has been in a dispute with Honduras since 1999 over its territory in the Caribbean Sea.

dispute 英英释义



1. coming into conflict with

Synonym: contravention

2. a disagreement or argument about something important

e.g. he had a dispute with his wife

there were irreconcilable differences

the familiar conflict between Republicans and Democrats

Synonym: differencedifference of opinionconflict


1. have a disagreement over something

e.g. We quarreled over the question as to who discovered America

These two fellows are always scrapping over something

Synonym: quarrelscrapargufyaltercate

2. take exception to

e.g. She challenged his claims

Synonym: challengegainsay